v. (wk.)
Gaw past sg. atled; Cl pp. attled; WA pres. 1 sg. etill, ettillis, pres. 2 sg. etils, pres. 3 sg. etils, past sg. etild, past pl. ettild, pp. ettild, etlid, (attel(l)-).
'to intend; prepare; address' (Modern English ettle)
PGmc Ancestor
Proposed ON Etymon (OIcel representative)
ætla 'to think, intend'
(ONP ætla (vb.))
Other Scandinavian Reflexes
Far, Icel ætla, Norw etla, atla, Sw dial ättla, ässla
OE Cognate
eahtian, 'to estimate', 'consult about', 'consider'
Phonological and morphological markers
ON consonant cluster assimilation
Summary category
Recorded from the SWM and SEM in early ME, but thereafter predominantly a N/EM word especially used by alliterative poets; MnE dial Sc., Irel. and north of Lan.
Occurrences in the Gersum Corpus
Gaw 27, 2263; Cl 207; WA 15, 1157, 1819, etc.
At WA 2419, MS D reads <attellyd> and MS A reads <etill>.The A MS of WA reads adill þaim a mede at 3191 (see adill (v.)), where D reads attelland a mede. TPD (3319n) allow that the A MS reading 'could be correct', but note that the sense 'expecting' is otherwise unrecorded for attle and argue instead that the reading in D came about as an attempt to avoid the rare adill (v.).