Wars of Alexander
1 WHen folk ere festid & fed fayn wald þai here
2 Sum farand þing efter fode to fayn þare her[t],
3 Or þai ware fourmed on fold or þaire fadirs oþer.
4 Sum is leue to lythe þe lesing of Sayntis,
5 Þat lete þer lifis be lorne for oure lordis sake;
6 And sum has langing of lufe lays to herken,
7 How ledis for þaire lemmans has langor endured.
8 Sum couettis & has comforth to carpe & to lestyn
9 Of curtaissy of knyȝthode of craftis of armys,
10 Of kyngis at has conquirid & ouer-comyn landis.
11 Sum of wirschip I-wis slike as þam wyse lattis,
12 And sum of wanton werkis þa þat ere wild-hedid;
13 Bot if þai wald on many wyse, a wondire ware it els,
14 For as þaire wittis ere with-in, so þer will folowis.
15 And I forwith ȝow all ettillis to schewe
16 Of ane Emperoure þe aȝefullest þat euer armys hauntid,
17 Þat was þe athill Alexsandire as þe buke tellis,
18 Þat aȝte euyn as his awyn all the werd ouire.
19 For he recouerd quills he regnyd þe regions all clene,
20 And all rialme & þe riches in-to þe rede est.
21 I sall rehers, & ȝe will, renkis rekyn ȝour tongis,
22 A remnant of his rialte & rist quen vs likis.
23 Oute in þe erth of Egipt enhabet vmquile
24 Þe wysest wees of þe werd as I in writt fynd.
25 For þai þe mesure & þe mett of all þe mulde couthe,
26 Þe sise of all þe grete see & of þe grym wawys;
27 Of þe ordere of þat odde home þat ouer þe aire hingis
28 Knew þe kynd, & þe curses of þe clere sternys,
29 Of Articus be aghill tre airis & oþire
30 Of þe fold & of þe firmament wele þe fete cuthe;
31 And Antarticus also þat all apon turnys,
32 Þe pasage of þe planettis þe poyntis & þe sygnes.
33 Þai ware þe kiddest of þat craft knawyn in þaire tyme,
34 And þe sotellest vndere son segis in þaire lyfe.
35 Þus ware þai breued for þe best, as þe buke tellis;
36 All þai lerid of þat lare þat it lere wald.
37 As wide as þe werd was went worde of þaire teching,
38 Of sorsery & slike werkis sleȝtis enogh.
39 And þe kyng of þat contre was a clerke noble,
40 Þe athelest ane of þe werd & Anec was hatten.
41 He was wyse enoȝe wirdis to reken,
42 When he þe heuyn beheld of lede[s] opon lyfe;
43 Þe iapis of all gemetri gentilli he couth,
44 And wele as Aristotill þe artis all seuyn.
45 Þer preued neuer nane his prik for passing of witt,
46 Plato nor Piktagaras ne Prektane him seluen.
47 Emang his duykis on a day as he on dese syttis,
48 Þan was him bodword vnblyth broȝt to þe sale,
49 Þat Artaxenses was armed with þe men of his rewme,
50 Þe proude king of Persy to pase him agayn.
51 Þoȝe he þa sawis herd say ȝit samyd he na princis,
52 Ne ost ordand he nane of na kyd knyȝtis,
53 Bot airis euen furth him ane & entirs his chambre,
54 To knaw by his clergi þe come of his faa.
55 He takis a Boll of bras burneschid full clene,
56 And full he fillis it of þe flode at fell fra þe heuen.
57 On hiȝt in his a hand haldis a wand,
58 And kenely be coniurisons callis to him spiritis.
59 In-to þis water as he waitis was he ware sone
60 Of his enmys in þat Element ane endles nombre;
61 He saȝe þam in þe hiȝe see sailand to-gedire,
62 Was neuer sene slike a some vnder þe son bemys.
63 Carrygis comand he knew, keruand þe ithis,
64 Dromonds dryfes ouer þe depe with dukis & Erles,
65 Gales & grete schipis full of grym wapens,
66 And full of breneid bernes bargis a hundreth;
67 Of slik a naue is noy to here or to tell.
68 For all be largenes of lenth at he luke myȝt,
69 Slik was þe multitude of mast so mekil & so thike,
70 Þat all him þoȝt bot he treis, a hare wod it semyd.
71 At þe enteris of Egipt as Anec had beden,
72 ware peris of his prouynce & princes of his cytes,
73 Was comandid of þaire kyng to kepe þa landis,
74 Þat nane aproche it to paire of Persy ne othire.
75 Þan was a wardan ware oute in þe wale stremys
76 Of all þe naue & þe note I neuenyd be-fore;
77 Laȝt liȝtly his ledis & leuys his warde,
78 Comes to courte to þe kyng & on kneys fallis,
79 Anec bi his awyn name he onane gretis,
80 Sais, 'ȝare þe now ȝapely or ȝild vp þi rewme;
81 Artaxenses is at hand & has ane ost reryd,
82 And resyn vp with all his rewme to ride vs agayn;
83 For he him-self is on þe se with siche a somme armed,
84 Þat any hathill vnder heuen ware hardy to rekyn.
85 For þer is comyn with him knyȝt[es] of landis dyuerse,
86 Segis of many syde oute of sere remys,
87 Þe Perseyns & a pupill þat parthy is callid,
88 Men of Mesepotayme & of Mede bathe,
89 Of Syre & of Sychim a selle nounbre,
90 Of Capidos & Caldec kene men of armes,
91 Fell feȝtand folke þat Faire we call,
92 Þe Arrabiens & all þa [of] þat origyne,
93 Bernys out of Batary batails arayed,
94 And oþire out of þe orient many od hundrethe.'
95 Þen Anec onane riȝt efter þire wordis,
96 A lowde laȝter he loȝe & to þe lede said,
97 'Haue þou na care,' quod þe kyng, 'bot kepe to þe marche,
98 As I haue demyd þe to do, and dred þou na ferryre;
99 For soth, it is vnsemely slike sawis of a prynce.
100 I kan noȝt knaw at þou carpis as a knyȝt suld,
101 Bot as a frek at ware ferid & feynes riȝt nowe.
102 Ert þou noȝt hurtles & hale? lat noȝt þi hert faile.
103 For vertu vailes noȝt all if þou avaied worthe,
104 Emange þe multitude of men quare mane ere togeder,
105 Bot þer aboute as þai ere blend with bignes of will.
106 If þai be folke bot a fa oft tydis þam þe better.
107 Or elis wate þou noȝt wele þe witles berne,
108 How it is commonly carped in contries a-boute,
109 Þat anelepy leon þat ouer þe land rynnys,
110 Will make to fange to þe fliȝt & flay many hertis?'
111 With þat þe segge all him selfe silis to his chambre,
112 And in þe brasen boll full [of] blak watere
113 He shapis him of shire wax litill schipis many,
114 And ȝapely ȝarkid in his hand a ȝerd of a palme.
115 Þen con he chater & enchant with all his chefe miȝtis,
116 Avysid him in þe vessell & was avaied sone,
117 How þe powere out of Persy pellid doune his knyȝtis,
118 And how his land suld be lost withouten lett mare.
119 When he was ware of þis wathe how it worthe suld,
120 Þan wendis he wiȝtly furth & his wede changis,
121 Clede him all as a clerke & his croune shauys,
122 And with a bytand blade he his bered voydis.
123 Þen takis to him tresour & trusses in baggis,
124 As many Besandis on his bake as he bere miȝt,
125 And oþire necessari notis as nedis to his craftis,
126 To sike salmary dangell as him self vyses.
127 He toke traimmes him with to tute in þe sternes,
128 Astrala[b]us algate as his arte wald,
129 Quadrentis coruen all of quyte siluyre full quaynte,
130 Mustours & mekil quat mare þen a littill.
131 When he was graþed with his gere, a gladen he waytis,
132 And passis furþe at a posterne preualy alane,
133 Furþe on his fete withouten fole he passis his way,
134 Vn-wetandly to any wee þat wont in his wanes.
135 Þus airis he out of Egipte & his erde leuys,
136 Fled for ferd of his fais fere fra his kythis,
137 It was na bote him to bide ne batill to ȝelde;
138 For all his kyngdome he knew suld be kast vnder.
139 Fra þe partis of Persy he past bot a littill,
140 And euyn so þurȝe Ethyope & þare him eft clethis,
141 All his liche in lyn claþe for ledis suld trowe
142 And all be puple persayue a prophete he were.
143 Þen metis he furthe to Messadon full vn-mete gatis,
144 And quen he come to þat kith as þe chance tellis,
145 Oft with his instrumentis out he openly deuynes,
146 And noþer hild he it ne hid, bot here qua sa likid.
147 Bot þan was methe for to mele þurȝe men of his burȝ,
148 Þat he by-hind him at hame withoute hede leuyd.
149 Slik care kindils in his curte quen þai þer kyng myssid,
150 Þat it ware tere any tonge of þar tene to reken;
151 Princes of his palas preses in-to chambre,
152 To laite þar lord at was lost with latis vn-blythe;
153 Kairis into closettis knyȝtis & Erlis,
154 Sekand þar souerayn with many salt terys;
155 Barons & bachelers balefully gretis,
156 Swiers swemyle swouned ladys,
157 And many was þe bald berne at banned þar quile,
158 Þat euer he dured þat day vndede opon erthe.
159 Bot quen þai wist he was went & wald noȝt be foun,
160 Couth þai na bote þam ebland how best for to wirke,
161 Bot silis to ser Sirraphis at sittis in his trone,
162 Þat was þar god alþire-graythist on þe ground samen.
163 Him þai supplyed & soȝt & him ensence castis,
164 Honourd him with offyrings & elkend him fayre,
165 Þat he suld say þam þe sothe & sorely þam teche
166 Queder þaire kyng was becomen at þar care kyndils.
167 Þan sayd Syraphis him selfe he sayd þam þir wordis:
168 Anec, ȝour athill kyng is out of his awyn land,
169 For Artaxenses aȝe is all him ane foundid,
170 Þe proude kyng of Persee þat passes vs a-gaynes.
171 Full wele he wist, or he went quat suld worþe efter,
172 And all þe fourme of þe fare þat fall ȝow be-houys.
173 For all þe erth of Egipt fra end vn-to othire
174 Bees conquirid & ouercomyn clene alto-gedre.
175 Þe puple out of Perse is purvaid all samen;
176 Þe kyng is comand full kene with his kene ostis,
177 Þat sall oure renkis all rayme & oure rewme bathe,
178 And we be all at þare will þus is wirdis schapen.
179 Sen it is sett to be soo & slipe it ne may,
180 Ne schewid to be na noþire schap ne we to schount nouthire,
181 Bot gefe þaim vp þe girdill, vs gaynes noȝt ellis.
182 Bot seses, seris, of ȝour syte & soruȝes na mare;
183 For, certayn,' quod Syraphis, 'myselfe I it knawe,
184 ȝour kyng sall in a noþire kithe kast out his elde,
185 And come a-gayn eft ȝonge man ȝit to his rewme.
186 Þan sall þat victoure ȝow venge on ȝour vile fais,
187 And þe province of Persee purely distruye,
188 And gett agayn his avyn gronde at he forgais nowe,
189 And ane of þe oddist emperours of þe erde worthe.'
190 When he þis talis had tald, þen tuke þai be-lyfe,
191 And efter Anec on-ane ane ymage gert make;
192 Þe buke sais, of blake stane all þe bode ouyre,
193 With corone & with conyschantis as it a kynge were.
194 Quen it was perfite & piȝt, a place þai it wayted,
195 And stallid him in a stoute stede & stiȝthed him faire.
196 Lordis lift him on loft & lawe to him bowid,
197 In reuerence of þe riche kynge at had þer rewme gydid.
198 Quen he was semely vp set with septour in hand,
199 Þen ledis at ware lettird on lawe at his feet
200 All þe sawis of þaire Syre as Siraphis tald,
201 Þare gan þai graithly þam graue in golden lettirs,
202 All þe wordis at he þaim werpid of þaire ware kynge.
203 Þare þai wrate þam I-wis as þe buke tellis,
204 Supposand þaim in sum tyme for sothe to be knawen,
205 And men to make of þam mynd euer-mare efter.
206 Be þat þaire enmes þar erde was entird with-in,
207 Þe powere oute of Persee with many proude ostes;
208 Bot of þar batails to brefe it botis me na ferrire.
209 For all þai conquirid clene þis cithe at þaire will,
210 And Anec is all his ane ferre of his awyn landis,
211 With-in þe merris of Messedoyn þar na man him knewe.
212 Bot will ȝe herken hende now sall ȝe here
213 How he kide him in þe courete & quayntid him with ladis.
214 Syre, it be-tid on a tyme þe text me recordis,
215 Þat þe mode kynge of Messedone with mekill nounbre,
216 Þat was Sire Philip þe fers farne out of toune,
217 For to feȝt with his fais out of fere landis.
218 Quen he was boune oute of burȝe & his bake turned,
229 As tite as Anec him amed out of his awyn kythe,
220 He paste vp to þe palais & preualy entirs,
221 Þat he miȝt lend þare on loft & luke on þe qwene
222 Sone as him selfe was in þe sale & saȝe hire with eȝe,
223 He beheld Olympadas þat honourable lady;
224 Hire bewte bitis in his brest & his bodi thrillis,
225 And drifes thurȝe his depe hert as he ware dart-wondid.
226 Þe lede lawid in hire lofe as leme dose of gledis,
227 Put vp his hand to his hare & heldid it bot littill.
228 'Haile, modi qwene of Messidoyne' he maister-like said;
229 Þare deyned him na daynte 'madame' hire to call.
230 Be-cause he knew him a kyng he carpid on þis wyse.
231 For if he come as a clerke with a croune schauyn,
232 And diȝt as a Doctour in drabland wedis,
233 ȝit all þe erth of Egipt had he bene aire ouire.
234 Þan answars him þe qwene with full myld speche,
235 'Haile, maister,' quod þat myld & made him to sytt
236 On a sege hire be-syde of silkyn clathis,
237 And þar hire spakid with his speche & spird of him wordis.
238 Quen he was sete in his sete, þat semely qwene
239 Ai of Egipt erd enquirid if he were,
240 Þoȝt him like of þat lede be langage & othire;
241 For-þi scho wetis if he wald wete hire to say.
242 'A! athel qwene,' quod Anec 'ai be þou ioyed!
243 If þou a wirschipfull worde has werpid & spoken,
244 A riall roune þou me redis a reson of blis,
245 Quen þou mynnys of þat marche & with þi mouth tellis.
246 For þare enhabetis in þat erd þat þou are sayd.
247 Þe wisest wees in þis werd þe welken vndire.
248 For þai can swyth of a sweuyn all þe swepe tell,
249 Wheþire it be sele or soroȝe in a sete quile.
250 And þai can certifi & se by sygnes of þe heuyn,
251 Quat sall be-fall a-pon fold with-inen a fewe ȝerys.
252 Sum vndirstandis in a stounde þe steuen of þe briddis,
253 To say þe by þaire sapience quat þar sange menys;
254 Sum can þi consaile declare, þofe þou it carpid neuire,
255 Þe poyntis of all þi preuates pertly can schewe.
256 Sum can þe brefe be-life þe birth of þine childire,
257 Be it hee, be [it] scho haly þare werdes.
258 And if I say it my-selfe slik sotellte I haue,
259 Sa clere a witt & sa clene my creatoure I lofe,
260 Þat all þe notis at I neuyn nobly I can,
261 As any prophet a-perte to proue ȝow þe sothe.'
262 Quen he þire sawis had sayd he in his sege lened,
263 In stody still as a stane & starid in hire face,
264 Beheld haterly þat hend þat had his hert percid,
265 With depe desire of delite ay on þat dere waytis.
266 Sone as hire selfe it sawe at he hire sa behaldis,
267 Þen scho talkis him to & titely him fraynes:
268 'Quare-on muse ȝe sa mekill, maistir?' scho sayd;
269 'ȝe behald me sa hogely quare-on is ȝour mynd?'
270 'My frely fode,' quod þe freke ‘noȝt bot þe werdes
271 Of my gracious goddis þe grettest on erde.
272 Þai haue tald me be-for þis tyme þat now I trew fynd,
273 How I suld lenge in a land & loke on a qwene.'
274 Þan out of his bosom he brayd a blesand table
275 Of Euour & of othire þingis odly fourmed,
276 Of bras & of brynt gold & o[f] briȝt siluer,
277 Þat thre serclis sere in itselfe had.
278 In þe first compas I ken as me þe claus tellis,
279 Stude þe xij vndirstandings stoutly engrauen.
280 In þis oþir draȝt ware deuysid a dusan of bestis,
281 And semely sett was in þe thrid þe son & þe mone.
282 Sethen he clekis out of a cas vij clere sternes
283 To tell him takens of þe tymes & talis of our werdis;
284 And vij stele-grauyn stanys & stoute oþire tway,
285 Þat wald for hurte or for harme any hathill kepe.
286 Þus as he tuke furth his toylis & his trammys schewis,
287 'If I sall lefe on þi lare,' quod þe leue qwene,
288 'Say me þe day & þe same ȝere & þe selfe tyme
289 Of þe birth of þe bald kyng þat I best lufe.'
290 Þan answars Anec onane sayd, 'Is þar oȝt ellis
291 At ȝe wald, hend, of me here or at ȝoure hert willis?
292 For any cas þat is to com to knaw if þe likis,
293 I sall as namely ȝow neuyn as it ware nowe done.'
294 'Þan will I,' quod þe wale qwene, 'ȝe wete me to say,
295 Quat me & Philip sall fall vs be-twene.
296 For, bow he fra þe bataill bernys me tell,
297 Þen will he wed anoþire wife & wayfe me for euer.'
298 'Nay, noȝt for ay,' quod þe freke 'þar haue þai fals spoken;
299 Neuir þe latter, or oȝt lange sall lymp as þou sayd.
300 Bot ȝit I fynd, for all his fare fleme he sall þe toþire,
301 And wild ȝourself to will nyll he so will he.'
302 Þan was a-wondird of his wordis þe worthe lady,
303 Be-soȝt sekirly þis sire if he safe vouchid,
304 Þat scho myȝt weterly wete þe will of all þingis,
305 Quatkyn poynt or plyte predestend hire were.
306 'Athill qwene,' quod Anec 'as I am enfourmed,
307 Ane of þe grettist of oure godis of grace & of miȝt,
308 I fynd, or it be fere to fleschely þe knaw,
309 And efter in all aduersites is amed þe to help.'
310 Þan sayd Olympadas 'now, honourable maister,
311 I be-seke þe, my sire if þou me say wald,
312 Quatkyn fygour on fold or fourme at he beris,
313 Þat demyd is or destaned þis dede for to worche.'
314 'Þat will I wele,' quod þe wee, '& noȝt a word leȝe.
315 Þis miȝty god at I me[ne] is of a medill age,
316 Noȝt of ȝouth nor of eld nor ȝerris to many,
317 Bot euyn so be-twene twa & to [mekyll] of nouthire.
318 How he is merkid & made is mervaile to neuyn,
319 With — tachid in his for-top — twa tufe hornes;
320 A berd as a besom with thyn bred haris,
321 A mouthe as a mastif hunde vn-metely to shaw.
322 Bot, dame, if he be þus diȝt drede þe neuer þe more,
323 Bot ȝe be buxsom & bayne & boune to his will.
324 Be nyȝter-tale he sall be neȝe þis note to begyn,
325 And ȝe be merryd neuer þe mare bot mete him in sweuyn.'
326 'Now certayn, sire,' sayd þe qwene 'selly me thinke.
327 Bot may I se þis be sothe at ȝe me say here,
328 Noȝt as a prophet ne a prest I prays sall þi selfe,
329 Bot rehers þe as hieȝe gode & hie þe for euire.'
330 With þat rysis vp þe renke & his rowme lefys,
331 Laȝt leue at þe qwene for a litill quile,
332 Gase him doune be þe grecis a-gayn fra þe sale,
333 Furthe to make his maistryse & mose in his arte.
334 Þus passis he fra þe place to proue his sleȝtis,
335 Silis furth all him selfe þe cyte with-outen,
336 Drafe in-to a depe dissert & drewe vp herbis,
337 Þe chosest for inchantement at he chese couthe.
338 Quen he had gedird his grese & grune þaim esundire,
339 For Iapis of his gemetry þe ious out he wrengis,
340 Erne till exorȝise & ethis euer elike,
341 Þat it suld worthe as he wald & on na way faile.
342 He clatird on coniurisons & calid to him deuyls,
343 And all þe incheson of his charme with þat þe chefe qwene
344 Þe same nyȝt in hire slep suld se with hire eȝen
345 Amon hire awyn god in hire armes ligge,
346 And dreme at he didd hire swa, & quen he done hadd,
347 Þan suld he say to hire-selfe sadly þire wordis,
348 'Now has þou, woman, I-wys with-in þi twa sydis
349 Consayued him at in all þi care þi cors sall defend.'
350 Þis ilk euyn ouer-ȝede & arly on þe morne,
351 As arly as þe riche qwene was resyn fra slepe,
352 Þan efter Anec on-ane scho al aboute sendis,
353 Takis him betwene þam twa tald him hire sweuyn,
354 'ȝa,' quod he, 'comly qwene I couthe, & þou wald
355 Preualy in þi palais lat me a place haue,
356 Make þe to se þe same gode & þi-selfe wakand,
357 Face to face all his fourme & his effecte clene.
358 Þis grete god full of grace sall glide to þi chambre,
359 In a dredfull deuys a dragons fourme,
360 And þan þe figour of a freke he sall take eftire,
361 And preualy in þat part a-pere ȝowe be-forne.'
362 Þan answars him þe swete quene & sone him it grantis,
363 'Sire, chese þe a chambre quare þe chefe þinkis,
364 Nowþire myne awen ne na nothire god lat þe noȝt spare,
365 Or any place at ȝow plece my palas with-in.
366 For may þou hald me þis hest as þou here tellis,
367 And profe þus in my presens as a propire sothe,
368 Þen sall I cherische þe with chere as þou my child were,
369 Loute þe louely & loue all my lyfe days.'
370 'Graunt mercy,' quod þe grete clerke to þe gude lady,
371 Thankis hire full thraly & þen forth wendis
372 To loke & layte him a loge quare he lenge myȝte,
373 And buske him a bedsted quare him best likid.
374 Qwen it was metyn to þe merke þat men ware to ryst,
375 And folke was on þaire firste slepe & it was furth euyns,
376 Þan Anec onane his artis he fandis,
377 And changid by enchantmentis his chere all to-gedire.
378 Þer worthid he by his wiche-craft in-to a wild dragon,
379 And to þe ladi lere he lendid in haste,
380 Fliȝand in his fethire-hames & ferly fast sletis,
381 And in a braide, or he blan he þe bed entris.
382 Quen he was laide be-lyfe, his liknes he changis,
383 Worthis agayn to a wee fra a worme turnys.
384 Þen kisses he kenely þe quene & clappis in armes,
385 Langis sare to þe layke & on-loft worthis.
386 Quen he had wroȝt all his will hire wame þen he touches,
387 And with a renyst reryd þis reson he said,
388 'Þis concepcion with kyngis sal be callid here-efter
389 A verra victor a-vansid with all þe vayne werde.'
390 Þus be-gylid he þis gude wyfe & makis hire to wene
391 It ware na gett of na gome bot of god ane.
392 Qwen þe day-raw rase he rysis be-lyfe,
393 Lendis a-lande fra þe loft & left hire with child.
394 Sone as hire bele gun bolne all hire blee changis,
395 So was scho ferd & a-friȝt, a ferly ware ellis.
396 To be bonden with barne mekill bale to hire neȝehis,
397 For it & Philip hire fere o-ferrom was sybb.
398 Þan Anec hire awyn clerke scho on-ane callis,
399 'Lo, maistir, slike a myschefe!' & maynly hire pleynes.
