adv., prep.
Cl, WA agayne
(adv.) 'in return'; (prep.) 'against, facing' (Modern English again)
PGmc Ancestor
Proposed ON Etymon (OIcel representative)
(í) gegn 'in opposition, against, in return'
(ONP gegn (1) (sb.))
Other Scandinavian Reflexes
Far ígen, Icel gegn, Dan igen, OSw gen
OE Cognate
on-gegn, on-gēan 'against'
Phonological and morphological markers
absence of palatalization of */ɡ/
Summary category
Spellings reliably representing /ɡ/ are rare in the South and West until c1400, but are normal in the Chaucer citations in MED and become increasingly frequent in southern texts in the fifteenth century; see also LALME dot map 220.
Occurrences in the Gersum Corpus
Gaw 384, 1638; Pe 28, 326, 1199, etc.; Cl 266, 826; WA 50, 82, 188, etc.
Used as a prefix in Cl 931 agayn-tote 'backward glance'. WA 636 agayn stande 'resist' is printed as one word by TPD.