v. (pres. pl.)
Gaw arn, are; Pe ar, arn, arne; Cl arn; Pat arn; Erk are
'are' (Modern English are)
PGmc Ancestor
Proposed ON Etymon (OIcel representative)
cp. eru 'are'
(ONP vera (2) (vb.))
Other Scandinavian Reflexes
OE Cognate
Angl aron (WMerc earun etc.) 'are'; cp. WS, Angl sind, sindon
Phonological and morphological markers
Summary category
LALME dot maps 118–20 show <ar-> forms as widespread in late ME across the N, NM and EAngl, and that they also extend into the southern part of the Midlands; <er-> forms (dot maps 121–2) are by contrast predominantly a feature of the ‘Great Scandinavian Belt’ (see ere).
Occurrences in the Gersum Corpus
Gaw 207, 280, 1094, etc.; Pe 384, 402, 628 etc.; Cl 8, 15, 55, etc.; Pat 13, 15; Erk 164
On the distribution of forms of the pres. ind. pl. of ‘to be’ in the Gaw MS, see further Putter and Stokes 2007: 475. Morris inserts a further ar by emendation at Gaw 1510, but this was abandoned from MG onwards (see further Knott 1915: 103). Madden and Morris read Gaw 352 <haʒerer> as haʒer er, with er as a form of the pres. pl. of the v. ‘to be’, but this is corrected to a comp. form of the adj. haʒer by Maetzner and all subsequent editors.