400 'I dred þat I nere dee, bot ȝe me deme sone
401 Quat me is beste of þis case if euer þe kyng turne.'
402 'Be noȝt a-bayste,' quod þe berne ‘ne a-bleyd nothire,
403 Þare sall na chanche þe chefe þe charge of a pese,
404 For Amon oure athill gode sall all-way þe helpe,
405 And kepe þe full careles if any cas fallis.’
406 Quat dose now þis diuinour bot to desert wendis,
407 Airis on all him ane out of þe cite,
408 ȝede him furthe eftirsons herbis to seche,
409 Reft þam vp be þe rotis & radly þam stampis.
410 Þe Iuse for his gemetry þat Iogloure takis,
411 A[nd] sythen a brid of þe see him seluyn him fangis,
412 Clatirs to hyre coynte þingis kenely enchantis,
413 And [with] þe wose of þe wede hire wengis anoyntis;
414 And all þis demerlayke he did bot be þe deuyllis craftis,
415 How he myȝt compas & kast þe kynge to begyle.
416 He wroȝt a wondirfull wile, & will ȝe now here
417 How he be-glouird þis gome & gilid him in sweuyn?
418 Þis ilk Philip þe fyrs þat in be fiȝt lenges,
419 Þe same nyȝt in his slepe he saȝe, as him thoȝt,
420 Amon his awen god in armes with his qwene,
421 And make with hire market as [he] a man were.
422 And quen he wroȝt had his will þen witrely him metis,
423 Þat he bowes to hire belechiste & bigly it sewys,
424 And sethen asselis it him selfe semely & faire
425 With a rede golde rynge on þis aray grayuyn;
426 A lyons heuyd was on-loft louely coruyn,
427 Þe bounde of a briȝt son & a brande kene.
428 And þen he went furth his way sayd, 'Woman, þou hauys
429 Þi full defendoure on fold now frely consay[u]yd.'
430 Als radly as þe riche kynge rase on þe morne,
431 Riȝt in þe dawynge of day a diuinour he callis,
432 And as him dremyd ilke a dele þat doctour he tellis,
433 And fraynes him fast on þis fare how it be-fall suld.
434 'Phylip,' quod þe phylysofyre, 'þi fere is with childe,
435 And with no gett of na gome bot of god selfe.
436 And, gudman, on þe gold rynge þe thre grauen thyngis,
437 Þai ere þus mekill to mene as me my mind tellis.
438 To þe lyon hede,' quod þe lede 'þen licken I, on first,
439 Þe birth þat scho bere sall als best it be-semys,
440 Þat chefe sall to a chiftan & slike a chefe maister,
441 As to be halden heuydman of all þe hale werde.
442 Now sall I clerily declare þe course on þe sonne;
443 Þat sygnyfys þe same man þat sett is, be wird,
444 So many prouynce to pas þurȝe prowis of armys,
445 Þat he sall hit with his hede in-to þe heghe est.
446 Now of þis bytand brand berne, will ȝe here;
447 And all is bot þis hathill man as I are sayd,
448 Þat sall sa fele men afray with fauchon in hande,
449 And out of nounbre to neuyn of nacions wynn.'
450 Þan foundis Philip to þe fyȝt & þe fild entres,
451 And sone in delingis of dyntis a dragon aperis,
452 Þat streȝt be-for him in þe stoure strikis doune his faas,
453 And all his enmys in þat erd he endid in a stounde.
454 When Phylyp with his faire folke had þe fild won,
455 Þan metis he him to Messadone, þar metis him þe qwene,
456 Kyssis comly hire king & of his come ioys,
457 And how he fore scho him fraynes ferly[ly] ȝerne.
458 'Wele, graunt mercy,' quod þe kyng, 'my god, I him loue;
459 Bot how þat ȝe ga sa grete, gud dame?' he sayd.
460 'Þou has ragid,' quod þe renge, 'with vnryd gestis;
461 Now hafe I, lede, all to lange lengid fra hame.'
462 Þus to bre hire o bourde he breuys þire wordis;
463 'To quam has þou þe tane till tell m[e] þe sothe?
464 Outhire mete has mendid þe full mekill, as may I noȝt trowe,
465 Or ane has stollen in my stede sen I was stad þare.'
466 Þus bayst he þe briȝt qwene þat all hire ble changid,
467 To skyre skarlet hewe skyftis hire face,
468 Hire chere at was chalke-quyte as any chaffe worthis;
469 So was scho schamed of þe schont þat hire þe schalk made.
470 'Nay,' quod þe comly kyng, 'cache vp þine hert,
471 Þofe þou haue forfet, na force so has fele othire.
472 Þou has giltid, bot noȝt gretly it greuys me þe les;
473 For god has geten þe þis gett agaynes þi will.
474 All þat was done þe bedene was me be dreme schewyd,
475 I saȝe it surely as my-selfe slepe in my tentis,
476 And oure god all-to-gedire is ground of þe cause;
477 Of me worthis þe þe wite ne of na wee ellis.'
478 Þen tyd it anes on a tym a lytill terme efter,
479 Þis dere kyng on a day on his dese syttis,
480 Had parreld him a proude feste of princes & dukis,
481 With maistirlingis of Messadone & many oþire noble[s].
482 Þus as he sat in his sete softly by his qwene,
483 In schene schemerand schroude all of schire stanes,
484 He kest vp his contenance & knyȝtly he lokes,
485 And gladis gudly his gestis as his degre wald.
486 Þan Ane[c]tanabus on-ane in alþire-mast ioy
487 Did on him his dragon-hame & drafe thurȝe þe sale,
488 With slike a rowste & rerid þe romance it wittnes,
489 Þat nere had bernes for þat bere bene broȝt out of witt.
490 He was sa hatter & sa hoge quen he þe hall entird,
491 Lete sa lathely a late & sa loude cried,
492 Þat all þe fest was a-ferd & oþire folke bathe.
493 To þe chefe chaiare of þe qwene he chese him be-lyue,
494 And laide as hendly as a hunde his hede in hire arme,
495 Seþin kyssis he hire clene mouthe enclynes hire lawe,
496 And braydis furth with a brym bere out at þe brade ȝatis.
497 Þen sayd Philip to his fere & all his fre gestis
498 'ȝone selfe dragon forsothe I saȝe with myne eȝen;
499 Quen I was stad in þe stoure he strenthid all myne oste,
500 And þar þe floure in þe filde I fangid þurȝe him selfe.'
501 Anoþire ferly þar fell within fewe days,
502 Þe king was sett in his sale with septir in hand;
503 Þen come þar-in a litill brid in-to his arme floȝe,
504 And þar hurkils & hydis as scho were hand-tame;
505 Fast scho flekirs about his fete & fleȝtirs aboute,
506 And þar it nestild in a noke as it a nest were,
507 Qwill scho had layd in his lape a litill tyne egg,
508 And þan scho fangis hire fliȝt & floȝe away swyth.
509 Þis egg, or þe kyng wyst to be erth fallis,
510 Brak, & so it wele burde & brast all e-soundir;
511 Þan wendis þar-out a litill worm & wald it eft enter,
512 And or scho hit in hire hede a hard deth suffirs.
513 Þan was ser Philip of þat fare ferly mekill sturbid,
514 Callis to him a kid clerke declaris to him þis wonder,
515 Besoȝt him quat it sygnified to tell him þe treuthe.
516 'Þat graunt I gudly,' quod þe gome & þus-gate he spekis:
517 'Sire, þere sall borne be a barne of þi blithe lady,
518 Þat driȝtyn efter þi day has destaned to regne,
519 Þe quilke sall walke all þe werd & wyn it him selfe,
520 And hent sall a full hetire deth or he may hame couer.'
521 Þus he vndid him ilka dele & him þe dome reched,
522 Said it was sett to be so he saȝe by his artis.
523 And if ȝow likis of þis lare to lesten any forthire,
524 Sone sall I tell ȝow a text how it be-tid efter.
525 Now it teȝt þe tyme at trauald þat qwene,
526 Quen scho suld bryng furth hire birth to þe werd.
527 Scho bidis many hard brayde baret enduris,
528 What of wandreth & wa as wemen dose all.
529 Thik schouris hire thrat tholid mekill soroȝe,
530 Many peralus pull grete payne suffirs,
531 Sa sare werkis hire þe wame & slik vn-wyn dreis,
532 Þat all scho dredis hire dede & doute for þe werst.
533 Þan eftir Anectanabus scho on-ane clepis,
534 And he was boune at hire bode & bowes to hire chambre,
535 Gais him vp at þe grece & gretis him faire,
536 Fand hire sett in a sege & soroȝe ay elike.
537 A! Anec!' quod þe qwene, 'me arȝes of my-selfe;
538 I am all in auntir sa akis me þe wame,
539 Of werke well ne I wede & slike wa tholis,
540 Þat me ware dere to be dede & dure þus on lyfe.'
541 'ȝa, wynnes ȝow vp,' quod þe we '& walkis a littill,
542 For þe aire nowe & þe elementis ere evyn in þis tyme
543 So trauailid out of temperoure & troubild of þat sone,
544 Þat makis þi grippis & þi gridis a grete dele be kenere.'
545 Þan faris scho vp & farkis furth a fute or tway,
546 And sone sesis all hire syte in a sete quyle.
547 'Now bow þe doune,' quod þe berne & scho his bone fillis,
548 And syttand so in hire sege was softly delyuerd.
549 Bot now is meruaill to me of þis wondire,
550 Quen þis man fra his modire wambe on þe mold fell;
551 For all þe erd euyn ouer sa egirly schakis,
552 Þat teldis, templis, & touris tomble on hepis.
553 Þe liȝt lemand late laschis fra þe heuyn,
554 Thonere thrastis ware thra thristid þe welkyn,
555 Cloudis clenely to-clefe clatird vnfaire;
556 All blakenid a-boute & boris þe son.
557 Wild wedirs vp werpe & þe wynd ryse,
558 And all flames þe flode as it fire were,
559 Nowe briȝt, nowe blaa nowe on blase efter,
560 And þan ouer-qwelmys in a qwirre & qwatis euer e-like.
561 Þan slike a derknes þar drafe & demyd þe skewys,
562 As blesenand as bale fyre & blake as þe hell,
563 Þat it was neuer bot as nyȝt fra þe none tyme
564 Till it to mydday was meten on þe morne efter.
565 Gife þis ware mervale to myn ȝet emange othire
566 Þen rekils it vnruydly & raynes doune stanys,
567 Fell fra þe fyrmament as a hand lyftyng,
568 And some as hoge as þi hede fra þe heuyn fallis.
569 Sa ferd was Philip of þat fare þat his flesche trymblid,
570 For sere sygnes at he saȝe as selly ware ellis.
571 As wyde as all þe werd was þurȝe warnyng þai hadd,
572 Þat houre þat Olympadas was of hire son liȝter.
573 Than lendis him vp þe leue kyng his lady to vysite,
574 Quod þe man to his make 'I am in many thoȝtis,
575 Þat þis frute sall haue na fostring ne be fed nouþire;
576 I ges it be noȝt of my gett bot of god fourmed;
577 Be many cause at I ken I kan noȝt supose
578 It be consayued of my kynde ne come of my-selfe.
579 I saȝe so, in þe same tyme he seuyrd fra þi wambe,
580 Þe erd & all þe elementis so egirly schoutid.
581 And queþir ȝit, for any quat a quyle latt him kepe,
582 And norisch him as namely as he myne awyn warre,
583 ȝit will þare make of him mynde & myn it here-eftire
584 Hathils, swilke a haly son I hade in my tyme.
585 Anoþer barne,' quod þe berne 'I of my blode haue,
586 Ane of my sede, I supose & sibbire of þe twa,
587 Þat I wan on myne oþire wyfe þat I wedd first.
588 Lat him as ayre, quen I am erþed, enherit my landis,
589 And stall we him in stede of þis to stiȝtill my rewme,
590 For he is borne of my blode & a-bore nerre,
591 And fede we þis othire, þat folke quen we ere fay worthid,
592 May sitt & carpe, slike a knaue þaire last kyng hade.'
593 Þai did all as he demed & his domes plesed,
594 Cherest þai þis ȝonge child & chosely him kepid;
595 Þai ware as besy him a-boute birdis & ladis,
596 As he had bene þar hiȝe god for sa þai hopid all,
597 Þis barne, quen he borne was as me þe boke tellis,
598 Miȝt wele a-prefe for his a-port to any prince oute.
599 Bot of þe lyfe þat he liȝt off he like was to nane,
600 Nouþer of fetour ne of face to fadire ne to modyre.
601 Þe fax on his faire hede was ferly to schawe,
602 Large lyons lockis þat lange ere & scharpe;
603 With grete glesenand eȝen grymly he lokis,
604 Þat ware as blyckenand briȝt as blesand sternes,
605 ȝit ware þai sett vnsamen of serelypy hewys;
606 Þe tane to brene at a blisch as blak as a cole,
607 As any ȝare ȝeten gold ȝalow was þe tothire.
608 And he wald-eȝed was as þe writt schewys,
609 ȝit it tellis me þis tale þe tethe in his hede
610 Was as bitand breme as any bare tuskis.
611 His steuyn stiffe was [&] steryn þat stonayd many,
612 And as a lyon he lete quen he loude romys.
613 His fell fygoure & his fourme fully be-takend
614 Þe prowis & þe grete pryse þat he a-preuyd eftire,
615 His hardynes, his hyndelaike & his hetter myȝtis,
616 Þe wirschip þat he wan quen he wex eldire.
617 Þan sembled his syb men be sent of þam all,
618 To consaile of þis kyng son how þai him call suld,
619 And so him neuyned was þe name of his next frendis
620 Alexsandire þe athill be allirs a-corde.
621 Þan was he lede furthe be-lyfe to lere at þe scole,
622 As sone as to þat sapient him-self was of elde,
623 On-ane vn-to Arystotill þat was his awen maister,
624 And one of þe coronest clerkis þat euer knew letter.
625 Þan was he broȝt to a benke a boke in his hand,
626 And faste by his enfourme was fettild his place;
627 For it come noȝt a kyng son ȝe knaw wele to sytt
628 Doune in margon & molle emange othire schrewis.
629 Sone wex he witter & wyse & wondir wele leres,
630 Sped him in a schort space to spell & to rede,
631 And seþen to gramere he gase as þe gyse wald,
632 And þat has he all hale in a hand-quyle.
633 In foure or in fyfe ȝere he ferre was in lare
634 Þan othire at had bene þare seuynte wynter;
635 Þat he suld passe him in þat plite vnpussible semed,
636 Bot at god will at gaa furth qua may agayn stande?
637 In absens of Arystotill if any of his feris
638 Raged with him vnridly or rofe him with harme,
639 Him wald he kenely on þe croune knok with his tablis,
640 Þat al to-brest wald þe bordis & þe blode folowe.
641 If any scolere in þe scole his skorne at him makis,
642 He skapis him full skathely bot if he skyp better.
643 Þus with his feris he faȝ, as I fynd wreten,
644 As wele in letter & in lare as any laike ellis.
645 Þus skilfull lange he scolaid & þe scole vsed,
646 Tille he was euyn of eld elleuyn wynter.
647 He had na pere in na place þat proued so his tyme,
648 For þe principalte of all þe pake he of a-prefe wynnys.
649 And qwen it teȝt to þe tyme of ten ȝere of age,
650 Þen was him kend of þe kynde & craft of bataile,
651 Wele & wiȝtly in were to welden a spere,
652 A[nd] preke on a proude stede proudly enarmed.
653 Þat lare was him lefe to & lerid in a qwile
654 Was þar na lede to him like with-in a fewe ȝeris.
655 So cheualus a chiftan he cheuys in a stonde,
656 Þat in anters of armes all men he passes.
657 Quen Philip see him sa fers in his first elde,
658 His hert & his hardynes hiȝely he lofed,
659 Comendid mekill his knyȝt-hede, him callid on a day
660 Be-twene þam selfe on a tyme & talkis þire wordis:
661 'Alexsander,' quod þe kyng, 'I augirly prayse
662 Þi wirschip, þi worthines þi wit & þi strenth.
663 Es nane so teche of þi tyme to tryi now o lyfe.
664 How suld I, lede, for þi lofe bot lufe þe in hert?
665 Bot I am sary for sothe my son, at þi fourme
666 Is lickenand on na lym ne like to my selfe;
667 Oft storbis me þi statour & stingis me ȝerne,
668 Þat þi personale proporcion sa party is to myne.'
669 Þis herd hire þe hend quene & heterly scho dredis,
670 Sent eftir Anec & askis him be-lyue,
671 Be-knew him clene all þe case how þe kyng sayd,
672 And frayns him fast quat þe freke of hire fare thingis.
673 Þen con he calke & a-conte & kest on his fyngirs,
674 Lokis him vp to þe lifte & þe lady swares:
675 'Be noȝt a-friȝt,' quod þe freke, 'ne a-frayd nouþir;
676 It sall þe noy noȝt a neg nane of his thoȝtis.'
677 With þat he heuys vp [his] hede & to þe heuyn lokis.
678 Hedis heterly on hiȝe behelde on a sterne,
679 Of þe quilke he hopid in his hert sumquat to knawe,
680 Quat euire he wald wete of his will all-to-gedire.
681 Quod Alexander to þis athill as he his arte fandis,
682 'Quat is þe planet or þe poynt ȝe purpose to seme?
683 Quat sterne is it at ȝe stody on quare stekis it in heuyn?
684 May ȝe oȝt me in any maner to þat sterne schewe?'
685 'Þat can I wele,' quod þe clerke 'ellis couthe I littill;
686 Noȝt bot sewe me, son quen þe son is to reste,
687 Quen it [is] dreuyn to þe derke & þe day fynyst,
688 And þou sall sothely se þe same with þine eȝen.'
689 'Is oȝt þi werid to þe wissid?' quod þe wee þan;
690 'For þat I couet to ken if þou me kythe wald.'
691 'Sire, sothely of myne awen son slayne mon I worth,
692 So was me destaned to dye gane many winter.'
693 As tyte as Anec[tanabus] þis aunter had tald,
694 Þen treyned doune fra þe toure to tute in þe sternes.
695 Þan airis ser Alexander eftire his fadire,
696 Þat euer he kyndild of his kynde kend he bot litill.
697 Þus led he furthe his leue child late on ane euen,
698 Sylis softely him selfe þe cite with-outen,
699 Boȝes him vp to a brenke as þe buke tellis,
700 To þe hiȝt of þe depe dike & to þe heuyn waytis.
701 ‘Alexander, athil son,' quod Anec his syre,
702 ‘Loo! ȝonde, behald ouer þi hede & se my hatter werdis;
703 Þe euyll sterne of Ercules how egirly it soroȝes,
704 And how þe mode Marcure makis sa mekill ioy;
705 Loo! ȝonder þe gentill Iubite, how Iolyle he schynes,
706 Þe domes of my destany drawis vnto [me] swyth.
707 Þik & þrathly am I thret & thole mon I sone
708 Þe slaȝter of myne awen son as me was sett euer.'
709 Vnethis werped he þat worde þe writt me recordis,
710 Þat ne Alexander as sone was at him be-hind,
711 And on þe bake with slike a bire he bare with his handis,
712 Þat doune he drafe to þe depest of þe dike bothom,
713 Sayd, ‘lo! vnhappeiste vndire heuyn þat þus on hand takis
714 As be þe welken to wete quat suld come efter!
715 Þou has feyned þe for wyse & fals all-to-gedire,
716 Wele semys slike a sacchell to syeȝe þus of lyfe!'
717 Þan Anec, as him aȝt wele augirly granys,
718 Dryues vp a dede voyce & dymly he spekis,
719 ‘Wele was þis cas to me knawen & kyd many wynter,
720 Þat I suld dee slike a dethe be dome of my werdis.
721 Sayd I þe noȝt so my selfe here be-fore,
722 I suld be slayn of my son as now sothe worthis?'
723* 'What, and am I,' quod Alexander, 'ane of þi childer?'
724* 'ȝha, son! als glad I my god I gat þe myseluen.'
725* Fro he had hym þis worde sayd he wakens no more,
726* Bot gaue a gremly grane & þe gast ȝheldez.
727* That oþer wy for hys werkez wepys eueryllyke,
728* So hard & so hertly þat neȝ hys hert brestes.
729* Þus plenys þis prouud knyght þe pyte of hys fader,
730* Cares hym downe into þe cafe þar as þe cors ligges,
731* Belife lyftes he on-lofte euen on hys shulders,
732* And beres hym forth vppon hys bake at þe brade ȝates.
733* Sone sayd þe whene, when sho hym see with syland teres;
734* 'What haue ȝe done, my dere sonn?' and drowpys doun in swone.
735* 'Dame, now is þar none other to do bot deme it þi seluen,
736* For as þi foly was before so foloweth aftir.'
737* Than makes þis man & hys moder menskfully & faire
738* Titely hys enterment, as þai þat tyme vsed.
739* Þus shamesly of hys awne childe hym chevyd such end.
740* And her fynes a fytt & fayr when vs likez.
741* The same & þe selue tyme as says me þe text,
742* Fro þe cuntre of capadose come a kyd prince
743* To kyng philipp þe fers & hym a fole bryngez;
744* A grett horse & a hoge a hegh & a wilde,
745* A store & a styf stede stalwortly bondyn;
746* His choll chaltird & chauelez in chynez of yren;
747* In rapes fast for ryfyng of bernes;
748* For other mete þan manysflesche mouthed he neuer.
749* Busifolen to þis blonk was breued þe name.
750* He hed so ferdfull a face as ony fyre lokez;
751* Bere als a boles heued a bryn on hys shulderr,
752* And toton owt of hys top als tyndis of hornes.
753* The fayrnes of þis ilke fole when philip avysed,
754* Þan says he to hys seruand to see to þis capyll,
755* And stighillys hym in som stede a stable by hym one,
756* With lang lates of yren þat he might lig in.
757* And all at wer dampned to þe deth & demyd at þe lawe,
758* Þai sall be broȝt fra þe bare þis blonk into stable,
759* To wery at hys awne wille & weyle of þe fattest.
760* ȝit philip of hys faire goddes hym fanges suche a sware,
761* Yff ony berne wer so bald baron or other,
762* Or wy þat myght þis wilde best worth for to ryde,
763* Was dewly aftir hys day destinate to regne.
764* When alexander was of elde awght ȝeres & foure,
765* Þan was he worthy & wight & wisely hed leryd
766* At arestotell all ouer þe artez all seuen,
767* And castor, ane oþer clerke þar at wer hys kyd maisteres.
768* So carez he in þe castell-ȝarde & comes on a day
769* By a wyndow als þis wild horse [was] warloked in bandez;
770* Lokes in at a lat sagh ly hym byforne
771* So mony menbres of men wer mervayle to tell.
772* Þar liggez lymmes of laddes leggez & harmes,
773* Tharmes thrist owt of thees banes & shuldres.
774* Som hanchyd of þe heued som þe handez etyn,
775* Som þar riggez owt rytte & som þar ribbez rent.
