Gaw aywhere, WA aiquare, (Dublin) aywhare
'everywhere' (Modern English aywhere)
PGmc Ancestor
the acc. sg. of *aiwaz
Proposed ON Etymon (OIcel representative)
ey, ei 'always, eternally, forever'
(ONP ei (2) (adv.), ey (4) (adv.))
Other Scandinavian Reflexes
Icel ei, e
OE Cognate
ǣghwǣr ‘everywhere’
Phonological and morphological markers
Summary category
Relatively infrequent after the 13c. (and some of MED’s early attestations straightforwardly continue OE ǣghwǣr, viz. c1175(?OE) Bod.Hom.(Bod 343) <æʒhwær>); later citations are predominantly N/EM.
Occurrences in the Gersum Corpus
Gaw 599, 629, 745, etc.; Cl 228, 965, 1403; WA 781*, 3408
Another instance is introduced at Gaw 660 by some editors attempting to make sense of MS <jquere> (thus Morris, M(G), TG ai quere, Jones aywhere), but Knott (1915: 105) raises doubts about the emendation, and the form has been dealt with in a range of other ways.