776* Of þis wonder he hed & so he wele burd.
777* And hardly hys awne hand in at a hole puttes,
778* He layd owt a lang neke & hys hand likkys;
779* Faire faldes hys fete & falles hym to þe erth,
780* Hendly haldes vp hys heued byheld in hys face,
781* On Alexander ay-whare euer elike wates.
782* Þen wist þe wy wele enogh hys wyll all-to-geder;
783* Brades vppe þe brade ȝate & þe barre entres,
784* On þe rige with hys right hande hym rodely strakez,
785* And he full frely & faire hym faunys & loutez.
786* Was neuer barslett in band more buxum to hys lord
787* Þen was þis blonke to þis bern for all his breme teches.
788* Þus lowtes þis lede on low & lowsys hys chynez,
789* Blyssis blythly hym abouute & a bridyll fyndez;
790* Grathez on þis gay gere & þen a gilt sadyll;
791* Ledes hym forth of þat loge & þen of-lofte lepys.
792* Than strenys he hys streropes & streȝt vp sittes;
793* Lad hym by þe loran & hym þe lede wissez.
794* And he als rekyndly ran rolland hym vnder,
795* As he þe sadyll hed sewyd seuenten wynter.
796* Sone as philip þe ferse hym on þis fole metes,
797* 'Son,' he sayd, 'now er þe sawes into þi seluen fyneshit,
798* Right as my graceux gode hase galet me before.
799* For þou must rewle all my realm qwen I am raght hyne.'
800* Quod Alexander als beliue 'my awne athell fader,
801* I beseke þe my soueren þat þou my sete dresse
802* In a chosyn chariott as a chefe maister,
803* With folawand me a fair flete of fele men of armes.'
804* 'Þat graunt I gladly,' quod þe gome 'with a gode wille,
805* Frist of my faire foles fang þe a hundreth,
806* And syne sexty thowsand, my son þou þi seluen wale
807* Of shillynges & of shire gold to shote in þi Cofyre.
807a* Syne of my chefe chiftanes chese þe þe best,
808* Þe most proved of my princez in poyntez of were;
809* Wyes ne no wale wede want shall þe noþer,
810* And held on with a hale here þar hersound þou worth.'
811* Thys barne hym buskes as he bede & bade he no langre,
812* Bot grathes hym to þe gate with a gyn noble.
813* Forth with eufestyus he ferd a freke þat he loued,
814* Þat was a fyne philo[so]f[e]r a frend of hys awne.
815* ȝitte takez he hym with-owte þe town twelf tried childer,
816* Þat he hed Cosyn hym for chefe hys cheualry to lede;
817* And fair enformed þam of fight & fetez of armez
818* For ȝapest in hys awne yoke ȝarly to drawe;
819* Fers felons with hym fangez & florens enowe,
820* Full preciouse apparement hys person to cleth,
821* Comand kenely hys knyghtez to kepe to hys blonkez,
822* Þat no vnchaunce þaim achefe þat in þe chare ȝodez.
823* He prekys forth on hys play bot with a preuay menȝe,
824* Chaterand with hys chiftanes in hys child gere.
825* To poliponenses hase he passed a prouince vnk[n]awyn,
826* And so was strykyn or he styntyd in-to þe strange realm.
827* The kyng of þatt cuntree þat þe kyth weldyd,
828* Which was callyd nicholas & hym naytly metes,
829* Had rasyd vp a rode hoste & heldyd hym ayaynez
830* With bald baratours on bent hym batell to ȝelde.
831* He flonge ow[t] on a fers fole far from hys hoste,
832* Ayres to sir alexander & angrely franes:
833* 'What is þi name, notesman neuen me þe sothe;
834* And whyne ert þou & who & what makys þou here?'
835* Þe knyght, as he wele couth hym curtasly answers:
836* 'Sir, kyng philip þe ferse my fader was haten,
837* And all þe marche of massydon he manours clene;
838* And I hys heyre alexander als elders me callen.'
839* Þat oþer renishit r[e]nke hym rightes in þe sadyll,
840* Stranes owt hys sterops & sternly lokez,
841* With a sembland as a hye sir settes owt þe brest,
842* Sayd: 'who am I þat am here as þou supposez?'
843* 'Sir, þou art a kyng of þis kyth I ken wele my-seluen,
844* Bott neuer þe latter in his lede if þou be lord here,
723 Þof I þis wirschip þe wayfe as wald þine astate,
724 Lat þou þi hert neuer þe hiȝere hale into pride.
725 For it was wont,' quod þe wee 'as wyse men tellis,
726 Full hiȝe þingis ouer-heldis to held oþer-quile.
727 Slike as ere now broȝt a-bofe nowe þe bothum askis,
728 And slike at left ere on lawe ere lift to þe sternes.'
729 'Sa ma aydeus,' quod þat oþire man ‘þou tellis me treuthe,
730 Son þis ensample of þi-selfe þou sais me, I trowe.
731 Vn-behalde þe wele on ilk halfe & haue a gud eȝe,
732 Les on þine ane here-efterward þine ossyngis liȝt.'
733 Þan Alexander all in ire angrile spekis:
734 'Hy þe hethen-ward, þou hathill & houe þou na langire.
735 For na-þing as a-nent me þou has noȝt to mell,
736 Ne with þi domes me to dele dole vndire sonne.'
737 Now is ser Nicollas anoyed & nettild with ire,
738 As wrath as [a] waspe & wode of his mynde,
739 Reviles he þis oþire renke with vnrid speche:
740 'Behald,' quod he hedirward '& herken how I say;
741 Now be þe hert & þe hele of my hathill fadire,
742 And be þe god,' quod þe gome 'þat gafe me þe saule,
743 A[ls] sprent [of] my spittyng a specke on þi chere,
744 Þou sall be diȝt to þe deth & drepid of my handis.'
745 Quen he had spokin so, for spyte he spittis in his face,
746 Dispises him despetously dispersons him foule.
747 'Hent þe þare,' quod þe hatill 'as þe to haue semes,
748 Cure, for þi kene carpe chache nowe a schame!'
749 Þan went him furthe Alexander & his ande takis,
750 Lete a-swage or he sware þe swelme of his angirs,
751 Be-seȝis him how he say wold or he his saȝe ȝeld,
752 And turnes him þen to þe tulke & talkis þire wordis:
753 'For þou has noȝtid me now Nicollas,' he sayd,
754 'I swere þe, be my syre saule & by his selfe pite,
755 And be þe worthe wombe of my wale modre
756 Þat I was geten in of gode & graithely consayued,
757 Þou seis me, lede, or oȝt lange in þi lande armed,
758 And oþire recouyre me þi rewme or reche vp þe girdill.'
759 Þan set þai þam slike a day to semble & to fiȝt,
760 And þar-to tuke vp þaire trouthis & twyned esondre.
761 Þen ȝode him furthe þi[s] ȝong man ȝapeli & swythe
762 In-to þe marche of Messedone & manly a-semblis
763 Of saudiours & sekir men a soume out of nounbre,
764 Þat was þe baldest & þe best breueyd in armes.
765 He parrails him a proude ost of princes & oþire,
766 Farkis to ser Philip & fangis his leue,
767 And þan Bocifilas his blonke he bremely ascendis,
768 And bounes on with his bataill out at þe brade ȝatis.
769 Þe same day at was sett þe sembling of bathe,
770 Aithire with a firs flote in þe fild metis.
771 Þe nounbre of ser Nicollas it noyes me to reken,
772 And Alexander was ane oste of augird many.
773 With þat þai tuke vp þaire trompes a-pon þe twa sidis,
774 Braidis banars a-brade buskis to mete.
775 So knilid þe clarons þat all þe cliffe rynges,
776 Þe holtis & þe haire heere & þe hillis scheuyn.
777 Ilk a hathill to hors hiȝis him be-lyue,
778 Stridis into stele-bowe stertis apon loft,
779 Has a helme on his hede & honge on his swyre
780 A schene schondirhand schild & a schaft hentis.
781 Quat of stamping of stedis & stering of bernes,
782 All dymed þe dale & þe dust ryses.
783 With slik a bront & a brusche þe bataill a-sembild,
784 As þe erth & all þe el[e]mentis at anes had wrestild.
785 Now aithire stoure on þar stedes strikis to-gedire,
786 Spurnes out spakly with speris in hand,
787 Brekis in-to blasons bordren shildis,
788 Beris in-to briȝt stele bitand lances,
789 Sone in scheuerand schidis schaftis ere brosten,
790 Al to-spryngis in sprotis speris of syris,
791 Dryfuys doune duchepers & doykis of þar horses,
792 Fellis fay to þe fold many fresch knyȝtis.
793 Quat dose now þis Nichollas bot nymes him a spere,
794 Kest him on þis ȝong knyȝt to couire him a name;
795 And Alexander with anothire airis him agayne,
796 Girdis grymly to-gedire greuosly metis.
797 Sa sare was þe semble þire seggis be-twene,
798 Þat al to-wraiste þai þar wode & werpis in-sondire,
799 Al to-clatirs in-to cauels clene to þaire handis,
800 Þar left nouþire in þar hand þe lengthe of an ellyn.
801 Þen littid þai na langer bot laschid out swerdis,
802 Aithire a blesynand brand brait out of schethe,
803 Hewis on hattirly had thurgh mailes,
804 Many starand stanes strikis of þaire helmes.
805 Þen Alexander in ane ire his arme vpliftis,
806 Swythe swyngis out his swerde & his swayfe feches.
807 Þe noll of Nicollas þe kyng he fra þe nebb partis,
808 Þat doun he fell fra his fole & fynyst for euir.
809 Þus was him destand þat day as driȝten had shapid,
810 To hent him þe hiȝere hande of his athill fais.
811 Þare slike wirschip he wan ware wonder to tell;
812 Had of þat hiȝe kynge þe hede fra þe shuldirs.
813 Þen was him geuyn vp be ȝerde & ȝolden þe rewme,
814 And all at left was o lyfe lordis & othire,
815 Come to þat conquerour & on knese fallis,
816 And in his mercy & meth mekely þaim put.
817 Þis renke & his rounsy þai reche vp a croune,
818 As gome at has þe garland & all þe gre wonn.
819 Þus with þe floure in þe fild he fangid his enmy,
820 And haldis on with hale here hame to his fadire.
821 Þan fyndis he Philip on his flett with a fest huge
822 Had wed him anoþer wyfe & wayfid his quene;
823 Ane Cleopatras caled a grete kyngis doȝter,
824 And had Olympadas & openly for-saken.
825 ‘Fadire,' quod þis fell knyȝt quen he þis fest entirs,
826 'Þe palme here of my first price I pray þe resayfe,
827 Forthe to þe weding or I winde of my wale modire,
828 And kaire me to a-noþire kynge to couple hire to wyfe.
829 For þe to felsen ne to foloȝe fallis me na mare,
830 Ne here to duell with þi douce deynes me na langer,
831 Now þou mas þe slike a mangery & macchis changis,
832 And I to consaile vn-callid I can noȝt þar-on.’
833 With þat þar carpis to þe kyng a knyȝt at þe table,
834 AneLesias, a lede & on loude speches:
835 'Cleopatras a knafe child consayue sall & bere
836 Þat demed is eftir þi deth duly to regne.'
837 Þan Alexander at þis knyȝt angirs vnfaire,
838 Wynnes him vp a wardrere he walt in his handis,
839 So hard him hittis on þe hede his hernes out weltid,
840 And sa he lost has þe lyfe for his leþer wordis.
841 Þan was þe wale kyng wrath as wonder ware ellis,
842 Braydis him vp fra þe borde & a brand clekis,
843 Airid toward Alexander & ames him to strike.
844 Bot þan him failis þe feete or he first wenys,
845 He stakirs, he stumbil, & stande he ne miȝt,
846 Bot ay fundirs & fallis as he ferde ware.
847 Þe faster forward him he faris þe faster he snapirs;
848 Quat was þe cause of þe case þat knawis oure lorde.
849 'Quat now,' quod athill Alexander 'quat ailis þe to fall?
850 Has þou na force in þi fete ne fele of þi-selfe?
851 For a freke to be ferd or a-fraid outhire,
852 And þou þe gouernere of grece þat ware grete wondire!'
853 Þen tittis he doune in þat tene þe tablis ilkane,
854 Out of þe hall be [þe] hare halis he þe bride,
855 And so þe wee in his wreth wrekis his modire,
856 And Philip falne sare seke & all þe fest strubled.
857 As sone as Alexander of angire he slakis,
858 He lendis o-loft to þe lede a litill days eftir,
859 Cairis vp with comfurth þe kyng for to vysite,
860 He comes to þe curten & carpis þis wordis:
861 'Philip,' quod þis ilke freke & forwith him standis,
862 'Þof it vn-semely me sytt þe so for to call,
863 Noȝt as þi suget & þi son my sawe I þe ȝeld,
864 Bot as a felaw or a frynde fallis to a-nothire.
865 Sire, latt þi wreth a-wai wende & with þi wyfe saȝtill,
866 And þe los of Lesias litill þou charge.
867 I did bot my deuire to drepe him, me thinke;
868 For it awe him noȝt sa openly slike ossing to make.
869 And ser, vnworthely þou wroȝ, & þat þou wele knawis,
870 Quen þou was boune with a brand my bodi to schende.'
871 Þen rewis þe riche kyng of vnride werkis,
872 Blischis vp to þe berne & braste out at grete.
873 Þen airis him on Alexander to his awen modire;
874 'Bees not a-glopened, madame ne greued at my fadire;
875 If all ȝe synned him be-syde as ȝour selfe knawis,
876 Þar-of na we may þe wite it was godis will.'
877 With þat he fanges hire furthe to Philip hire ledis,
878 And he comly hire kist & cordis with hire faire,
879 Anes with Olympadas & þe tothire woydis,
880 And lofes hire lely to his lyfes ende.
881 Sone eftir in a seson as þe buke sais,
882 Come driuand fra Darius þe deyne Empereure,
883 Heraudis on heȝe hors hendly a-rayed,
884 To ser Philip þe fers to feche þar trouage.
885 Litill kyngis þar come as þe clause tellis,
886 Liȝt doune at þe loge & þar blonkis leues,
887 Caires in-to þe curte to craue him þar dettis,
888 Touchis titly þar tale & tribute him askis.
889 'ȝa, caires hame,' quod Alexander 'a-gayn to ȝoure kithes,
890 And sais ȝour maister, he make na ma sandis;
891 For sen Philip had a fresch son þat fast now encressis,
892 Þat bees noȝt suffird, I supose nane slike him to ȝeld.
893 For sais ȝour lord, þe lefe hen þat laide hire first egg,
894 Hire bodi nowe with barante is barely consumed,
895 And is Darius so of his dett duly depryued;
896 And be þis titill, him tellis na tribute him fallis.'
897 Þen merualid þam þe messangirs mekill of his speche,
898 His witt & his wisdome wonderly praysed.
899 Faire at ser Ph[ilip] þe fers fange þai þar leue,
900 And syne clene of all þe curte & cairis to þar landis.
901 To þe palais of þe proude kyng to persie þai went,
902 Dose þam in to Darius þar he on dese syttis,
903 And telles him how his trouage is tynt al-to-gedire,
904 As Alexander awyn mouth had þam all enfourmed.
905 Þen messangirs to Messedoyne come in þe mene qwile
906 To Ph[ilip] þe fell kyng & freschly him tald,
907 Þat all þe erthe of Ermony Erles & princes,
908 Þat suld be suget to him-selfe wald seke him with armes.
909 And Alexander belyfe as athil man suld,
910 Vndirfangid to feȝt for Ph[ilip] to wende,
911 Gedirs him a grete ost graithes him in plates,
912 And aires toward Ermony þat erd to distroy.
913 Þan was a man in Messadone in þe marche duellid,
914 A proued prince & a proude Pausanna was hatten,
915 A big berne & a bald in brenys to ryde,
916 Þe son of ane Cerastis as þe buke witnes.
917 Þis freke all his franche of Ph[ilip] he haldis,
918 And was a suget to him-selfe & serues him aȝt;
919 Bot þan he depely many day disired to haue þe quene,
920 And lyes vmlapped with hire lufe many lange wynter.
921 And by þat cause to þe kyng he kest slik a hate,
922 Þat he desiris his deth & diȝtis [him] þare-fore.
923 All þe folke of his affinite he freschly a-semblis,
924 And sekis furth with a hoge some a-saile him to ȝeld.
925 Quen Ph[ilip] heris of þat fare gret ferly him thinke[s],
926 Ferkis furth with a fewe folk him in þe fild metis,
927 Seis þe multitude sa mekill of men at he bringes,
928 Braidis on his blonke toward þe burȝe & þaim þe bak shewis.
929 Þen schrikis schilli all þe schalkis & schoutis him at anes,
930 And Pausanna þe prince a-pon a proude stede
931 Sprengis out with a spere & spedis him eftir,
932 And þurgh þe bac in-to þe brest him beris to þe erd;
933* He heldes doun in þe hey way & halfe-deyde he liggez,
933 All ware he wondirly wondid he wendis noȝt be-lyfe.
934 His men & all þe Messadones full maynly ware stourbed,
935 Quat of doloure & dyn quen þai him dede hopid.
936 Pausanna þan for þe prowis slike a pride hentis,
937 Vnethes wist he for welth wirke quat he miȝt.
938 He prekis in-to þe palais to pull out þe quene,
939 Wenys to wild hire at will & away lede.
940 Þan comes Alexander in þat cas þe cronaclis tellis,
941 With a riall ost of many able princes,
942 Airand out of Ermony & had all þe erth won;
943 Sees slike a rottillyng in þe rewme & ridis al þe faster.
944 Þan past vp þe proud quene in-to preue chambre,
945 Wayues out at wyndou & waytis a-boute,
946 Saȝe be þe sygnes & be sike as with hire son comys,
947 And be þe alyens armes at he was all maister.
948 With þat scho haldis out hire hede & heȝe to him callis,
949 'Quare is þi werdes, my wale son þou wan of þi godis,
950 Þou suld be victour & venge & vencust neuire?
951 If þou haue any hert here help now þi modire.'
952 Sone as pausanna þe prince with-in þe palais heris
953 Þe comynge of þe kene knyȝt he caires him agaynes,
954 Presis out of þe palais with a pake armed,
955 And metes him in þe myd-fild with a mekill nounbre.
956 And Alexander be-lyue quen he on him waites,
957 He swyngis out with a swerd & swappis him to dethe;
958 And þe renkis, all þe route reches vp þaire wapen
959 Vn-to þis kid conquirour & cried eftir socure.
960 Þan was þar ane in þe ost on Alexander callis,
961 Sayd, 'Ph[ilip] þi fadire is in þe fild drepid.'
962 And he halis furth on hede & halfe-dede him fyndis,
963 Brusches doune by þe berne & bittirly wepis.
964 ‘A! Alexander!’ quod þe kyng ‘now am I at ane ende;’
965 A litill liftis vp his liddis & lokis in his face;
966 'Bot ȝit it gladis me,' quod þe gome 'to ga þus to deth,
967 To se my slaare in my siȝt be sa sone ȝolden,
968 A! wele be þe, my wale son' & waged with his hede;
969 'Þou has baldly on my bane & bremely me vengid.'
970 With þat he bloþirs in þe brest & þe breth stoppis,
971 And in a spedfull space so þe sprete ȝeldis.
972 And Alexander ay on-ane augirly he wepis,
973 And gretis for him as greuously as he him geten hade.
974 With barons & bachelers him broȝt to þe cite,
975 And erdis him in his awen erd as Emperoure fallis.
976 Þe day efter his deth drerely him wendis
977 Alexander his aire & syttis in his trone,
978 A clene croune on his hede clustird with gemmes,
979 To se how him seme wald þe sete of his fadire.
980 He seis doune in þe sete with septir in hande,
981 Makis a crie þat all þe curte kniȝtis & erles
982 Suld put þaim in-to presens his precep to here.
983 And all comyn at a kall & on kneis heldis;
984 Þan blisches he to his baronage & breues þir wordis:
985 'Lo! maistirs of Messedone sa miȝty men & noble,
986 ȝe Traces & of Tessaloyne & ȝe þe trewe Grekis,
987 How likis ȝow nowe ȝour lege lord? lokis on my fourme,
988 And letis all ferdschip at flee & fange vp ȝour hertis,
989 And aires for nane alyens quils Alexander lastis.
990 For with þe graunt of my god I gesse, or I dye,
991 Þat all þe Barbare blode sall bowe to my-selfe.
992 Þare is na region ne rewme ne renke vnder heuen,
993 Ne nouthire-quare na nacion bot it sall my name loute.
994 For we of grece sall haue þe gree with grace ay to wild,
995 And anely be ouer þe werd honourd & praysed.
996 And quilk of all myne athill men þat any armes wantis,
997 Lat pas in-to my palais & plates him delyuire,
998 And he at of his awen has harnas him swythe,
999 And make him boune ilka berne to bataill to ride.'
1000 Þan answard him with [a] voice all his proud princes,
1001 And Erles in his Empire þat ware in eld striken,
1002 Hathils of hiȝe age Auncient kniȝtis,
1003 Barons & bachelers & bryssid ware in Armes:
1004 'Sire, we hafe farne to þe fiȝt & bene in fild preued
1005 With ser Ph[ilip] ȝour fadire mony fele wynter,
1006 And now vs failis all oure force & oure flesch waykis;
1007 For be þe floure neuer sa fresche it fadis at þe last.
1008 Sire, all þe ȝeris of oure ȝouthe es ȝare syne passid,
1009 And we for-trauailid & terid þat now oure topp haris,
1010 Al to heuy to be hildid in any here wedis,
1011 Or any angwische of armes any mare suffire.
1012 For-þi, lord, with ȝoure leue we lawe ȝow be-sechis
1013 We may noȝt stand now in stede oure strenth is [to] febill.
1014 Wale ȝow oþir werriouris þat wiȝt ere & ȝonger,
1015 Slike as ere stife in a stoure strakis to thole.'
1016 'Nay, be my croune,' quod þe king, 'my couatyng is elder
1017 Þe sadnes of slike men þan swyftnes of childir;
1018 For barnes in þar bignes it baldis þam mekill,
1019 Oft with vnprouednes in presse to pas out of lyfe;
1020 For-thi ouer-siȝt of alde men I anely me chese;
1021 Be connynge & be consaile þai kyth ai þar werkis.'
1022 Þe sleȝt of hys sapience þai selcuthely prayse,
1023 And clene a-cordis to his carpe kniȝtis & othire.
1024 Þen dose him furthe þis dere kyng a litill dais eftir,
1025 Alexander with ane ost of many athill dukis,
1026 Samed a vnsene somme to saile he begynnes
1027 Ouer in-to ytaile þa yles to distruye.
1028 In-to þe coste of Calodone he comes him ouer first,
1029 And þar a cite he asailes & in sege lengis.
1030 Bot wees wiȝtly with-in þe wallis ascendid,
1031 Freschly fendid of & fersly with-stude.
1032 'ȝe Calodoyns,' quod þe kyng he callis fra with-oute,
1033 'Outhire macches ȝow maynly þerto or namely dies,
1034 And fiȝtis fast with ȝour fais to ȝe fey worthe,
1035 Or ȝefes ȝarely vp þe ȝerde & ȝeld me þe cite.'
1036 So chaunses it þis chiftan or he a-cheued þine,
1037 Þat fele he brenes of þa bernes & þe burȝe wynnes,
1038 And caires so out of Calodone quen he it couerid had,
1039 Ouer þe ythes in-to Italee & þat Ile entirs.
1040 Þen ware þai [redles of] rede all redd of his come,
1041 Prays him all of þe pees & presandis him faire,
1042 Sexti thousand þai him send of sekire besandis,
1043 Of clere gold of þaire kist & coruns a hundrethe.
1044 Þare tuke he tribute þat tyme þe titill recordis,
1045 Out euyn in-to þe occident of all at þare duellid,
1046 Of qwilke þe erde & þe erthe Europe was callid,
1047 And ames þan to Affrike & all at esse leues.
1048 Þan raȝt he fra þa regions & remowed his ost,
1049 Cachis in-to anoþire kythe & crossis ouer þe stremes,
1050 Aires in-to Affrike with many athill prince[s],
1051 Anoþer wing of þe werd & wynnes it be-lyfe,
1052 Þat syde sodanly & sone þat ser he a-cheues.
1053 For þar he fande bot fewe þat felly withstude,
1054 Na ridars in þa regions ne rebell bot littill;
1055 He laches it þe liȝtlyere as was þe les wonder.
1056 Þan kaires he fra þo contres & kerue[s] ouer þe stremes,
1057 Furthe to Frantites he ferd slike a ferre Ile,
1058 Seches þar to a synagoge him-selfe & his princes,
1059 Amon þar awen god at þai honoure myȝt.
1060 And so to þe temple as he tiȝt with his tid Erles,
1061 Þan metis him myddis þe way was meruale to sene,
1062 A hert with a huge hede þe hareest on erthe,
1063 Was to be-hald as a harow for-helid ouer þe tyndis;
1064 And þan comande him þe kyng kenely to schote,
1065 Bot þar was na man so nemyll þat him hit couthe.
1066 'A! hilla, haile' quod Alexander & him a narawe hent,
1067 Droȝe, & at þe first draȝte him dreped for euire.
1068 Fra þethen to þis day þan is þat ilke place,
1069 Þe stede þar þis stith man strikis þis hert,
1070 Sagittarius forsoth men gafe it to name,
1071 And will do for þat ilke werk ay qwen þe werd turnes.
1072 Þen aires him on ser Alexander till Amon temple,
1073 Offirs to his awen gode & honours him faire,
1074 Geuys him garsons of gold & of gud stanes,
1075 And hald hestes him to hete him hettirly besekis.
1076 Þan passes he þethen with his princes to sich a place wendis,
1077 Capho Resey we rede þe romaunce it callis;
1078 And þar-in fyndis him þe freke fyftene Burghes,
1079 And glidand to þe grete see xij grym waters.
1080 Of ilka bild, sais þe buke barred was þe ȝatis,
1081 Stoken stifly with-out with staplis & cheynes.
1082 Þare lengis him lefe þe kynge & logis all a neuen,
1083 And sacrifyce þar efsones to many sere godis.
1084 Þe same niȝt in his slepe Seraphis aperis,
1085 Anothire of his grete godis in a grym fourme,
1086 Cled in a comly clathe of castans hewes,
1087 And silis euyn to him-selfe & said him þir wordis:
1088 Alexander, athill kynge' & asperly spekis,
1089 Toward a miȝti montayne him myntis with his fynger,
1090 'May þou oȝt, lede, þe ȝonder lawe lyft on þi schulder,
1091 And stire it oute of þe stede & stable in a-nothire?'
1092 'Nay, qua miȝt þat,' quod þe man 'for mede vndire heuen?'
1093 'Sire, as ȝone ȝondire hiȝe hill sall ay hald his place,
1094 So sall þi name fra now furth be mynned in mynde,
1095 And ay to þe day of dome þi dedis be remenbrid.'
1096 Þan Alexander belyue him askis a demaunde,
1097 'I be-seche þe now, Syraphas if þou me say wald
1099 Þe prophecy, or þou pas of all my playn werdis,
1100 How me is destayned to dye & quen my day fallis?'
1101 'Sire, certayne,' quod Seraphis 'as to my-selfe thinkis,
1102 For any hathill vnder heuen I hald for þe better,
1103 Withouten wa noȝt at wete þe wathe of his ende
1104 Þen know þe cas or it come & ay in care lenge.
1105 Bot neuer-þe-les I sall þe neuen sen þou me now prays,
1106 Þou sall be drechid of a drinke a draȝt of vnsele,
1107 And all þi ȝeris ere ȝeten ȝare & þi ȝouthe fenyst,
1108 Lange or þou haue meten þe merke of þi mydill age.
1109 Bot quen ne in quat time sal qwaite þe þis aunter,
1110 Enquire me noȝt þat question for I queth þe it neuer.
1111 For outhire out of þe orient sall openly here-efter
1112 Vndo þe dreȝt of þi days & þi ded tell.'
1113 Þan waynest him þis vayne god & voidis fra þe chambre.
1114 Þe modi kyng on þe morne all monand he ryses;
1115 Þe mast parti of his princes & of his proud ost
1116 Hastis þam in-to Ascoiloym & þar þai him bydis.
1117 Þan callis he to him carpentaris & comandis þaim swyþe
1118 In mynde & in memory of him to make a cite,
1119 And neuens it his awen name þat neuer syne changid,
1120 Bot Alexsander ay furth efter him-seluen.
1121 Now airis he furthe with his ost to Egist he thinkes;
1122 And clene all þe contre quen þai his come herd,
1123 As he had bene a hiȝe gode þai ȝode him a-gayn,
1124 Resaued him with reuerence & to þar rewme lede.
1125 Þere entirs him þat Emperoure & in þat erd findis
1126 Of Anec his awen sire ane ymage of sable,
1127 A berne was of blake stane all þe body hewen
1128 With conyschance of a kynge with coron & septere.
1129 Þan askis of þam Alexander as he þar-on lokis,
1130 Quat maner of man apon mold it was made efter?
1131 Sire Anectabus,' quod all with a steuen,
1132 'Þat all þe erth of Egipte enerid vmquile.'
1133 With þat þe flammand flode fell in his eȝen,
1134 'Þat Anec,' quod þis athil kyng 'was myne awen fadire.'
1135 Þan fallis he flat on þe fold & þe fete kyssis;
1136 On þe stane quare it stode stilly he mournes.
1137 Syne in-to Sirie with his seggis he soȝt at þe gaynest,
1138 And þai as baratours bald him bigly with-standis,
1139 Set on him sadly & sloȝe of his kniȝtis;
1140 Bot ȝet ȝarely are he ȝode þai ȝald him þe regne.
1141 Þan drafe he sa to Damac with dukis & princes,
1142 And sone he sesyd all þat syde & Sydoyne he takis,
1143 And þen trussis him to Tyre & þare his tentis settis
1144 Be-syde þe cite with a some & in a sege lengys.
1145 Þare he lies with his ledis lang or he foundes,
1146 Before þe burȝe with his bernes & mekill bale suffirs.
1147 Quat of ane, quat of oþire oft his oste pleynes,
1148 For wele wist þai þam nane to wyn to þe cite,
1149 It was sa stiffe & sa strang & stalworthly wallid,
1150 And so hedously hiȝe it was a huge wondire,
1151 Tildid full of turestis & toures of defence,
1152 Batailid & bretagid a-boute as a castell.
1153 Þe wawis of þe wild see apon þe wallis betis,
1154 þe pure populande hurle passis it vmby,
1155 It was enforced with sa fele fludis & othire,
1156 It semed neuer sege vnder son be saute it to wyn.
1157 Þan etils him sir Alexander & belyue makis
1158 Be-side þe cite in þe See to sett vp a loge,
1159 A hiȝe tilde as a toure teldid on schippis,
1160 Þat miȝt na Naue for þat note neȝe to þe cite.
1161 Quen he þis baistell had bild vp to þe burȝe wallis,
1162 And tiȝt him as tyme was þe toune to assaill,
1163 Slik mischife in þe mene quile emang his men fallis,
1164 For megire & for meteles ware mervaile to here.
1165 Þar was Princes in poynt to perisch for euire,
1166 All in doute to be dede dukis & erlis,
1167 In fere to be famyschist many fers kniȝtis,
1168 For þar is na wa in þe werd to þe wode hunger.
1169 Þan pleynis him þe proud kyng þe pete of his men,
1170 And sendis out his sandis-men with selid lettirs,
1171 To ierusalem to Iaudis at þe iewes teches,
1172 Þat was be bischop in þat burȝe breuyd in þa dais;
1173 Him moneste as a maister him maynly to send
1174 Fresch folke for þe fiȝt & fode for his oste,
1175 And all þe trouage þare to him tittly to wayne,
1176 Þat he to Darius of dewe was dangird to paye.
1177 And ȝit comand he þis clerke þe kyng in his writtes,
1178 For any richas him redis rathere to thole
1179 Þe mayntenance of þe Messedoyns & of þe meri Grekis,
1180 Þan þaim of Persy to pay or to plese authere.
1181 Þan takis þe bischop þe breue & buȝes to a chambre,
1182 Resayued it with reuerence & redis it ouire,
1183 Gase him doun be degrece a-gayne to þe sale,
1184 Swiftly to þe swiars & þam his sware ȝeldis:
1185 'Sirs, airis a gayn to Alexander & all þus him tellis,
1186 Þat me was done many day depely to swere,
1187 Neuer Persy to paire to pas with myne armes
1188 In damaging of Darius durand his lyfe.'
1189 Sone as þe wale kyng wist he writhis him vnfaire,
1190 'Now be þat god,' quod be gome 'þat gatt me on erthe,
1191 I sall anes on þe iewis enioyne or I die,
1192 Sall ken þam quas comandment to kepe at þam fall.'
1193 ȝit for na torfar him tid Tyre wald he noȝt leue,
1194 Bot chese him out a chiftane & charge[s] him belyue,
1195 A mody man, ser Meliager a maistir of his oste,
1196 To fande him furth with a flote of fyue hundreth kniȝtis;
1197 A[nd] Ioynes him to Iosaphat his iournay to take,
1198 And all þe pastours & þe playnes prestly to driue,
1199 And bring in all þe bestaill barayn & othire,
1200 Þat he miȝt se on any syde þe cite of Gadirs.
1201 Þan mouys he on, ser Meliager þis miȝtifull prince
1202 With a soume of sekir men & Sampson þam ledis,
1203 A renke at in þa regions had redyn oft sythis,
1204 And knew þe costis & þe kitthis clene all-to-gedire.
1205 Þus ȝede þai furthe egirly & entirs þe vaile,
1206 And slike a prai þam apreued as pyne were to reken,
1207 Bryngis furthe, sayd þe boke bestis out of nounbre,
1208 And trottes on toward Tyre with taite at þaire hertis.
1209 Bot or þai meten ware a myle þe meris with-outen,
1210 Þar metis þaim with a mekill flote þe maistir of þe playnes,
1211 He þat was duke of þe droues & of þe derfe hillis,
1212 Ane Theosellus, a tulke þat tened þam vnfaire.
1213 He girdis in with a ging armed in plates,
1214 Alto-bruntes oure bernes & brathly woundid,
1215 Fellis fele at a frusch fey to þe gronde,
1216 And many renke at he roue rase neuer efter.
1217 Þan was ser Meliager moued & maynly debatis,
1218 Flingis out on a foie with a fell spere,
1219 Gers many grete syre grane & girdis þurȝe maillis,
1220 And many bernes at a braide in his brath endis.
1221 And Sampson on anothire side setis out belyue,
1222 Bruschis forth on a blonk brymly he smytis,
1223 Betis on with a brande broken was his lance,
1224 Hewis doun of þa hirdis hurtis þam vn-faire.
1225 Arystes, ane athill man ai elike fiȝtis,
1226 Spirris out with a spere & spedis his miȝtis,
1227 And noyed of þare note-men at þe nete kepid,
1228 And many bald, or he blan broȝt out o lyue.
1229 Caulus, anothire kniȝt on a kene stede,
1230 On Theosellus in twa his tymbre he brekis;
1231 And þan he dryfes to þe duke as demys þe textis,
1232 And with a swyng of a swerd swappis of hes hede.
1233 When he was drepid & dede at þe droues ȝemyd,
1234 Þe prekars of þe pastors & of þe proude landis,
1235 All þe folke of his affinite at fresch ware vn-wondid,
1236 Þat outhire fote had or fole to þe fliȝt foundid.
1237 Þus Meliager with his men þe menske has a-chevyd,
1238 For þe fairere of þar faes & þe fild wonn;
1239 Raschis with rethere & rydis bot a quyle,
1240 Þat ne neȝis þam a-nothire note as new as þe first.
1241 Þare was a maistir of þe marches miȝtist of othire
1242 Ane Beritinus, a berne as þe buke tellis,
1243 Come girdand out of Gadirs out of þe grete cite,
1244 With þe selcuthest soume þat semblid was euire.
1245 Slik a mynd vn-to me ware meruaill to reken,
1246 Thretti thousand in thede of thra men of armes,
1247 Slike as was buskest on blonkes in brenys & platis,
1248 And othire folawand on fote fele with-outen nounbre.
1249 Þe multitude was sa mekill as mynes vs þe writtis,
1250 Of wees & of wild horsis & wapened prenys,
1251 Sa stithe a steuyn in þe stoure of stedis & ellis,
1252 As it was semand to siȝt as all þe soyle trymblid.
1253 Þan ware þe Messedones amayd quen þa see sa many;
1254 Sire Meliager [was] in gret mynd a man out to sende
1255 To Alexander belyue þaire allire maister,
1256 To come & help with his here or þai to hande ȝode.
1257 Þare was nane þat was glad þat message to gange,
1258 Bot ilka lathire & othire to leue þaire frynde,
1259 Fest þar forward in-fere þat fewe at þai ware,
1260 To do as driȝten wald deme & dyi all to-gedire;
1261 To tell þaire torfere entyre it taryed me swythe.
1262 Bot so þe mode Meliager & his men feȝtis,
1263 Þat ser Beritinus þe bald þai bretned to dethe,
1264 And Sampson on þis side was slay þar-agaynys.
1265 Þen mournes all þe Messedones & maynten him ȝerne,
1266 Makis þar mane for þat man & many othire noble,
1267 For maistris & mynistris menere & grettir,
1268 Þat was in morsels magged & martrid a hundreth.
1269 And þat left ware on lyfe bot a litill meȝne,
1270 Ware als malstrid & mased & matid of þaire strenthes,
1271 Sa waike & so wyndles & wery for-foȝten,
1272 Þat þai were will in þis werd qwat þai worthe suld.
1273 Sire Meliager & othire maa mayned were sare,
1274 All be-bled & to-brissid þat neȝe þar breth failes,
1275 Þai were sa feble & sa faynt & full of þaim-selfe,
1276 Þat all in fere was in fourme þe fild for to ȝeld.
1277 Þan aires him forth Arestes was augrily wondid,
1278 To Alexander onone þas auntirs him tellis,
1279 Þe morth of all þe Messedone[s] & of þe many grekis,
1280 Rekens him þar resons þat reuthe was to here.
1281 With þat þe semely kyng chacches his bernes,
1282 Semblis him a huge soume & fra þe sege wendis,
1283 Þe toure of Tire & þe toune titly he leues,
1284 And Ioynes him to Iosaphat full ioyles he rydes.
1285 Ay he gretis as he gase for grefe of his knyȝtis,
1286 Ay he pleynys as he passes þe pite of his erlis,
1287 Ay he wepis as he wendis for his wale princes,
1288 And soueraynly for Sampson he sorowis ay elike.
1289 When he was tane fraward Tyre toward þe vaile,
1290 Þe werke at he wroȝt had þat water whyt-in,
1291 Þat he had sett in þe see þe cite with-out,
1292 Þar-in he lefte had a lede þe loge for to kepe.
1293 Bot þan ser Balaan, a berne at in þe burȝe lengis,
1294 Ane of þe terands of Tyre atyres him belyue,
1295 Buskes him in breneis with big men of armes,
1296 With traumes & with tribochetis þe tild to asaile.
1297 He bekirs out at þe bild within þe burȝe-wallis,
1298 And þai without in þe werke wiȝtly defendis,
1299 Schot scharply betwene schomes of dartis;
1300 Weris wondirly wele werpis out stanes.
1301 Bot Balaa[n] in þe barmeken sa bitterly fiȝtis,
1302 All to-combirs þam clene with cast of engynes.
1303 Sone þe top of þe toure he tiltis in-to þe watir,
1304 And all þe tulkis in þe tild he termens o lyue;
1305 And þan in batis & in bargis he bownes him swyth,
1306 To þe bothum of þe baistell he buskis him with-out,
1307 Bretens doun all þe bild & þe bernys quellis,
1308 Drenches hire in þe hiȝe see & drawis hire on hepis.
1309 Quen it was smeten in small with þe smert waȝes,
1310 Ilka gobet his gate glidis fra othire.
1311 Þus þe strenth ilk stike was in a stounde wasted,
1312 And Balaa[n] bowis in-to þe burȝe & barris to þe ȝatis.
1313 Be þis oure kyng with his kniȝt[is] is comen in-to þe vaile,
1314 Alexander with ane ost his kniȝtis to help,
1315 Fyndis a fewe of his folke feȝtand ȝerne,
1316 And ay a segge be him-selfe sett all a hundreth.
1317 With þat Bucifalon his blonke he brased in þe side,
1318 Springis out with a spere spillis at þe gaynest,
1319 Ridis euen þurȝe þe route þar rankest þai were,
1320 Be rawe of þaire rabetis he ruschid to þe erthe,
1321 He strikis all fra þar stedis streȝt him be-forne.
1322 Was nane sa stiffe in þat stoure miȝt stand him agayn;
1323 Quare althire-thickest was þe thrange þurȝe þaim he rynnes,
1324 And makis a wai wyde enoȝe waynes to mete.
1325 He laschis out a lange swerde quen his launce failes,
1326 Threschis doun in a thrawe many threuyn dukis,
1327 Stirs him sa in a stonde & his stithe erlis,
1328 Þat þar was [na] berne on bent bott bretened or ȝolden.
1329 Þe seggis on his awen side þat he slayn fyndis,
1330 He mas to graue sum in grete & sum in gray marble.
1331 And þa þat laft ware o-lyue he lokis þar woundis,
1332 And faire fangis his folke & fra þe fild wendis.
1333 Þan bowes he to þe baistall & brymly it semblis,
1334 Gedirs of ilk glode grettir & smallire,
1335 And prekis furth with his pray & passes fraward Gadirs,
1336 And tiȝt agayne toward Tyre to termen his sege.
1337 Quen he was dreuyn ouer þe dales & drewe to þe cite,
1338 With þat he blisches to þe burȝe & sees his bild voidid,
1339 Als bare as a bast his baistell a-way,
1340 But outhire burde or bate bot þe brade wattir,
1341 Þan mournes all þe Messadones & maynly was sturb[i]d.
1342 And Alexander also was augrely greuyd,
1343 So ware þai troubild out of tone quen þai þaire tild miste,
1344 Þat of þe taking of Tire trest þai na langire.
1345 And so him-selfe in his slepe þe same niȝt eftir,
1346 Him thoȝt he had in his hand & held of a vyne
1347 A growen grape of a grype a grete & a rype,
1348 Þe quilke he flange on þe flore & with his fete tredis.
1349 And quen he broken had þe bery als þe berne semes,
1350 Þar folowis out of fresche wyne feetles to mete;
1351 So largely & so delauyly of licoure, him thinkis,
1352 Of ane rasyn to ryn it was a ryfe wondire.
1353 Þe kynge callis him a clerke kenely on þe morne,
1354 Als radly as he rase to reche him his sweuyn.
1355 'Sire, bees adred neuir a dele' þe diuinour said,
1356 'I vndire-take on my trouthe Tire is þine awen;
1357 For þe bery at ȝe brake sa is þe burȝe euen.
1358 Þai sall be sesid þe full sone & to þi-selfe ȝolden,
1359 For þou sall eft all on ernest entire on þe wallis,
1360 And foulire vndir þi feete with-in a fewe days.'
1361 Now compas kenely þis kynge & castis in his mynd
1362 How he miȝt couir in any cas to come to þe cite,
1363 Deuynes depely on dais dropis many wiles,
1364 If he cuthe seke any sleȝt þat him serue wald;
1365 And makis to sett in þe see riȝt in þe same place,
1366 Þar as þe bild at he bi[l]did biggid wasse first,
1367 To stable vp a grete strenthe all on store schipis,
1368 Hugir be þe halfe dele & hiȝere þan þe toþire;
1369 And þat he fiches & firmes sa fast to þe wall,
1370 So nere vnethes at ane eld miȝt narowly betwene,
1371 And band hire, as þe buke sais bigly to-gedire,
1372 With þat scho flisch noþir fayle fyue score aunkirs.
1373 Quen he had tiȝt vp þis tram & þis tild rerid,
1374 Hit had of bradnes abofe to breue out of mesure;
1375 And to hede be a huge thing hiȝere it semed
1376 Þan was þe wallis, sais þe writt of þe wale touris.
1377 Þan Alexander all his ane an-ane he ascendis,
1378 Closid all in clere stele & in clene plates,
1379 And monestis ilk modire son maynly & swyth,
1380 Þat all be bowne at a brayd þe burȝe to assaile.
1381 And all þe ost euyn ouir he openly comandis
1382 To be radly all arayd & redy to fiȝt;
1383 And quen þai saȝe þat him-selfe þe cite was entrid,
1384 Wan vp wiȝtly on þe wallis ilk wee him eftir.
1385 Now tenelis vp taburs & all þe toun rengis,
1386 Steryn steuyn vp strake strakid þar trumpis,
1387 Blewe bemys of bras bernes assemblis,
1388 Seȝes to on ilk syde & a saute ȝeldis.
1389 Þare presis to with paues peple withouten;
1390 Archars with arows of atter envemonde
1391 Schotis vp scharply at shalkis on þe wallis,
1392 Lasch at þam of loft many lede floȝen,
1393 And þai ȝapely a-ȝayne ȝildis þam swythe,
1394 Bekire out of þe burȝe bald men many,
1395 Kenely þai kast of with kastis of stanys,
1396 Driues dartis at oure dukis dedly þam woundid.
1397 Þan passe vp oure princes prestly enarmed,
1398 In-to þe baistell a-bofe bremely ascendid,
1399 Sum with lances on-loft & with lange swerdis,
1400 With ax & with alblaster & alkens wapen.
1401 Alexander ai elike augrily feȝtis,
1402 Now a schaft, now a schild nowe a scheue hentis,
1403 Now a sparth, now a spere & sped so his miȝtis,
1404 Þat it ware tere any tonge to of his turnes rekyn.
1405 And þai with-in on þe wall worthili with-stude,
1406 Fersly defend of & fellid of his knyȝtis,
1407 Thristis ouir thikefald many threuyn berne[s],
1408 And doun bakward þam bare into þe brad wattir.
1409 With þat oure wees without writhis þam vnfare,
1410 Went wode of þaire witt & wrekis þam swyth;
1411 For na wounde ne na wathe wand þai na langir,
1412 Bot all wirkis him þe wa & wrake at he cuthe.
1413 Sum braidis to þar bowis bremely þai schut,
1414 Quethirs out quarels quikly be-twene;
1415 Strykis vp of þe stoure stanes of engynes,
1416 Þat þe bretage a-boue brast all in soundire,
1417 Girdis ouir garettis with gomes to þe erthe,
1418 Tilt torettis doun toures on hepis,
1419 Spedely with sprygaldis spilt þaire braynes,
1420 Many miȝtfull man marris on þe wallis.
1421 And be þe kirnells ware kast & kutt doun before,
1422 Be þat þe baistell & þe burȝe ware bathe elike hiȝe,
1423 And all oure werke without þe wallis weterly semed,
1424 Þe sidis of þe cite to se to o fernes,
1425 Þan Alexander belyf on þam all entris,
1426 Bruschis in with a brand on bernes a hundreth,
1427 Thrang thurȝe a thousand þare thikest þai were,
1428 Wynnes worthly ouer þe wallis with-in to þe cite.
1429 Þe first modire son he mett oþire man outhire,
1430 Was Balaan þe bald bern, as þe boke tellis,
1431 And him he settis on a saute & sloȝe him belyue,
1432 And werpid him out ouir þe wall in-to þe wild streme.
1433 Sone as oure athils be-hind saȝe þar he entred,
1434 His men & all þe Messedones maynly ascendis,
1435 And þai of Grece gredely girdis vp eftire,
1436 Thringis vp on a thraw thousandis many.
1437 Sum stepis vp on sties to þe stane wallis,
1438 On ilka staffe of a staire stike wald a cluster;
1439 And qua sa leddirs had nane as þe lyne tellis,
1440 Wald gett þam hald with þar hend & on-loft clyme.
1441 Sa freȝt ware þar othire þat feȝtis within,
1442 For Balaan þar bald duke þat broȝt was of lyue,
1443 Þat all failis þam þe force & so ferd worthe,
1444 Þat nothire with stafe ne with stane withstand þai na langir.
1445 Sire Alexander with his athils & his awen sleȝtis
1446 Þe toune of Tire þus he tuke & othire twa burȝes,
1447 In þe quilke þe siriens of þis sire so many soroȝes had,
1448 As wald bot tary all oure tale þaire tourment to reken.
1449 Sone as þis cite was sesid & slayne vp & ȝolden,
1450 Þen ridis furth þe riche kynge & remowed his ost,
1451 Gais him furth to Gasa a-nothire grete cite,
1452 And þat he settis on a saute & sesis it be-lyue;
1453 And quen þis Gasa was geten he graythis him swyth,
1454 And Ioynes him toward Ierusalem þe iewis to distroy;
1455 And ȝe þat kepis of þis carpe to knaw any ferre,
1456 Sone sall I neuen ȝow þe note þat is next eftir.
1457 Als hastily as þai herd of in þe haly cite,
1458 And bodword to þe bischop broȝt of his come,
1459 For Alexander aȝe almast he euen deis,
1460 For he had nite him a nerand noȝt bot o new time.
1461 And now him þinke in his þoȝt him thurt noȝt haue carid
1462 In all his mast mystir nad he þat man faylid,
1463 When he for socure to þe cite sent him his lettir;
1464 And he soyned him be his sorement þat sare him for-thinkis.
1465 'For me had leuer,' quod þe lede 'be lethirely for-sworn
1466 On as many halidoms as opens & speris,
1467 Þan anys haue greuyd þat gome or warned him his erand!
1468 Þat euer I warned him his will wa is me þat stonde!'
1469 Þus was Iaudes of ioy & iolite depryued;
1470 And all þe iewis of ierusalem he Ioyntly a-sembles.
1471 He said, 'Alexander is at hand & will vs all cumbre,
1472 And we ere dredles vndone bot driȝten vs help.'
1473 Þan bedis þe bischop all þe burȝe barnes & othire,
1474 Athils of all age eldire & ȝongire,
1475 Comandis to ilka creatour to crie þurȝe þe stretis,
1476 To thre dais on a thrawe be threpild to-gedire,
1477 Ilk a frek & ilka fante to fast & to pray,
1478 To ocupy þar oures & orisons & offire in þaire temple,
1479 And call vp with a clene voice to þe kyng of heuyn,
1480 To kepe þam, at þis conquiroure encumbrid þaim neuir.
1481 Now seȝen þai to þar Sinagogis all þe cite ouire,
1482 Ilka bodi þar bedis þat in þe burȝe lengis,
1483 Putt þam to prayris & penaunce enduris,
1484 Þe vengance of þis victoure to voide if þai miȝt.
1485 Þe niȝt eftir þe note as tellis me þe writtis,
1486 Quen all þe cite was on-slepe and sacrifis endid,
1487 In ane abite of þe aire ane Aungell aperis
1488 To Iaudas of ierusalem & him with ioy gretis:
1489 'I bringe þe bodword of blis ser bischop,' he said,
1490 'With salutis of solas I am sent fra þe trone,
1491 Fra þe maister of man þe miȝtfull fadere,
1492 Þat bedis þe noȝt be a-baist he has þi bone herd;
1493 And I amonest þe to-morne as I am enIoyned,
1494 Þat þou as radly as þou rise aray all þe cite,
1495 Þe stretis & in all stedis stoutly & faire,
1496 Þat it be onest all ouire & open vp þe ȝatis.
1497 Lett þan þe pupill ilka poll apareld be clene,
1498 And al manere of men in mylk-quyte clathis.
1499 And pas, þou & þi prelatis & prestis of þe temple,
1500 Raueste all on a raw as ȝoure rewill askis.
1501 And quen þis conquirour comes caire him agaynes;
1502 For he mon ride þus & regne ouire all þe ronde werde
1503 Be lordschip in ilka lede in-to his laste days,
1504 And þen be diȝt to þe deth of driȝtins ire.'
1505 Sone þe derke ouire-drafe & þe day springis,
1506 Oure bischop bounes him of bed & buskis on his wedis,
1507 And þen iogis all þe iewis & generall callis,
1508 A-vaies þaim his vision how þe voice bedis;
1509 Þan consals him þe clergy clene all-to-gedire,
1510 And all þe cite asentis sarazens & oþir,
1511 To buwne furth with all þe burȝe & buske þam belyue,
1512 As him was said in his slepe þis souerayn to mete.
1513 Þan rynnes he furth in a rase & arais all þe cite,
1514 Braidis ouire with bawdkyns all þe brade stretis,
1515 With tars & with tafeta þare he trede sulde,
1516 For þe erth to slike ane Emperoure ware ouire feble.
1517 He plyes ouire þe pauement with pallen webis,
1518 Mas on hiȝt ouire his hede for hete of þe sone,
1519 Sylours of sendale to sele ouire þe gatis,
1520 And sammes þaim on aithire side with silken rapis,
1521 And þen he caggis vp on cordis as curteyns it were,
1522 Euen as þe esyngis ȝede ouire be þe costes,
1523 All þe wawis with-oute in webis of ynde,
1524 Of briȝt blasand blewe browden with sternes.
1525 Þus atired he þe toune & titely þar-eftir
1526 On ilka way wid open werped he þe ȝatis;
1527 And qua so lukis fra with-out & with-in haldis,
1528 It semyd as þe cite to se ane of þe seuyn heuyns.
1529 Now passis furth þis prelate with prestis of þe temple,
1530 Reueschid him rially & þat in riche wedis,
1531 With erst & abite vndire all as I am in-fourmede,
1532 Full of bridis & of bestis of bise & of purpre;
1533 And þat was garnest full gay with golden skirtis,
1534 Store starand stanes strekilland all ouire,
1535 Saudid full of safirs & oþire sere gemmes,
1536 And poudird with perry was perrour & othire.
1537 And sithen he castis on a Cape of kastand hewes,
1538 With riche rabies of gold railed bi þe hemmes,
1539 A vestoure to vise on of violet floures,
1540 Wroȝt full of wodwose & oþir wild bestis;
1541 And þan him hiȝtild his hede & had on a Mitre,
1542 Was forgid all of fyne gold & fret full of perrils,
1543 Stiȝt staffull of stanes þat straȝt out bemes,
1544 As it ware shemerand shaftis of þe shire son.
1545 Doctours & diuinours & othire dere maistris,
1546 Iustis of iewry & iogis of þe lawe,
1547 Ware tired all in tonacles of tarrayn webbis;
1548 Þai were bret-full of bees all þe body ouire,
1549 And oþer clientis & clerkis as to þe kirke fallis,
1550 Ware all samen of a soyte in surples of raynes,
1551 Þat slike a siȝt, I supose was neuer sene eftire,
1552 So parailed a procession a person a-gaynes.
1553 Now bowis furth þe bischop at þe burȝe ȝatis,
1554 With prestis & with prelatis a pake out of nombre;
1555 And all þe cite in sorte felowis him eftir,
1556 Quirris furth all in quite of qualite as aungels;
1557 Maistirs, marchands, & Maire mynistris & othire,
1558 Worthi wedous & wenchis & wyues of þe cite;
1559 Be ilka barne in þe burgh as blaȝt ere þaire wedis
1560 As any snyppand snawe þat in þe snape liȝtis.
1561 Þar passis þe procession a piple be-forne,
1562 Of childire all in chalk quyte chosen out a hundreth,
1563 With bellis & with baners & blasand torchis,
1564 Instrumentis & ymagis within of þe Mynstire;
1565 Sum with sensours & so[m] with silueryn cheynes,
1566 Quare-of þe reke aromatike rase to þe welken;
1567 Sum with of þe sayn-tware many sere thingis,
1568 With tablis & topoures & tretice of þe lawe;
1569 Sum bolstirs of burnet en-brouden with perill,
1570 Bare before þe bischop his buke on to lig;
1571 Sum candilstickis of clere gold & of clene siluer,
1572 With releckis full rially þe richest on þe auutere.
1573 Þus seyis all þe semle þe cite with-oute,
1574 Vn-to a stonen stede streȝt on be temple,
1575 Scopulus, by sum skill þe scripture it callis,
1576 And þare þe come of þe kynge þis couent abidis.
1577 Sone Alexander with ane ost of many athille dukis,
1578 Come prekand toward þe place with princes & erlis,
1579 Sees slike a multitude of men in milke-quite clathis,
1580 And ilk seg in a soyte at selly him thinkis.
1581 Þan fyndis he in þis oþire flote fanons & stolis,
1582 Practisirs & prematis & prestis of þe lawe,
1583 Of dialiticus & decre doctours of aythir,
1584 Bathe chambirlayn & chaplayne in chalke-quite wedis.
1585 And as he waytis in a wra þan was he ware sone
1586 Of þe maister of þat meneyhe in-myddis þe puple,
1587 Þat was þe bald bischop a-bofe all þ[e] iewis,
1588 Was graþid in a garment of gold & of pu[r]pree.
1589 And þan he heues vp his eȝe be-haldis on his myter,
1590 Be-fore he saȝe of fine gold forgid a plate,
1591 Þar-in grauen þe grettest of all gods names,
1592 Þis title, Tetragramaton for so þe text tellis.
1593 With þat comandis þe kyng his knyȝtis ouire ilkane,
1594 Bathe beron & bachelere & bald men of armes,
1595 Na nere þat place to aproche a payn of þar lyuys,
1596 Bot all to hald þam be-hynd heraud & othire.
1597 Þan airis he furth all him ane to þis athill meneȝe,
1598 Bowis him doun of his blonke þe bischop be-forne,
1599 And kneland on þe cald erth he knockis on his brest,
1600 And reuerencez þis haly name at he seis wreten.
1601 Þan þe iewis of ierusalem Iustis & othire,
1602 Lordis & ladis be þe litill childere,
1603 Enclynes þam to þe conquirour & him on kneis gretis,
1604 Kest vp a kene crie & carpis þir wordis.
1605 'Ay moȝt he lefe, ay moȝt he lefe' quod ilka man twyse,
1606 'Alexander, þe athill aire vndire þe heuyn,
1607 Ay moȝt he lefe, ay moȝt he lefe þe lege Emperoure,
1608 Þe wildire of all þe werde & worthist on erthe,
1609 Ay moȝt he lef, ay moȝt he leue' quod loude all at anys,
1610 'Ouircomere clene of ilka coste & ouircomyn neuir,
1611 Þe gretest & þe gloriosest þat euir god formed,
1612 Erle or Emperoure or any erdly prince.'
1613 Þare was comen with him kyngis as þe clause tellis,
1614 Seneiours out of Sireland was to him-selfe ȝolden,
1615 And þai meruailed þam mekill as þe buke tellis,
1616 When þai it herd so be-heryd & held it in wondire.
1617 Þan Permeon, a proude kniȝt a prince of his oste,
1618 Aires to sir Alexander & askis at him swythe,
1619 Syn him adoured all men eldire & ȝongir,
1620 Qui he obeschid so lawe & bende þe bischop of iewis?
1621 'Nay,' quod þe comly kynge & þe knyȝt swaris,
1622 Nouthire haylsid I him ne hildid him nouthire,
1623 Bot it was gode at I grete þe gouernoure of all,
1624 Of quam in þe abite & þe armes he was all clethid.
1625 'For in be marche of Messedone me mynes on a tyme,
1626 Þat slike a segg in my slepe me sodanly aperid,
1627 Euyn in slike a similitude & þis same wedis,
1628 For all þe werd as þis wee wendis now atired.
1629 And þen I mused in my mynde how at I myȝt wyn
1630 Anothire anell of þe erth þat Aysy we call it,
1631 And me thret to be thra & for na þing turne,
1632 Bot tire me titely þarto & tristly to wende.
1633 And syne saȝe I na segg þat sa was arayd;
1633* And he hoppyd þe helder þat þis was he at he saw þen,
1634 And sekirly yone semys þe same to se to within,
1635 Þe same gode at in my slepe saȝe in my days;
1636 And now I hope me, þurȝe þe helpe of þe haly fadire,
1637 Of quam þe hered haly name is ȝondire on hiȝe wreten,
1638 To do with Darius or I dyi how so me dere thinke,
1639 And þe pride of all þe Persens purely distroy.
1640 And ȝit I sothely supose quat so my sale hopis,
1641 Þat sall fall apon fold slik fyaunce I haue
1642 In þe grace of grete god at gyes all þe sternes,
1643 Þat it sall be in my will & on na way faile.'
1644 Now tas þe bishop þe berne & to þe burȝe wendis,
1645 With sange & solempnite him to þe cite ledis,
1646 He was resayued, as I rede with reuerence & Ioye
1647 As he ware duke of ilk douth & dreuyn doun fra heuen.
1648 Þan gas he furth with his gingis to godis awen temple,
1649 Þat of sir Salamon þe sage sett was & foundid,
1650 And þare he lythis of þare lare [&] as þe law wald;
1651 He offird in þat oratori & honourd oure lorde.
1652 And Iaudas of ierusalem & all þe iewis eftir
1653 Bringis out a brade buke & to þe berne reches,
1654 Was plant full of prophasys playnely all ouire,
1655 Of þe doctrine of Daniell & of his dere sawis.
1656 Þe lord lokis on þe lyne & on a lefe fyndis
1657 How þe gomes out of grece suld with þaire grete miȝtis
1658 Þe pupill out of Persye purely distroy;
1659 And þat he hopis sall be he & hertly he ioyes.
1660 Þan partis he to þa prelatis many proude giftis,
1661 Was nane sa pore in þat place bot he his purse fillis,
1662 Geues þam garsons of gold & of gud stanes,
1663 Rife riches enoȝe robies & perles,
1664 Besands to þe bischop he bed out of nounbre,
1665 Reches him of rede gold ransons many,
1666 Tas him to his tresory talent him to shewe,
1667 Bad him wale quat he wald & wild him þe toþir.
1668 ȝit bedis he him, þe bald kyng as þe buke tellis:
1669 'Sire, quat þou will in þis werd to wild & to haue,
1670 Noȝt bot aske it at Alexander quat þou will apon reson,
1671 And I sall grant, or I ga with a gud will.'
1672 Þan bowis doun þe bischop & him a bone askis,
1673 'Sire, þis I depely disire durst I it neuyn,
1674 Þat it be leuefull vs oure lare & oure law vse,
1675 As oure fadirs has folowid forwith þis tyme;
1676 As of ȝoure grete gudnes at ȝe grant wald
1677 To lat vs sitt be safe bot for þis seuyn wyntir,
1678 But tribute or trouag quils þe terme lastis,
1679 Þan were we halden all þe hepe to hiȝe þe for euir.
1680 And ȝit I will, be ȝoure leue a worde & na mare,
1681 Þat þe men of Medi man, be ȝoure leue,
1682 Lang all in oure lawe lely to-gedire,
1683 And þai of Babilon bathe & bede I na nothire.'
1684 Quod Alexander belyue 'all þis I graunt,
1685 And els any othire thinge aske & be serued.'
1686 'Nay, now na mare,' quod þe man, & mekly him thankid,
1687 'Bot ay þi lordschip & þi loue quils my lyfe dures.'
1688 Now kastis þis conquirour to caire fra þe cite,
1689 And mas to bide in þe burȝe a berne of his awyn,
1690 A messagere to myn on quat men of him said,
1691 Ane Ardromacius, a gome as þe buke tellis.
1692 Þan bowis to þe bischop his benyson to fang,
1693 Takis lufly his leue & lendis on forthere.
1694 To Sere cites þar be-syde he soȝt with his hostis,
1695 And þai frendly & faire frely resayued him.
1696 Þan of þe Siriens summe in þe same tyme
1697 Flow fra þe fell kyng as fals men suld,
1698 Did þam to sir Darius & depely þam playnt,
1699 Quat erroure of þis Emperoure & euill þai suffird.
1700 And he þam faire vndir-fong & fraynes þam ȝerne,
1701 Askis þam of sir Alexander all at he cuthe,
1702 Bathe of his statoure & his strenth if he ware store ben,
1703 His qualite, his quantite he quirys all-to-gedire;
1704 And þai in parchement him payntid his person him shewid,
1705 Ane amlaȝe, ane asaleny ane ape of all othire,
1706 A wirling, a wayryngle a wawil-eȝid shrewe,
1707 Þe cait[if]este creatour þat cried was euire.
1708 And þan, as he lenes & lokis on his fourme,
1709 His litillaike & his licknes he laythly dispiced,
1710 And thre thingis of his thede, he þoȝt him sa feble,
1711 He dressis to him in dedeyne & in dispite sendis:
1712 First a ball, says þe buke þe barne with to play,
1713 A herne-pan es of a berne of brend gold yeuen,
1714 For hottre & for hething a Hatt made of twyggis;
1715 Sayd þat was benere him to bere þan a briȝt helme.
1716 Slike presandis out of Persy he to þe prince sendis,
1717 His brefe with a brade sele & biddis hum ga swythe.
1718 And qua sa will has to wete howe it worthis eftir,
1719 Now sall I neuen vs here next þe note of his lettir.
1720 'Sire dere Darius on dese þe digne Emperoure,
1721 Þe kynge without comparrison of kyngis all othire,
1722 Of all lordis þe lord þat leues in erthe,
1723 Predicessour of princes & peree to þe sonn,
1724 þe souerayne sire of my soyle þat sittis in my trone,
1725 In fang with my faire godis þat I affie maste,
1726 To Alexander, þat of all so augrily him letes,
1727 Oure subiet & oure seruand þus we oure-selfe write.
1728 For it is wayued vs to wete þat wickidly þou haues,
1729 Þurȝe enmyte & enuy elacion of pride,
1730 Be vanyte & vayne glori þat in þi wayns kindlis,
1731 Puruayd þe pletours oure partis to ride.
1732 For þou has samed, as men he sais a selly nounbre
1733 Of wrichis & wirlingis out of þe west endis,
1734 Of laddis & of losengers & of litill theuys,
1735 Slike sary soroȝis as þi-selfe to seke vs agaynes,
1736 And wenes to wild all þi will & þat worthis ful late,
1737 Þe prouynce & principalte of Persye la graunt.
1738 For þou ert fere al to faynt oure force to ministere;
1739 Þof þou had gedird all þe gomes þat euire god fourmed,
1740 So, man, riued is oure rewme þat þou may reȝt lycken
1741 Þe store strenthe of oure stoure to sternes of þe heuen.
1742 And slike a nekard as þi-selfe a noȝt of all othire,
1743 Is bot a maddinge to mell with mare þan him-seluen.
1744 'Forthi is bettir vnbynd & of þe brathe leue,
1745 And feyne all with fairnes & fayne at þou may.
1746 For mare menseke is a man to meke him be tyme,
1747 Þan eftir made to be meke malegreue his chekis.
1748 For all þe gracious godis & gudnes on erthe,
1749 Þat sanys sete & soile & sustaynes þe erth,
1750 Prayses ay þe Persyns passing all othire,
1751 And for þe oddiste of ilka ost honoures oure name.
1752 And slike a dwinyng, a dwaȝe & a dwerȝe as þi-selfe,
1753 A grub, a grege out of grace ane erd-growyn sorowe,
1754 Will couet ȝit as a kyng with caytefes to lyte,
1755 To couir at combrid all þe kyngis vndire þe cape of heuen!
1756 Riȝt as a flaw of fell snawe ware fallyn of a ryft,
1757 Of a wysti wonn waghe with þe wynd blawen,
1758 So with a flote of Fresons folowand þi helis,
1759 Þou sekis fraward Sichim þi-selfe wrothir-haile,
1760 And leuys as a lorell þus oure lande to entire,
1761 And maa þi lepis & þi laikis & quat þe liste ellis,
1762 As ratons or ruȝe myse in a rowme chambre,
1763 Aboute in beddis or in bernys þare baddis ere nane.
1764 Bot I haue wilily waited þi wiles & þi castis,
1765 And quen þou hopis all-þir hiest to haue all þar will,
1766 I sall þe sett on a saute & sla þe [with] my handis.
1766* And so sall, fole, for þi folez be fenyshit on dawes.
1767 ‘For-þi for pompe or for pride þi purpose a-vise,
1767* For yf þou shote ouer sheet þou shendes þi flayne.
1768 Turne þe, trechoure, be-time þat þou na treson haue,
1769 And drawe a-gayn to þi den vndire þi dam wyngis.
1770 Se quat I send to þe, son þi-selfe with to laike,
1771 A hatt & a hand-ball & a herne-panne;
1772 Slike presandis to play with as pertines to babbis.
1773 For ai a child mot him chese to childire geris;
1774 For mestire & miserie vnneth may þou forthe
1775 Þine awen caitefe cors to clethe & to fede,
1776 And supposis as a sott to sese oure landis,
1777 And outhire darius to drepe or dryfe fra his kythis!
1778 Bot by þe grace & þe gude þat god gaue my fadire,
1779 So riued is þe rede gold oure regions with-in,
1780 Þat qua sa had it on a hepe haly to-gedire,
1781 It wald vs let, as I leue þe liȝt of þe son!
1782 For-þi bid I þe badrich on bathe twa þine eȝen,
1783 And on þe plegg & þe payn & perill as folowis,
1784 All þi vanyte to voide & þi vayne pride,
1785 And mew agayn to Messedone or any mare fall.
1786 For be þe saule of my sire bot if þou sone turne,
1787 We sall þe send sike a soume of segis en-armed,
1788 Noȝt as Philips fant sall fare with þi-selfe,
1789 Bot as a prince of proued theues pyne þe to dede.'
1790 Als sone as his sandismen to þis sire come,
1791 Þai present him þe playntis þe pistill him rechis,
1792 And Alexander belyue be-fore all his princes,
1793 To all his ost euyn on he openly declaris.
1794 And quen his kniȝtis of þis clause þe carpe vndirstode,
1795 Þen ware þai frekly a-frayd of þe fell saȝes;
1796 And as sone as him-selfe saȝe his seggis amoued,
1797 In bilding of his bachelers he breuys þire wordis:
1798 'Quat now? my worthi werriouris sa wiȝt & sa noble,
1799 Mi bernes & my baratours þe best vndire heuen;
1800 Lettis neuire it broȝt be on brade for vpbraide of schame,
1801 ȝe doute for þe indityngs of Darius pistils.
1802 I sett ȝowe ane ensample ȝe se it all daye,
1803 In thorps & in many thede þar ȝe þurȝe ride,
1804 At ilka cote a kene curre as he þe chache wald;
1805 Bot as bremely as he baies he bitis neuir þe fastir.
1806 Bot in sum, I suppose wele þat sothe is þe lettir,
1807 Þare as he tellis quyche a tunne of tresoure he hauys.
1808 For-þi vs buse to be bigg & bataill him ȝeld,
1809 Þe grete garisons of gold sall gedire vp oure hertis.'
1810 With þat commands þe kyng his knyȝtis be-lyue,
1811 Þe donesmen þat fra Darius come with þe derfe lettir,
1812 Þat þai suld titly þam take & by þe toȝe throtis,
1813 And for þaire souerayne sake þam send to þe galawis.
1814 Þan was þa messangers a-maied as meruale ware ellis,
1815 With kene carefull crie þis conquirour þai said:
1816 'Allas! quat lake lyse in vs lord if it be ȝoure will,
1817 Þus causeles for oure kynge encumbird to worthe?'
1818 'The saȝes of ȝour souerayn' said þe kynge þen,
1819 'Nedis me to slike notis as I had neuir etlid,
1820 Þat has ȝow sent to my-selfe noȝt sa as him aȝe;
1821 Loo 'litill thefe' in ilka lyne his lettir me callis'
1822 'ȝa,' quod þai, 'comly kyng' & on knes fallis,
1823 'Þase ditis endited to ȝowe sir Darius him-seluyn,
1824 For he knew noȝt of ȝour kniȝthede ne of ȝour kid strenth;
1825 Ne wist noȝt of ȝour worthenes & wrate all þe baldire.
1826 Bot wald ȝe grant vs to gaa & gefe vs ȝour lefe,
1827 Þen suld we bremely ȝour bill to þe berne shewe.'
1828 Þen lete þe lord þam allane & went till his fest,
1829 Takis þam with him to his tent & þam at ese makis.
1830 Sone as þai in his sale were sett at þe table,
1831 'Sire Alexander, athill kynge,' quod all with a steuyn,
1832 'Comands with vs to caire kniȝtis a thousand,
1833 And we sall surely oure sire þe send in þaire handis.'
1834 'ȝa, make we blis,' quod þe kyng 'blithe mote ȝe worthe,
1835 For as for takynge of ȝour lord sall na lede wynde.'
1836 To Darius anoþir day enditis he a pistill,
1837 A crest clenly inclosid þat consayued þis wordis.
1838 ‘Alexander, þe aire & eldest childe bathe
1839 Of kyng Philip þe fers þe fendere of grece,
1840 And als of Olimpades þat honourable lady,
1841 To þe, Darius, on dese þus dite I my lettir.
1842 Þou prince of all þe Persyns þat peres to þe sonne,
1843 Þe conquirour of ilka cost callid of þi-selfe,
1844 With all þi gracious godis graithid in þi trone,
1845 All þus I send to ȝowe my sawe vndir my sele wreten.
1846 Sire, if we se with a suth surely me thinke,
1847 Oure facultes, oure faire fees oure fermes & our landis,
1848 We may noȝt chalang þam ne clayme ne call þaim oure awen,
1849 Bot all I deme it as det & to a day borowid.
1850 For sen we riden on þe rime & on þe ringe seten
1851 Of þe qwele of Fortoun þe quene þat swiftly changis,
1852 Ofte pas we in pouert fra plente of gudis,
1853 Fra mirthe in-to mournynge fra mournyng in-to Ioye.
1854 For now vs wantis in a qwirre as þe quele turnes;
1855 Quen we suppose in oure sele to sit alþir heist,
1856 Þan fondis furth dame Fortoun to þe flode-ȝatis,
1857 Draȝes vp þe damme-borde & drenchis vs euire.
1858 For-þi a we þat has wit þofe he wele suffir,
1859 So sadly in soueraynete he set neuire his hope
1860 For pride of na pro[s]perite ne prise at him folewis,
1861 To olle ay on his vndireling for ouer-laike a quyle.
1862 For any sele vndire son a sott I him hald,
1863 Þat ay has deyne & dispite at dedis of litill,
1864 Sen oft þe hauenlest here is houen to þe sternes,
1865 And he þat graithist is of gudis gird all to poudire.
1866 For-þi a depe dishonoure ȝe do to ȝoure name,
1867 Ane emperoure þat on erth is euyn to ȝoure-selfe,
1868 To me sa litill & sa lawe slike lettirs to sende,
1869 And presand out of Persy bot for a pure hethyng.
1870 For þou enherestis all þis erth & euens to þe son,
1871 And callis þe kyng of ilka kithe vndir þe cape of heuen,
1872 And þarto sittis, as þou sais in sege as ane Aungell,
1873 To-gedire with þi grete gods and on a gilt trone.
1874 Bot syn gostid godesses & gods ere graythid neuir to dye,
1875 Bot ai sall last furth elike on-lyue ouire mare,
1876 Þai naue no will to my notis ne wilnyng to haue,
1877 No dole ne no daliance of dedely bernes.
1878 Bot I knaw I am coruptible & caire ȝow agaynes,
1879 Als with a dedly duke to do my bataill;
1880 Bot þof þou be victor a-vaile na vaunte sall arise,
1881 Ne lose, bot as a litill thefe ȝow limpid to encumbre.
1882 Bot chance it me, þat am a childe þe cheuer to worthe,
1883 So þat be geuyn me þe gree grete glorie is myn awen.
1884 For þan sall spring vp þe speche & sprede out of mynd,
1885 How I haue conquired a kyng þe kidest of þe werd.
1886 Bot a tale ȝe me tald I trow be na faile,
1887 Of þe ryfenes of þe rede gold ȝour region with-in,
1888 Quilke plente is in Persy of perell & of ellis,
1889 Þe somme of siluer & of siche & of sere stanes,
1890 Þare-with oure wittes has þou wele & oure will sharpid,
1891 And blid with þi besands þe bataill to ȝeld,
1892 Made vs corageous & kene ȝoure clere gold to wyn,
1893 And put a-way oure pouert ȝe plede vs to hald.
1894 Bot as touchand þe trufils þat ȝe to me sent,
1895 Þe herne-pan, þe hand-ball þe hatt made of twiggis,
1896 Þare has þou prophesid apert & playnely vs schewid,
1897 And faire affirmed vs before þat sall fall eftir.
1898 For by þe ball, sir, I breue all þe brode werd,
1899 Þe erthe at to myne enpire enterely bees ȝolden.
1900 And be þe hat þat is holewe be-for þe heued bowed,
1901 I constru þat ilka kyng sall clyne to my-selfe.
1902 Þan hope I by þe hernepan þat þe hede couirs,
1903 Ouir-comers to be callid & ouire-comen neuire.
1904 Now þou, þe grettest vndir god graithis me trouage,
1905 With all þis dignites be-dene þat I diuined haue.'
1906 Þis brefe bedis þaim bere & besands þam rechis;
1907 And eftir armes all his ost & airis on eftir forthire.
1908 Sire Darius for þe ditis nere died he for angire,
1909 To twa of þe derrest of his dukis ditis he þis pistill:
1910 'I, þe corounnest kyng of kyngis all othire,
1911 To þe, sir primus, a prince of Persye þe grettest,
1912 And als to ser Antagoyne myn awen athill dukis,
1913 Þe soueraynest of my seniourie my saroparis hatten,
1914 Se here I send ȝow my seele with salutis of ioye.
1915 Fra Alexander þe kyng as I am in-fourmed,
1916 Is entrid with oure enmys an endles nounbre,
1917 Þe Anglies of Asie & has þam all stroyed,
1918 For-þi of life & o lym my lege men I charge
1919 To prestli ȝow apparaill & pas þam agaynes,
1920 With all þe hathils & þe heris & þe hiȝe maistris
1921 Þat ȝe may semble in þe sidis saudiours & othire.
1922 Þen chese ȝow furth my chiftanes & me þe child take,
1923 Laches me þis losengere & ledis me him hedire,
1924 Þat I may him skelp with a skorge & þen of skire porpure
1925 A side slauyn him sewe & send him to his modire;
1926 For now he proches for pride & propurly he wedis,
1927 For-þi him bose to be bett as a barne fallis.
1928 For it aȝe noȝt slik ane Asald nane abletus to off werres,
1929 Bot at þe bowlis as a brode or with a ball playe.'
1930 Þire princes, sone as þe pistill was put þam in hand,
1931 Þan part þai þe proud sele þe printe þai adhoured,
1932 Vn-lappis liȝtly þe lefe & þe line redes,
1933 And þus-gate agynward þai graithid him anothire.
1934 'To þe kiddest kyng to a-count of kyngis all othire,
1935 Sire Dari, with þi dere godis drised on þi trone,
1936 Gouernoure of ilk a gome & god all þi-selfe,
1937 Þi satrapairs, þi seniours with seruage obeschen:
1938 Sire, wetis it wele, ȝoure worthines & wenys it na langire,
1939 Þat þis child, with his chiftans ȝe charge vs to take,
1940 Has reden all oure regions & raymed oure landis,
1941 Departid all oure prouynce & purely it wastid.
1942 And we þan lift vp a lite & lent him a-gayne,
1943 Ferd furth with a flote & him in þe fyld metis;
1944 Bot sone we bed him þe bake & besely we shapid
1945 Out of þe handis vn-hewyn of oure hatill fais.
1946 And now haly all þe hepe at ȝe ȝoure help callis,
1947 Vn-to ȝoure mekill maieste we mekely beseke,
1948 Þat vs ȝour lege & ȝoure lele men it likid ȝow to forthire,
1949 Or þan oure wirschip at-wynde & wastid be þe regme.'
1950 As radly as þe riche kyng had red ouir þis pistill,
1951 Be þat mevis in A Messangere & maynly him tellis,
1952 Þat Alexander was at hand & had his ost loygid
1953 A-pon þe streme of Struma þat strekis þurȝe his landis.
1954 Sire Darius for þa ditis was depely a-greuyd,
1955 Callis him his consail a clause he him enditis,
1956 Mas a brefe at a braide & it in brathe sendis,
1957 To Alexander as be-lyue & all þus him gretes.
1958 'I, sir Dari, þe deyne & derfe Emperoure,
1959 Þe kyng of kyngis I am callid & conquirour bathe,
1960 Of all lordis þe lord a-lose þurȝe þe werd,
1961 And ane of þe souerayne sires vndir þe vij sternes,
1962 To þe, my seruand, I send & suthely þou knawes,
1963 And wete þou wele þurȝe all þe werde is wirschip oure name.
1964 For all þe gracious gods at þe ground visitis,
1965 All ere done me to doute ducsses & othire.
1966 How burde þe þan be sa bald for blod in þi heued,
1967 To moue þus ouir þe mountey[n]s & ouir þe many watirs
1968 With slike a soumme ouir þe see a saute vs to ȝeld,
1969 Or any maistrie to make my maieste a-gayne?
1970 For wella wide ware þe wele wete þou na nothire,
1971 Bathe þi glorie & þi grace þi gladnes in erthe,
1972 Miȝt þou þe marches of Messedoyne mayntene þi-selfe,
1973 And gouerne bot þine awen gronde agaynes oure will.
1974 For-þi ware bettir vnbynde or þou bale suffire
1975 Remowe agayne to þi rewme & rew of þi werkis.
1976 For certayne, nyf my seniourie ne I my-selfe nouthire,
1977 All þe werd myȝt a wedowe wele þan be callid.
1978 For-þi turne þe be-time or any tene worthe,
1979 Or at þe hate of my hert apon þi hede kindill.
1980 Lend agayn to þi lande nowe quen þou leue hauys,
1981 Þat I mete þe in my malicoly my meth be to littill.
1982 For-þi to ken þe to knaw my kyndnes here-eftir,
1983 Bath my grace & my glori & my grete strenthe,
1984 Loo here a gloue full of graynes I graythe þe to take,
1985 Of þe chesses of a chesboll chosen for þe nanys.
1986 For may þou sowme me þire sedis surely þou trowe,
1987 Þou miȝt a-count all oure kniȝtis & oure kyd ostis;
1988 And þou truches þaim to tell þen tidis þe na noþir,
1989 Bot move a-gayn to Messedone & meve þe na forthire.
1990 Fyne, fole, of þi fare & fange to þi kythis;
1991 For þis sede I þe send vnsowmyd bees neuire.
1992 So ere we of all folke to be nombrid,
1993 Or any wee to a-counte vndire þe clere sternys.'
1994 Now aires furth his athill men to Alexander wendis,
1995 Vn-to þe streme of struma streȝt with þa lettirs,
1996 And he þam redis in a rese & reches to þe sedis,
1997 Tastis þam vndire his tuthe & talkis þir wordis:
1998 'Here I se,' quod þis sire 'be þire ilke cornes,
1999 Þat þe pupill out of Persy ere passandly many,
2000 Bot þam semes to be softe as þir sedis prouys:
2001 For-þi how fele be all þe flote it forces bot littill.'
2002 Be þis was men of Messedone fra his modire comen,
2003 And said þat semely was seke & semed to die;
2004 And he þe waest of þe werd wald worth hire to visite,
2005 Bot ȝit to Dary, or he went he diȝt þus a lettir.
2006 ‘Alexsaundere þe athill aire oute [of] grece,
2007 Þe son of Ph[ilip] þe fers & of his faire lady,
2008 Honoured Olimpadas þe oddest vndire heuyn,
2009 To þe, ser Dari, on þi dese þis dities I write.
2010 For I am sent, be þe sure many sere letters,
2011 And namly now on newe time fra myne awen kith,
2012 Out of þe marche of Messadone þat mekill me greues,
2013 All oþir wais to wirke & my will likis.
2014 Bot I warne þe, or I wynd & will at þou knaw,
2015 Þat for na drede I with-draw ne doute of þi pride,
2016 For baisting of þi bobance ne of þi breme wordis,
2017 Bot for to se þat is seke my semely modire.
2018 Bot wete þou wele þis, I-wis with-in a wale time,
2019 Fra þat I fraist haue þat faire of my fayre lady,
2020 I sall þe seke with a sowme of seggis enarmed,
2021 Ane ost to noy þus to neuyn all of new knyȝtis.
2022 And for þe sake of þi sede þou sent with þi lettre,
2023 Loo, here a purse full of pepire my powere to ken,
2024 To se þi-selfe a similitude how all þi soft grayns
2025 Sall vndire-put be all þe pake vn-to þir peper-cornes.'
2026 Þis pistill to Persyns he with his pepir takis,
2027 Partis prestly þam to many proude giftis,
2028 And þai haue laȝt þam þar leue & þe lettir fangis,
2029 And passis on to Persy þe princes to schewe.
2030 Þan Alexander belyue with his athill dukis,
2031 Rais him radly to ride & remowis his ost;
2032 Fra þe streme of struma he streȝtis & still mournes,
2033 And mevis him toward Messedone his modir to visit.
2034 He aires þurȝe Arabie & armed þar he findis
2035 A duke of Darys þe kyng þat drafe him agayne,
2036 A pere out of Persy & prince of his ost,
2037 A maister man in þa marches Amont was hatten.
2038 He girdis him with a ging þe grekis he asailes,
2039 With Alexander all day asperly feȝtis,
2040 Marres of þe Messedons miȝtfull kniȝtis,
2041 Dingis doun of þe dukis deris þam vn-faire,
2042 Fra morne to þe mirke niȝt maynly þa cocken,
2043 Seȝes doun on aythire side segis out of nounbre.
2044 Begynnys sone in þe gray day as any gleme springis,
2045 And so to sett of þe son sesid þai neuire.
2046 Þus thre dais out a thraw þai threp ay elike;
2047 So lange, sais me þe lyne lastid þe bataill,
2048 Sike scoures were of blude of schondirhed bernes,
2049 Þat foles ferd in þe flosches to þe fetelakis;
2050 Sa store & stithe was þe stoure þe story me tellis,
2051 Þat for soroȝe of þe siȝt þe son on þe heuen
2052 Kest away his clerete & his clippis suffirs,
2053 For bale to blische on þe blode at on þe bent floȝes.
2054 With þat oure gomes out of grece gedirs vp þar hertis,
2055 Fey fallis in þe fild fele of þire othire,
2056 Þe pouwere of Persy in partis many
2057 Seȝes sidlings doun slayn of þaire blonkis.
2058 And quen þe duke of ser Darys þa dedis be-haldis,
2059 Amonta þe miȝtfull his men þan he fangis,
2060 And vneth limpid him þe lee þe lyne me recordis,
2061 Fra his faes with a fewe þe filde to de-voide.
2062 And slike a pas, sais þe prose to Persy he ridis,
2063 Þat ȝit þe selfe sandismen he in þe sale fyndis,
2064 Þat fra þe streme of struma were apon stedis wysid
2065 Fra Alexander & his ost with his athill pistill.
2066 And ȝit ser dary on his dese þa dities a-visis,
2067 Held þe lettir in his loue & at þe ledis fraynes,
2068 Quat he said of þe sedis þat he him-selfe sent.
2069 And þai swiftly him sward & swyth þus him tellis:
2070 'Þe kyng him kaȝt,' quod þe kniȝtis '& on þe cornes bitis,
2071 And wele he geses be þe graynes ȝoure gomes erefele,
2072 Bot a thing, he said, he saȝe þat solast him maste,
2073 Þat ware bot soft, he suposed for so þe sede proued.'
2074 Þan pullis him vp þe proude kyng & on þe pepire tastis,
2075 Said, as it tuke him by þe tonge 'his tulkis ere fewe,
2076 Bot, be his kniȝtis as kene as me þis cornes shewis,
2077 All þe werd war to waike his wrothe to with-stand.'
2078 Þe mody man Amonta þan melis þir wordis,
2079 'ȝis, he ledis bot a lite lord, with ȝoure lefe;
2080 Þare is bot fewe at him foloȝes bot feȝtand bernes,
2081 Bot mare fersere in feld fell neuire of modire.
2082 For I my-selfe with a sowme set þaim agayns,
2083 With of þe Persyns proude a pake out of nounbre,
2084 Felire þan his folke be full fyue thousand,
2085 And ȝit vs fell all to ferre þe fayntir to worthe;
2086 For þai haue hedid of oure hathils & a hepe woundid,
2087 Fey falne to þe fold many fers erlis,
2088 Bet doun oure bachelers my banir to-rased,
2089 And a selly somme slayne of my kniȝtis.
2090 Quethire days thre þurȝe-out thraly we foȝten,
2091 Derfe dintis & dreȝe delt & taken,
2092 And ȝit þe lawest at þe last vs limpid to bee,
2093 And vnethis sauyd I my-selfe vnslayn of þar handis.
2094 Bot treuly, ser,' quod þe duke 'gret tresore me thinke
2095 At Alexander þe athill for of all ware he maister,
2096 A-vanced with þe victore & vengid on his faes,
2097 Was neuire þe heȝare of a hawe his hert full of pride.
2098 For mekely ilka modire son his awen men & othire,
2099 Als wele þe pure Persens as þe grete grekis,
2100 All þe douth at was dede be-dene he comands
2101 To gedire þam vp ilka gome & þam in grauys ligg.'
2102 Now Alexander & his ost armed on ridis,
2103 And sone Cecile he with his seggis entrid,
2104 Þar sere citis of þa sidis to him-selfe sweren,
2105 And saudiours him to sewe seuyntene thousand.
2106 Þan ȝede he ouire in-to ane Ile Yssanna was hatten,
2107 And þat was ȝapely him ȝeuyn & ȝolden be-lyue.
2108 Þan vp he clame to a cliffe þat to þe cloudis semed,
2109 Þe Tor of Tare to taken þe tretis it callis,
2110 Þare fand he tildid on þe top & tild vp a cite,
2111 Þe proud toun of Persopole & to þe place he neȝes.
2112 Þare saȝe he selcuthis sere as þe buke sais,
2113 Þe muses of musike & þe merke how it was made first.
2114 Þan aires he in-to Asie & ai as he fonndis,
2115 All þe citis of þa sidis he sesis þam clene,
2116 So fares he furth to Frigie a-noþire faire Ile,
2117 And ane þar of his ald gods he honourd in a temple.
2118 Þan ferd he furth to a Flum was fyue cubetis brad,
2119 Scamandra þe slire flode þe scriptour it callis.
2120 'Now happy be ȝee,' quod þe hathill 'all in hert beris
2121 Þe honouris of þat odd clerke Homore þe grete.'
2122 'Mekill dere,' quod ane Doctoneus 'of ȝow I deme sall,
2123 And he of þe takyng of Troi tald all his lyue.'
2124 'Nay, I wald more worth,' quod þe [wee] 'a wyse man disc[i]ple,
2125 Þan þe honour þat Acheles aȝt all his time.'
2126 Þan moves he him to Messedone with his mony princes,
2127 Amendid of hire malidy his modire he fyndis,
2128 A litill dais with hire lengis & of hire lyfe ioyes,
2129 And graythes him þan with his gere & a-gayn fondis.
2130 He passes on to-ward Persy & piȝt doun his tentis
2131 Besyd a burȝe at þe buke Abandra men callis.
2132 Þai fall on freschly þe folke of þe cite,
2133 And barris bremely at a burȝe þe foure brad ȝatis.
2134 Þan takis þe kyng his kniȝtis vmlapis þe wallis,
2135 Settis vp-on a saute on sidis enoȝe;
2136 Bot, for þe cite was vnsure þe seggis within
2137 Miȝt noȝt þe braidis a-bide of bernes enarmed.
2138 Þan cries all to þe kyng 'ser conquirour,' þai said:
2139 'Ne steke we noȝt oure stiff ȝatis ȝour strenthe to defend,
2140 Bot for dred of ser Dary þe derfe Emperoure,
2141 Lest, had we haldit to ȝour heste he had vs eft wastid.'
2142 'ȝa, werpis þam vp,' quod þe wee '& wyde open settis,
2143 If at ȝe shap ȝow to shount vnschent of oure handis.
2144 For quen I done haue with Dary & my dede fenyschid,
2145 Þan sall I tell ȝow my tale how it sall tide eftir.'
2146 So baiste þam þe bald kyng with his breme wordis,
2147 Þat þai vnȝarked him þe ȝatis & ȝald him þe keys.
2148 Þe burȝe þus of abrandra he with his men takis,
2149 To take & leue quat him list & lendis on forthire.
2150 Þen wyndis he to A wath toun was Wyothy hatten,
2151 And come so to Caldipol anoþir kid cite,
2152 So to þe watir of wintir as it þe writte callis.
2153 Þare nere was fey for defaute enfamyschist his ost,
2154 Kniȝtis kest vp a crie & kenely þam menes:
2155 ‘Loo, oure foles ere in fere fodeles to dye;'
2156 Þai pleyne more þe pouirte & þe pite of þar horsis
2157 Þan þe soroȝe of þam-selfe by þe seuynt parte.
2158 'Quat ailes ȝow?' quod Alexander to his athill dukis,
2159 'Mi barons & my baratorus þe biggest in erth,
2160 Þat has þe angwisch of armes ay to now suffird;
2161 Quethire euire ȝoure hertis, I hope for horsys abatis?
2162 May vs noȝt limp, if any life lenge in oure brestis,
2163 To couer be cas at a cleke courseris a thousand?
2164 And vs demed be þe dome to die of þe werd,
2165 Þan standis in stede noȝt of a stra all þe store stedis.
2166 For-þi I rede,' quod þe renke 'we ride on forthire,
2167 And pas to sum othire place þare plente is in,
2168 Þat we may fange at þe full þe fude at vs wantis,
2168* And bath our folk & owr folez fyll þaire wambes.'
2169 Þan prekis he furth with his princes to slike a playn wendis,
2170 Luctus it hiȝt, þe letterure & þe line þus it callis;
2171 Þare his forrayouris fand þe fulth of vitaill,
2172 Bathe to berne & to blonk bide quen him likid.
2173 When he was full þare & fedd he flittis with his ost,
2174 To Tergarontes he teȝe þare tiȝt was a mynstre;
2175 He piȝt doun his pauilion & passis to þe temple,
2176 Sire Appoline to adoure & othire ald goddis,
2177 To offire in þat oritorie with honour he wyndis,
2178 And sum of þam at spire how he spede suld.
2179 Bot sone ane ȝacora him said a semely summe,
2180 Þan was nan honour of answaringis bot on an-oþere bide.
2181 Þan dose him furth þe dere king &, on þe day eftire,
2182 He seȝis to þe Synagog & sacrif[is]e makis,
2183 And Appoline als beliue him aykewordly swaris,
2184 'Sire Ercules þe Emperoure' he euire in ane callis.
2185 Þan Alexander all in ire angrily spekis:
2186 'Now fynd I wele,' quod þe freke 'þat fals ere þi wordis,
2187 Now þou neuyns me a new name at I neuire hiȝt;
2188 And þou a god,' quod þe gome 'þat is grete ioye!'
2189 Þan sekis he furth with a somme & to A cite wyndis,
2190 Þe toun Thebea þe tretis it callis,
2191 And þare he biddis all þe burȝe þat foure bald kniȝtis
2192 Suld be lett with him lend & lenge in his weris.
2193 Þen tened þe Thebees folke & tynd to þe ȝatis,
2194 And to with-stand his strenthe steȝid to þe wallis,
2195 Bad him bow on be-lyue & bide þare na laingire;
2196 For if he did, withouten dome þe deth þai him hiȝt.
2197 Þan fangis him vp þe fell kyng a fuyll feyned laȝtir,
2198 Said, 'ȝe of Tebet ere tried þe tethiest on erth,
2199 Of all þe seggis vndir son þat citizens hatt;
2200 Mast hiȝe ȝe ere hersid & herid of ȝoure strenthe.
2201 And nowe sa ȝape men as ȝe þe ȝatis hase stoken,
2202 And me & þe pruddest of my princes proferne vs werre;
2203 And at ȝe so will, I-wis wondire me thinke,
2204 For þus wald neuer at ȝe wroȝt þe wirscip of armes.
2205 It contraries kniȝthede ȝe knaw wele ȝour-selfe,
2206 To any wiȝt werriours in wallis þam to close.
2207 For he þat kid is & kene & couettis a name,
2208 Will feȝt fersely in fild his famen agayns.'
2209 Þan Alexander be-liue all a-boute þe cite,
2210 Makis foure thousand with flanes & bowis,
2211 Biddis þam to bend vp brathly with arowis
2212 To wonde þe wees with-in þat on þe wallis houys.
2213 And twa thousand be tale he titely comaundis,
2214 Of wele buskid bernns in brenys & platis,
2215 All þe sidis of þe cite þat sechus had biggid,
2216 And Amphion, an athill kempe onane to distruy.
2217 A full thousand he fangid to fire þe foure ȝatis,
2218 And thre thousand of thra men to thraw with engynes.
2219 Him-selfe of slingis & slike a-semblis a me[n]ȝe,
2220 To heede & help of his hyne if any harme lympid.
2221 Now ere his seggis all sett & þe saute neȝis,
2222 Were wakens be-twene werbild in trompis;
2223 Oure pepill with payns pressis to without,
2224 Halis vp hemp cordis hurled out arowis;
2225 Othire athils of armes Albastis bendis,
2226 Quirys out quarrels quappid thurȝe mayles.
2227 Sum with gunnes of þe grekis girdis vp stanes,
2228 To tene þe Tebis folke þat on þe touris feȝtis;
2229 Sum braide ouir þe barrers in blasand wede,
2230 And faire fest on a fire all þe foure ȝatis;
2231 All þe burȝe at a braide was on a bale kyndild,
2232 And þa þat sounde ware vnslayn als sottes þam ȝeldis.
2233 Þan with-out in oure ost as þe buke tellis,
2234 A Sire, at Sicistrus was callid be name,
2235 A meri man, a Messangere þat maynly was ioyd
2236 To se þe cite be sa sone sindid to brandis.
2237 Anothre hathill vndire hand þat Hismon was callid,
2238 Ane a maistre of musike a man of þe cite,
2239 Aires to ser Alexander & in his hert wepis,
2240 As qua sai, 'prince, of oure place sum pete þou haue.'
2241 Þan lokis þe lord to þe lede said, ‘lettrid berne,
2242 Quare-to feynys þou þis fare for-with myne eȝen?'
2243 'Sire conquirour,' quod þe clerke 'ȝoure corage to bend,
2244 And in ridding of oure riche toun ȝour reuth for to call.'
2245 Þan was þe wale kyng wrath & wiȝtly comaundis
2246 To bete in-to þe bare erth all þe burȝe-walles;
2247 And quen all kynd was on colis & kast a-pon hepis,
2248 Þan airis he on with his ost mare honour to wynn.
2249 A Ientill man full ioyles iournais him eftir,
2250 Foloȝes þare fare ai on fote as þai ride,
2251 A sege at of þe same toun sire was & maistre,
2252 Ane callid was Cletomacus to crie eftir socure,
2253 His ledis at left ware o-lyue a lite of þe cite.
2254 Þan askid at sire Appoline al with a steuen,
2255 'If euire it worthe sall to wee quen þe werd stand,
2256 Oure bu[r]ȝe agayn for to bigg þat bretted is to noȝt?'
2257 Þan gales þaire god a-gayn & þus spekis:
2258 'Þe tulke þat tilld ȝour toun sall tield vp & rere,
2259 Sall thre times haue þe thra of sum threuyn gome
2260 Of were ore of wristilling for þus has wirid shapen.
2261 And quen þat wirschip is won within a wale time,
2262 Þan sall he sett vp him-selfe þe cite as be-forne.'
2263 Þus answars þam þaire ald gode & osses on þis wyse,
2264 And þai als fayne, all þe flote as fowell of þe day.
2265 Þan aires on ser Alexander with his athill princes,
2266 To þe castell of Corynthi he comes with his ost,
2267 With þe Pers of þa partese to play on þe toures,
2268 As all þe sires of þa sidis him-selfe had required.
2269 Þe multitude ware sa miche of men for to reken,
2270 Þat þare was sembild & sett þat siȝt to be-hald.
2271 Quod Alexander bilyue to all at þare stode,
2272 'Quat gome sall þis gammen begin apon first?'
2273 Þan comes forth Cletomacus & to þe kyng swaris,
2274 Þe tulke out of Thebie I tald ȝow be-forne,
2275 'If it ȝoure mekill maieste miȝt any thinge plese,
2276 I wald to wacken ȝoure welth now wirstill a turne.'
2277 Þan mas þe prince him a place & prestly him matches,
2278 And he him girdes to þe grounde & þe gree wynnes.
2279 'Now faithly,' quod þe fell kyng 'fall þe so thrise,
2280 Þou sall be crouned, or I caire for kiddest of þe gamen.'
2281 Þan ȝede he eftsones to & his euen kastis,
2282 Thringis to þe thrid time & þe thra wynnys.
2283 And þan comandis him þe kyng a coroune on hede,
2284 As for þe prise of þe play putfull of stanes;
2285 Þan bad him beddels belyue: 'breue vs þi name.'
2286 'Sirres, by my sothe,' quod þe segge 'Sitiles I hiȝt.'
2287 'Qwi so, my worthe werstillare?' þe wale kyng said,
2288 'How tidis it þe & tou[n]les þi toname is callid?'
2289 'Mi louely lorde,' quod þe lede & law him declines,
2290 'Be-for ȝe come slike a kyng & þe croune werrid,
2291 I had a cite my-selfe & seggis I-nowe;
2292 And sethen ȝe aȝt þis enpire I am it all priued.'
2293 Þan trowid trewly þe kyng þat Theby he menyd,
2294 And beddels & bailyfs he bad on brad crie,
2295 Be-fore his pupill apert þe powere him grauntis
2296 To sett his cite vp agayn & of him-selfe halden.
2297 Þan passis he to a proude toun Platea was hatten,
2298 Þare was stiȝtild ane Strasageras þat was a stiffe prince,
2299 Duse him in with his dukis to Dyanaas temple,
2300 And fand a pure prophetas aparaild in vailes.
2301 And scho, as sone as scho him saȝe said him þir wordis:
2302 'Welcom we, at all þe werd sall wyn with þi handis.'
2303 Þe secund day before þe son he at þe cite wildid,
2304 In-to þe temple he turned tythandis to herken;
2305 'Quat ware þi will, ser, to wete?' þe woman frayned;
2306 'Þou lesis all þi lordschip within a lite dais.'
2307 'Quat, & has þou ossed to Alexander þis ayndain wirdes,
2308 And me þus ill? vn-ably þine abet þou weris.'
2309 Nay, tene ȝow noȝt, for treuly þus tide bose it nede.'
2310 And so it worthid, for in a wrath þe wale kyng swyth
2311 Him of his principalete priued & þan þe prince fondis
2312 Onane to Athenas & on þe athill playntes;
2313 And þai said, soure suld him sowe bot he þe cite ȝeld.
2314 And Alexander with his ostes aires on forthire,
2315 Ateynes him to-ward þe termes & of þar tene heres,
2316 And slike a word he þaim wayues be writ fra him-self.
2317 And qua so will has to wete how it worthid eftir,
2318 Here sall I tell þam at loues to here forthire.
2319 'I Alexander, þe aire & eldest childe hatten
2320 Of kyng Philip þe fers þat fest am in grece,
2321 And of þe quene Olimpades þe oddest vnder heuen,
2322 To all ȝow of Athenes þus etill I my saȝes.
2323 Fra þat my fadere was fey & farne out o lyue,
2324 And I was sett in his sege with septour to regne,
2325 Sethen went I with my werriours in-to þe west endes,
2326 And ay with-out any armes þaim all at anys ȝolden,
2327 All Europe to myn enpire enterely þaim geuyn,
2328 Euyn to þe Occiane out of ald Rome.
2329 Qua þat vs rekinly resayues na riddour þai tholid,
2330 And all at othire wais wroȝt we wast þam for euire.
2331 And now fra þe marche of Messedone I meued opon late
2332 Þurȝe þe anglis here of Afle with myne athill dukis,
2333 And so þe Thebies þam tiȝt þe toun to defende,
2334 And I þar pompe & þaire pride to poudire declined.
2335 To ȝow now write I on þis wise þat, wald ȝe me send
2336 Ten fyne Philisofours to fand with my wittes,
2337 ȝoure burȝes ne ȝour briȝt bees bidd I þan nothire,
2338 Bot at ȝe knaw me for kyng & call me ȝour lord.
2339 For & ȝe nyk now to myn empire ȝour nekis for to bowe,
2340 Þan bos ȝow bigger to be þen all my bald princes,
2341 Or laite anothire ladis-man a-losed mare of strenth
2342 Þan I my-selfe or my seggis be þe seuent dele.'
2343 Þire athils of Atenes þire augard clerkis
2344 Þan reuerenst þai þe riche seele & red ouer þe pistill,
2345 Syne kest vp a crie with a kene voice at anys,
2346 Sum in comendinge of his carpe & sum clene it spitid.
2347 A Filisphire þan on first before þe folke risis,
2348 Ane Eschilus in erde & ernstly he spekis,
2349 Þe douth & all diuinours be-dene he comaundis,
2350 Þat þai suld corde be na cas vn-to þe kingis hestis.
2351 With þat all samen on a sopp semblis þe pupill,
2352 A doctour, ane Domystyne þai derely beseke
2353 To consaile þaim als in þe cause & ken þam þe best.
2354 And he rekinly rase & rekyns þire wordis:
2355 'I be-seke ȝow now, my citiȝens if þat ȝe safe vouche,
2356 Bot sobirly a sete quile my saȝes for to here.
2357 Sirs, if ȝe fele ȝow so fers his force to with-stand,
2358 Aires agaynes him with armes admitts noȝt his saȝes.
2359 And if ȝe fynde ȝe be to faynt fulfillis his will,
2360 Vn-to his mekill maieste mekely ȝow bowe.
2361 For Sexes in sum time surmountid all kyngis,
2362 ȝit liȝt he law at þe last for all his lethire prid.
2363 Bot Alexander with his armee in alkin rewmys
2364 Has happend ȝit ai hedire-to þe herre of his faes;
2365 Vnnombirable ere þe notis to neuen of his weres,
2366 And ȝit betid neuir þe time þat euire tuke he schame.
2367 Ware noȝt þe tulkis out of Tire þe tidiest on erth,
2368 Þe kiddest kniȝtis to a-count vnder þe cape of heuen,
2369 Quat bathe for corage & kene & connyng in armes?
2370 Loke quare it profet þam a peese all þaire proud strenth.
2371 Was noȝt þe Thebes þar-to þe threyest of othire,
2372 Þe worthiest wees of þe werd & of witt clerest,
2373 Fra þat þaire cites ware sett þe sotelest of weres?
2374 Quat seruyd all þai sapient or sleȝt of batall?
2375 Of Poliponenses þe pupill with þis prince foȝten,
2376 And þat þam lethirly con like by þe lattir ende,
2377 For þar þe kyng of þaire kythe was killid doun & heded,
2378 His renkis raymed all þe route & all þe rewme ȝolden.
2379 Wate ȝe noȝt wele þurȝe all þe werd how wirdis with him cheues?
2380 Hase he noȝt cites butt saute sesyd out of nounbre?
2381 And for Strasagirs þe strang he of his strenth priued,
2382 ȝe meue al þus malicoly his maieste a-gayne.
2383 Þare do ȝe noȝt ȝour deuire þat dare I wele proue,
2384 It was þe gilt all of þe gome & noȝt of þe gud lord.
2385 Ne had he trispast him to I take it on my trouthe,
2386 Had neuire his cite ne his soile be sesid fra him nouthire.
2387 For þe auaunt ser Alexander is all þe werd famyd
2388 For ane of þe curtast kyng þat euir croune werid,
2389 And wete ȝe wele at slik a we at is wyse halden,
2390 He wald neuire suprise no sege vndir heuen.'
2391 With þat all of Atenenys þis aunceant maistir,
2392 And clene all þe clergy comensure & othire,
2393 Þis diuinour Domestyne bedene þai comendid,
2394 A-cordis þaim to his consaile & kendly it prased.
2395 Þan amed þai to ser Alexander onane for to send
2396 A croune all of clere gold clustrid with gemmes,
2397 Of fyfty ponde with þe payse as þe prose tellis,
2398 Þis tresoure tire þai him to & tribute him hetes.
2399 Now ere þe sandismen sett on þaire horsis,
2400 A Ientill man þat Iowell enioyned was to kepe,
2401 Þat was full sekirly & soft all in silke falden;
2402 Bot clerkis to þe conquirour caired with þaim many.
2403 Þan movis furth þe messagere of mylis bot fewe,
2404 Þat þai nere liȝt as belyue at þe kyngis tentis,
2405 Knelid doun befor þe kyng & him þe croune rechid,
2406 And ȝerely tribute him to geue ȝapely him hetis.
2407 Þan takis þe gudman þe gifte & gretly þam thankis,
2408 And vndirstandis in a stound how it stude clene,
2409 Of þe eging of Eschilus þat ertid his feris,
2410 Þat þai with-sitt suld his saȝes & serue noȝt his pistill.
2411 Þe dities of Domestiane so did he bathe,
2412 Þat comaundid & his comandmentis to kepe in all wyse,
2413 ȝit neuire-þe-lattir to þa ledis a lettir he fourmed,
2414 In presidine with his awen prince reportand þa wordis:
2415 'I, kyng Philip son þe fers & his faire ladis,
2416 Honoured Olimpades þat I obesche maste,
2417 I kepe neuire king to be callid ne cache me þat name,
2418 Till all þe barbarine blude a-bowe to þe grekis.
2419 I etill neuir Athenes with armes for to entre,
2420 Bot ȝow to question enquere & qwete with my wittis.
2421 I purpose ay out of repreue ȝoure persons to leue,
2422 And ȝe þe contrari clene ȝoure concience it opence.
2423 Bot quilk as first of ȝow foundis a fote vs agayne,
2424 Sall neuir deuoide my dedeyne ne my derfe ire.
2425 And ȝe at wickid ere within ay wickidly ȝe thinke;
2426 For as þe grayne is in þe grape growis þe frutis.
2427 Þe Tebies tulkid vs with tene a-tired þam in armes,
2428 ȝit rad for all þaire rebelte resayued þai þaire medis.
2429 And for Strasagera þe stoute ȝe stithli me blamed,
2430 Þare as he gilt me agayns & I him gradid haue,
2431 I wrate to ȝow me to wayue be ten wyse clerkis;
2432 ȝe kest out comaundmentis ȝe knew noȝt my strenth.
2433 I miȝt a-coupe of þat cause if I it kythe wald;
2434 Bot I for-geue ȝow all þe gilt & greues me na mare.
2435 For-þi bees glad now, all þe gingis ȝe sall na gref haue,
2436 Þe diuinour domestyne for ȝe his domes held.'
2437 Fra þai consayued had þe clause & construed þe lettir,
2438 Þai ware þe meriest modirsons on morne miȝt ryse.
2439 Now fonndis furth þe fell kyng & flittis with his ostes,
2440 Lendis him to Lacedoyne a litill fra þe cite,
2441 With-out þe burȝe on a banke he bildis his tentis,
2442 And þare him-selfe with a somme in a sege le[n]gis.
2443 Þe ledis out of Lacedone belyue þam asemble,
2444 Said, 'bow we neuir to his bode for bale apon erth,
2445 Ne lat vs neuir be sa lethire at we like worthe
2446 To þam of Ateynes it is oure opyn schame;
2447 For þai ware baist of his bost bredid for noȝt;
2448 Bot be we kniȝtly & kene oure corage to schew.'
2449 With þat þai ȝarkid to þe ȝatis & ȝode to þe wallis,
2450 Sum in Iopons, sum in Iesserantis sum Ioyned all in platis.
2451 A grayne of þe grete see þaim aboute glidis;
2452 For-þi buskis þam þe burgh a bataill with-out,
2453 Preses furth at posternes in-to þe porte wyndis,
2454 Schalkis scott into shipis all in shire mailes;
2455 Archars with arows with attrid barbis,
2456 Gais þam in-to galays & grathis þam be-forne.
2457 Bowes bernes in-to bargis with basinettis on heued,
2458 Sparrethis spetous to spend & speris in handis,
2459 Þai crosse ouir toward þe kynge as kyndmen suld,
2460 With as feyle on þe flode as foȝten with-in.
2461 Þe lord him lokis on þe ledis & a litill smyles,
2462 And sent twa vndir his seele þir saȝes in a pistill.
2463 'I, Philip son þe fell kyng as I first sayd,
2464 And als of Olimpades I anely ȝow rede,
2465 Þat þe end of ȝoure eldirs enterely ȝe be-hald,
2466 And roomes noȝt at þe ray[n]bowe þat reche ȝe ne may,
2467 And þe powere of þe Persens so truly ȝe traist.
2468 Lat se now, getis ȝow a name & naytis ȝour stre[n]the;
2469 Bot bowis first fra ȝour bargis & blythly þaim wayfe,
2470 For, fest I all on a fire þe foly is ȝoure awen.'
2471 Ledis out of Lacedone quen þai þe lettir redd,
2472 Were drery, bot for all þe dole þa diȝt þaim to fiȝt.
2473 With þat þe kyng & his kniȝtis vm-clappis þe cite,
2474 Settis all þe gailis on gledis & girdis doun þe wallis;
2475 Þe citizens & seriantis at vneslayne ware
2476 Bowis þam to þis baratour bodis & lyuys.
2477 'ȝe knaw wele,' quod þe conquirour 'my comyng was esye;
2478 Bot for ȝe fangid me noȝt faire fired is ȝour schippis,
2479 ȝour burȝe is bretind & ȝour bernes I bed ȝow my-selfe,
2480 ȝe suld noȝt stody ne stem þe sternes for to handill.
2481 For he þat steppis on a stee quen þe staues failis,
2482 Þan fautis him festing to his fete & fall him be-houes;
2483 So, riȝt as Sexis was slayn sum time with ȝour eldirs,
2484 So ettild ȝe ser Alexander bot þare ȝoure ame failes.'
2485 Quen he þis saȝe had þam said þe cite he þam grauntid,
2486 Fondis furth with his folke þar fraunches þam leues.
2487 Þis souerayn with his seggis þurȝe Sycile he wyndis,
2488 Þoȝt to ride & to rayme þe regions of barbres.
2489 Þan was ser Darius dred & sembled derf ostis,
2490 His kniȝtis, his consaill & carpis þire wordis,
2491 Said: 'lo! my seris, now may se ȝour-selfe with ȝour eȝen,
2492 How Alexander in his armes all-way encreses,
2493 In valour & in victori & vertues so noble;
2494 Þare as I thret him as a thefe thedis to dispoyle,
2495 Now werrays he full worthily as wiȝt man suld,
2496 Constreynes with his contenance kniȝtis to him bow.
2497 Þe mare I spek him dispite & in my speche hindire,
2498 Þe hiȝere I here him enhansed & hersude his name.
2499 A ball & a hernepan I to þe barne sent,
2500 For burde & for bobance þe bab with to play.
2501 Him þat I countid bot a knaue may now be cald maistir;
2502 For quare he fondis on fold dame fortune him foloȝe[s].
2503 For-þi vs haue bos in hert þe hele of oure pupill,
2504 And for na pompe ne na pride his person dispice,
2505 For his lose, for all his litillaike is loued þurȝe be werd.
2506 And þe mare I myn oure maieste þe mare it abatis,
2507 Þe grace of þe grete god I ges, will him help,
2508 Of prise þe hiȝe prouynce vn-to þis prince leues.
2509 Quen we hope althire-hiȝest to hery him with armes,
2510 Þan am I redd all oure rewme be reft vs for euire.'
2511 Sone as ser Dary till his dukis deuysid had þir wordis,
2512 Þan answars him ane Oriathire ane of his awen brethire,
2513 'Þou has þis gome out of grece so gretly e[n]hansid,
2514 Þat we Elanda suld leue & he þis landis entre.
2515 Bot wald ȝour maieste þe maners of þis man sewe,
2516 ȝe miȝt ȝoure rewme haue in ryst & othire rewmes wyn.
2517 For Alexander all-ways or any of his erles,
2518 Naytis him-selfe in ilke nede & so his name rysis.'
2519 'Quat sall I take of him my temes tittire þan he myne?'
2520 'Sire, on my perell,' quod a prince 'he passes all othire;
2521 Þe wee wirkis all be witt he worthis þe bettir;
2522 For-þi of þe lion, as I leue laȝt is his birthe.'
2523 'Quat knawis þou þat?' quod þe kyng & þen þe kniȝt swaris:
2524 'Sire, I was sent on a sand my-sell on a time,
2525 To Philip his fadere to feche oure trouage;
2526 Þare had I siȝt of þe segg his sapient I herde.
2527 For-þi plese it to ȝour person ȝoure princes a-sembles,
2528 Of Mede of Mesopotane þe men of Itaile,
2529 Þe pupill of Appolomados þe panthis folke,
2530 And ma þat houes to ȝour hest a hundreth & fifti.
2531 Lat vs gedire þus oure gomes oure gods will vs help;
2532 And quen he sesse vs sike a sowme sare will he drede.
2533 ȝa, bot a wolfe, quod a wee will were many flokkis,
2534 And so þe grace of þe grekis ouire-gos þe barbers.'
2535 Be þis ser Ph[ilip] son þe fers of feȝtand folk
2536 Had semblid ane vnsene sowme as þe buke sais,
2537 Twa C. Mille in thede all of threuen kniȝtis.
2538 Ridis furth in aray removis his tentis;
2538* And thoght to loge þar & rest & ease hym þat nyght.
2539 Vn-to a watere he wendis as þe buke tellis,
2540 Þat with þa marchesmen Mocian was hatten;
2541 It was clerire þan cristall & cole as a chill;
2542 Þare-in couet oure kyng his cors for to bathe.
2543 With þat þan wan of his wede & weschid him all ouire,
2544 Quare-þurȝe he hent slike a harme at hatirly him greued.
2545 Þis chele eftir chaufing enchafis so his hernes,
2546 Þat he was fallen in a feuire or he first wend.
2547 Þan mourned all þe Messedons as meruaill ware ellis.
2548 Þai saȝe him so to be seke said ilkane to othire:
2549 'Be þis disese to ser Darie & his dukis knawen,
2550 He sall vs sett on a-saute & surely en[c]oumbre.'
2551 If þai were sary & so na selly me thingke,
2552 For ay þe hele of þe hede helpis all þe menbris.
2553 Þan callis to him þe conquirour a clerke of his awen,
2554 Ane Philip, his fesisiane his fare to behald;
2555 Of al manere of medcyne man þat maste couthe,
2556 A ȝonge berdles barne as þe buke tellis,
2557 Said: 'lat liȝtly my lord for in a litill stonde
2558 My-self with a serop sall saue ȝow be-lyue.'
2559 Þan permeon þe proude a prince of his ost,
2560 Þat held þe erth of Ermonye & enmyte hadd
2561 Vn-to þis clerke of þe kyngis & be no cause els
2562 Bot for þe lede was loued & with þe lord chereschest;
2563 Þan ames he to ser Alexander on ane slike a pistill:
2564 'Kepis ȝow,' quod he, 'conquirour & caches noȝt his drenke;
2565 For Darius eftir his deth his doȝter has him hiȝt,
2566 And ȝow to sla be som sleȝt to sese him his landis.'
2567 ȝit was þe berne noȝt a bene baist of his wordis,
2568 He asurid him so sadly þe serep he takis,
2569 Þe licor in his awen looue þe lettir in þe tothire,
2570 And into Phili[pi]s face fast he behaldis.
2571 He bad him dred neuire a dele & it drink swyth,
2572 And þan þe pistill of þe prince he put him in hand.
2573 Þe leche lokid ouire þe lynes 'my lordinge,' he said,
2574 'I am noȝt gilty of þis gile be all þe grete gods!'
2575 As fast was he fysch-hale & Philip he callis,
2576 Halsis him full hertly & of his hele thankis,
2577 Said, 'wele knew þou my kynd lufe þi concience,
2578 First suposid I of þi serop syne sesid þe þe lettir.'
2579 'Mi louely lord, be ȝour leue lattes him a-pere,
2580 Þe tulk at sike a trayne has touchid to my-selfe.'
2581 Þan eftir ser Permes his prince prestly he sendis,
2582 And þare þe trechoure was tane & for his trayne hedid.
2583 Þan mouys he furth with his men & Medy he wynnys
2584 Enterly to his empire & Ermonye þe mare.
2585 Till a dissert þan he drafe was dry & na watere,
2586 Þurȝe Adriac till Eufraten & ames þare his tentis,
2587 And mas a brig ouire þe bourne of Barges with cheynes;
2588 Comandis his kniȝtis ouire to caire & þar þai vncachid hertis.
2589 Þai saȝe þe streme so stife it stonaid þam all,
2590 For ferd þe festing suld faile & þai in þe flode droune.
2591 Þan mas he laddis ouire to lend & lokars of bestis,
2592 And monestis þam ilk modire-son him maynly to tell.
2593 ȝit was his baratours a-baist & þen þe berne writhis,
2594 Fandis him first on be-fore & all foloȝes eftir.
2595 Þan passid þare out of Paradese twa proude Flummes,
2596 Þurȝe Medy & Messopotane þai move, as I fynd,
2597 And so to Babilon þai bowe ane is þe bourne of Tygre,
2598 Þe tothire is Eufrates full euen & rynnes so to Sylus.
2599 Þan cutis þe kyng in to þe cablis & to his kniȝtis sais:
2600 'Lo! þof vs fall now to flee we may na ferryre wend;
2601 Þare I rede,' quod be kyng 'oure bakis neuir to turne,
2602 And if we did, with-outen dome to die all at anes;
2603 For he þat folowid has ai þe floure & he at fled neuire.
2604 Bees liȝt & laches ȝow a lose it is a lord gamen.
2605 For I make a-vow at Messedone we sall na mare see,
2606 Till all þe barbres vs bow þan may we blith turne.'
2607 Now has ser Darie þe derfe of dukis & princes
2608 Heued vp a hoge ost & fyue hundreth kniȝtis
2609 Ere chosen to chiftans & chargid þaim to lede;
2610 Trottis him on to Tigre & þare his tentis settis;
2611 Þan mett þai on þe oþire morne with a mekill nombre,
2612 Sire Alexander þe hathill armed on blonkis.
2613 Þe multitude ware to me meruaile to reken,
2614 Þat sammed was on aiþir side many sadd thousand.
2615 Now ere þe baners out-bred & þe bate neȝis,
2616 Blew bemys of bras buskis to-gedire,
2617 Þe crie of þe clarions þe cloudis it persyd;
2618 For þe dewt of þe dyn daunced stedis.
2619 Bathe þe twa batails bremely assemblis,
2620 And aithire segg with his sowme soȝt vn-to othire.
2621 Kniȝtis on cursours kest þan in fewtire,
2622 Taches in-to targetis tamed þaire brenys.
2623 Þare was stomling of stedis sticking of erles,
2624 Sharpe schudering of schote schering of mailes,
2625 So stalworthly within a stond sterid þaim þe grekis,
2626 Þat of þe barb[r]yne blod all þe fild flowis.
2627 Sone as ser Darie þe deth of his douth sees,
2628 Þe pite of þe Persens him prickis in his saule,
2629 Sees his meneȝe so mynesch & his men fangid,
2630 A few þat fresch ware vndefoulid & to þe fliȝt tournes.
2631 ȝit was ane of his os, ane odd man of strenth,
2632 A burly berne & a bald as þe buke tellis,
2633 A segg at he ensurid had to sese him his doȝtir,
2634 If he miȝt sla with any sleȝt þe seniour of grece.
2635 He cled him all in clene stele a conyschaunce ouire,
2636 Þat made was & merkid on messedone armes,
2637 Aires him to ser Alexander in all-þir-mast puple,
2638 As he a hathill ware of his behind him he stelis,
2639 A briȝt brynnand brand he braidis out of shethe,
2640 And þurȝe-out þe helme into þe hede he hurt him a littill.
2641 And þe kniȝtis of oure cost as þai þe cas saȝe,
2642 Þan fange þai þis ilk freke & be-fore þe kyng bryngis.
2643 'Quat now? my worthi werreours?' þe wale kyng said,
2644 He wend wele at he ware a wee of his awen,
2645 'Qui has þou brest so my brayn & with a brand wondid
2646 ȝour sekire seruant in same all were I sire callid,
2647 All ware I halden as for hede ȝour helpere at nede?'
2648 'Nay, hope ȝe neuire,' quod þe hathil 'ser hiȝe emperoure,
2649 Me any Messedone to be þou ames of þine awen,
2650 Bot of cruell kind comen of barbres.
2651 And þis I did for ser Darius his doȝtir me hiȝt,
2652 And cordid on þis condicion to couple hire to wyfe,
2653 And he went out of þe werd to wild all his regne,
2654 To hew þi hede fra þi hals & anys it him shewe.'
2655 Þan callis oure kyng him his kniȝtis þaire consaile to frayn,
2656 'Quat sall be done him for þis dede?' & þai bedene sware,
2657 Sum, at he hangid suld be hiȝe sum þe hede priued,
2658 Sum bedis in a bale-fire brin him to poudire.
2659 'Quat has he fauted?' quod þe frek 'þof he him forced haue
2660 Þe charges of his chiftan chefely to fill?
2661 He þat him demes to þe dede he dampnes him-selfe,
2662 And diȝtis him his awen dome & þat dare I proue.
2663 For demed I any of my douth ser darye to spill,
2664 As ȝe þis gentill man enioyne suld him be iugid þen.'
2665 He latis þe Persyn in pesse pas with his hele,
2666 Mekill for his mayn strenth & for his miȝt praysed.
2667 As sone as Darye þe derfe of þis dede heris,
2668 Þat he was sauyd vnslayne he semblis his knyȝtis,
2669 Vp to a miȝti montayne his men þaire he schewis,
2670 And gessis him wele þare to degrayd þe grekis maistir.
2671 Þan fandis he furth in-to þe fild & fled als beliue,
2672 And Alexander with his ost him asperly folowed
2673 Riȝt to þe bu[r]ȝe of Batran & bildid þare his tentis,
2674 Mas him glad with his ginge & to his godis offirs.
2675 Þe cite þan he assailid & sesid on þe morne,
2676 With all þe burȝes þare a-boute & busked þare his sete.
2677 Þare fand he tresour vntald & als þe trew spouse
2678 Of ser Dary, bath his dame & all his dere childire.
2679 Now dose him fra Darius a dereworth prince,
2680 Aires to ser Alexander adoures him lawe,
2681 'I haue erdid with ȝoure enmy ser emperoure,' he said,
2682 'As soiet serued haue I þat sire many sere wyntir;
2683 And all my trauaill I tint for tuke I no gudes.
2684 Bot wald it now ȝour worthines to wend with my-selfe,
2685 A ten Mille vs take of tulkis enarmed,
2686 I sall ȝow hete in ȝoure hand to haue at ȝoure will
2687 Sire Dary, with þe mast dole of his derfe erles.'
2688 'Nay, leue, lat ane,' quod þe lord 'þen leue I no straungers,
2689 Þat þou be willi in þi witt to werray þine awen,
2690 Ne tell þou me noȝt þat tale I trow noȝt þi wordis.'
2691 Be þis ser Dary fro his dukis deuysid his pistill:
2692 Þe kyng of kyngs was callid & clere god bathe,
2693 Þus, vndirstand I, was þe stile & stiȝt in þare-eftir:
2694 'ȝour satrapaires, ȝour seruant with seruand obeschen;
2695 Sire, we haue wayued to ȝow writtis ȝit write we þe same,
2696 How þis maistir of Messedone has on oure marchis entrid,
2697 brynd vp oure biggingis bretted oure kniȝtis,
2698 And we ouire-sett be to sare to suffire any langire.
2699 For-þi ȝour dignite bydene we drerily be-seke,
2700 A-gayns þe force of oure faa vs forthire a quile.'
2701 Quen he had red all þe rawis for rancour he swellis,
2702 And out on-ane to Alexander all þus he writis.
2703 'I Dary, with þe dignite þe diademe of Persee,
2704 Of all þe kyngis þe kyng þat corouned was euire,
2705 To þe, my seruand, I say as me was sent late,
2706 How þi lawnes & þi litillaike þou lickyns to my hiȝt.
2707 Bot parde, þi prouidence inpossible it semes,
2708 A heuy As to be houyn vp to þe sternes,
2709 A thing threuyn is & thike & þarnes þe wyngis,
2710 And fautis þe fethirhames & þe fliȝt-loomes.
2711 For-þi þi mynd neuir þe mare lat mounte in-to pride
2712 For chance of na cheualry þat þou a-cheued hase.
2713 For vertu ne no victori ne vant noght þi-selfe;
2714 He þat enhansis him to heȝe þe heldire he declynes.
2715 I haue herd of þi hendlaike of heraudis & of othire,
2716 Of þi noblay now o newe time a-nentes my modire.
2717 Bathe to my wyfe & to my barnes quat bounte þou shewis,
2718 Quat curtassy & kyndlaike I ken alto-gedire.
2719 Bot surely all þe seson þat þou þam so pleses,
2720 Þou fangis me neuire to þi frynd fyne quen þe likis.
2721 And if þou wirke þaim all þe wa & wrak at þou may,
2722 Þe mare vnfryndschip þarfore fall sall þe neuire;
2723 For-þi to put þam to pyne I pray þe noȝt wande,
2724 For myn angire on þine arrogance sall at þe last kindill.'
2724* Þarfor do þou þi best god forbyd þou spare.'
2725 Quen he had lokid ouir þe lines he laȝes at his wordis,
2726 And ditis agayn to ser Dary þis dete þat foloȝes:
2727 'I, Alexander, þe eldest & all myne ane
2728 Of kyng Philip & his fere þat frely lady,
2729 Honourd Olimpades þat anely me fosterd,
2730 To þe kyng of Persy þis prolouge I write:
2731 Sire, vanite & vayne-glori & vices of pride,
2732 Þa ere þe gaudis as I gesse þat all gods hatis,
2733 And ilka dedly douth þai driffe þam to punesch,
2734 Þat has driȝten of vndedlynes draȝen þaim to name.
2735 Þis similitude to þi-selfe I say all-to-gedire,
2736 Þat a-suris so in þi surquitry & sesis neuire-mare
2737 To bost ne to blasfeme blyn will þou nouthire.
2738 Bot for þi gold & þi gudis a god þou þe makis,
2739 Þou vp-braydis me for þe beute þat I þi blod schewid,
2740 As to þi modire I mene & to þi mery childir,
2741 Þare mas þou þe to malicole & meenes for litill.
2742 I wroȝt it noþire for þi will ne for þi wale threte.
2743 If I kid þam curtassy it come fra my-selfe,
2744 Haly of oure awen hert & of oure hynd thewis;
2745 Ne we prid vs for na prouwis predestayned we ere,
2746 Oure gods gayn vs þare-to þat gretly þou spises.
2747 Latt now þis lettre be þe last & loke to þi-selfe,
2748 For sekire & on my surement I seke ȝow agayns.'
2749 Þis brefe he bedis þam to bere þat broȝt him þe toþire,
2750 And takis þam of his tresoure & twynnes with þaim faire.
2751 Quen þai to Persy ware past a pistill he enfourmes,
2752 Wrate a writt of his will so sendis to his princes,
2753 His seruandis & his seneschalls out of sere rewmes,
2754 And þus comandis he þam clene þe kyng his stile.
2755 'I, Alexander, þat as aire avaunced is in grece,
2756 Þe son of Ph[ilip] þe fers as I first tald,
2757 And als of Olimpades myne honourable modire,
2758 Þus send I to my satraparis my princes & my dukes,
2759 My pers out of siphagoyne salutis & grace,
2760 Of þe sele of Surry my seggis & myn erles,
2761 My kniȝtis out of Capodos & all my kid lordis,
2762 Þe ledis out of Landace & all þe landis out-by.
2763 I comand ȝow on þe clere faithe þat ȝe my croune aȝe,
2764 Þat belyue to Alysaundire þat is myn awen cite,
2765 Þat ilkane of ȝow send be ȝour-selfe of sere slayn bestis,
2766 Of fresch & of fyne wroȝt fellis a thousand,
2767 Sum grayne to be neþire gloues graythid to my kniȝtis,
2768 Sum pured pelloure depurid to put in oure wedis,
2769 Lat kest þam apon camels þat in þat kith lengis,
2770 And aires with þaim to Eufraten þis erand haues in mynd.'
2771 Þan was a man, as me mynes in þe morne-qwile,
2772 Was of ser Daris a duke þe derfe Emperoure,
2773 Ane þat Nostanda was named & a noble prince,
2774 Þat certified his souerane þir saȝes in a pistill:
2775 'Sire Dari, duke of ilk a douth & driȝten þi-selfe,
2776 Þe grete glorius god graythid in þi trone,
2777 Nostanday, to ȝour nobilnes þat ay my nek bowis,
2778 With seruage to ȝour senurie my-selfe I comand.
2779 It semed noȝt ȝoure seruand sire, vndistreyned
2780 Vn-to ȝour mekill maieste þis matir to write,
2781 Bot I am depely distressid þis dede for to wirke,
2782 And made þis myscheffe to myn malegrefe my chekis.
2783 For wete it wele ȝour worthines þat of oure wale princes
2784 Twa of þe tethiest ere tint & termynd of lyue,
2785 Þat lost was now þe last day a litill fra Tygre,
2786 In batail apon bent fild in-bland with þe grekis.
2787 Þare was I gird to þe grond & greuously woundid,
2788 Vnnethe it cheuyd me þat chance to chape to þe fliȝt;
2789 And oþire many of oure men miȝtfull kniȝtis,
2790 And erlis of all ȝour empire enterely deuydid,
2791 ȝoure lore & ȝour legaunce lethirly forsaken,
2792 Aires þaim to ser Alexander & on-ane ȝeldis.
2793 And he þaim faire vndirfange enfeffid þaim belyue,
2794 In palais, in prouince in principall regnes.'
2795 Þen to Nostanda on next þus notis he a lettir,
2796 Þat he suld semple him a sowme & set þaim agaynes.
2797 Anothire pistill lete he pas to Porrus of Ynde,
2798 To come & helpe with his here & he him þus swaris:
2799 'I, Porrus, þat possessid am þe partyse of yynde,
2800 And am þe coron be kynd of clene all þat Iles,
2801 Sire Dary, with þi dyademe drest on þi trone,
2802 To þe þat salutis I send þe sele of myn armes.
2803 Þou prayes vn-to my person my powere to sempble,
2804 And ȝow enforce with my folke ȝour faes to withstand;
2805 And I am boun at ȝour bode & buxsom was euire,
2806 To heȝe & to help ȝour hest quen I my hele lastis.
2807 Bot now a langour me lettis þat I laȝt haue,
2808 Slike a seknes for-sothe is on my-selfe halden,
2809 Þat I ne may streyne me ne stere for stondis so hard,
2810 Bot lyse in langwysches & lokis quen my lyfe endis.
2811 And as warysche I my warke þat I am wonden,
2812 As me is wa for þi woȝe & þi wrange bathe,
2813 I may noȝt ryde ȝow to reschow my reuthe is þe mare.
2814 Bot I sall leue & be lechid for-þi be liȝt-hertid;
2815 And I be couird of my coth care for na grekis,
2816 Amay þe for na Messedoynes ne men vndire heuen;
2817 For I sall hele all in hast & hale to ȝoure kythis
2818 With ten legions at þe last & all of lele knyȝtis.'
2819 Be þis Rodogars þe riche þat renewid lady,
2820 Þe dere dame of Dari of þis dede heris,
2821 Þat hire awen child with Alexander amed eft to feȝt,
2822 And sorowis selcuthly sare & sendis him a pistill;
2823 'To kyng dary þe derfe þe derrest of my childire,
2824 Rodogoras þe riche quene' þis rauth scho him writis:
2825 'Bald baratour on bent borne of my bosom,
2826 Here send I þe, my swete salutis & ioy.
2827 Þou has heuyd vp þi huge ost as I haue herd tell,
2828 Samed all þi saudiours & semblid þi pupill,
2829 And etils to ser Alexander eft to assail.
2830 Wete þou wele it is noȝt worthe ware þe be tyme;
2831 For had þou gedird all þe gomes I gesse, of þe werd,
2832 ȝit to with-stand him a stonde þi strenthe ware to littill.
2833 For godis prouidence apert ay prestly him helpis,
2834 Sauys & sustenes him-selfe & socurs him euire.
2835 For-þi hoo with þi hautes & þine vnhemed wittis,
2836 A-vaile of þi vanite & of þi vayne pride,
2837 Obey þe to þe baratour þe best I con rede;
2838 Magnifie him with þi mouthe & meke þi hert,
2839 For any hathill vndire heuen þat at he ne hade may,
2840 Mare sekire it ware him to forsake þen sewe any forthire;
2841 In pese & in pacience possede at he miȝt,
2842 [Þan] Be excludit out of his erd & euire-mare duell.'
2842* Sir Dary for þoo dytez was deply diseassyd;
2843 Quen he þis rawis had rede he rewfully wepid,
2844 His eldirs & his ancestris als he remembris;
2845 Þoȝt how pride þaim depriued: & here a passe ende.
2846 Þen aires him on ser Alexander furth with his princes,
2847 To þe cite-ward of Susys him-selfe he aproches.
2848 Þare-in ser Darius duellid with his derfe ostis,
2849 So neȝe he come to þa cliffis he kend ouire þe cite.
2850 With þat comaunds he he[s] kniȝtis to cutt doune belyue
2851 Bowis of buskis & of braunches of bolis & of lindes,
2852 And bynde to þaire hors feete of bobis of herbis,
2853 Bath to Meeris & to mulis & all maner of bestis.
2854 Þe popill out of Persy þat slike a pake saȝe,
2855 Beheld on he to þe hillis & heterly was stroubid;
2856 Þai ware so woundird of þat werke & wetirly it semed
2857 As all þe grond & þe greues had glid þaim agayns.
2858 So neȝe þe cite he soȝt & sett vp his tentis,
2859 Þat thre days to þat thede him tharne & na mare.
2860 Said: 'let ane dryue to Dary & bede him dryffe sone,
2861 Or put him to my powere & plede we na langire.'
2862 Þe same niȝt in his slepe him soda[n]ly a-perid
2863 Amon, his awen god in aung[e]ls wyse,
2864 In a mery mantill of mervailous hewis,
2865 Meuand as a Messedone in Marcure fourme;
2866 Said: ‘vn-to Susys my son na sandisman þou send,
2867 Bot fange my fygour to þe fast & fand furth þi-selfe,
2868 Clethe þe with my conyschaunce & for na care drede,
2869 I hete þe haly my help na harme sall þou suffire.'
2870 Þan slade he sliȝly a-way & he fra slepe ryse,
2871 A breme blasand blis in his brist rysys.
2872 He knew his kniȝtis þat cas & þai him clene redd,
2873 Þat he suld graythe him to ga as him his god chargis.
2874 Þan callis to him þis conquirour ane of his kid prince[s],
2875 Emynelaus, þat his erlis & his ost ledes,
2876 Hend & hardy of his hand a huge man of strenthe,
2877 And þare-to lede lelist to his lord leuand of lyue.
2878 He bad him boun him belyue & on a blonk worth,
2879 Anoþire foole with him fange & founde with himselfe.
2880 Strad vp him-selfe on a stede in starand wedis,
2881 And on a cursoure þe kniȝt with a collt foloȝes.
2882 To þe grete flode of Granton to-gedire þai ride,
2883 Þai fand it forsen þaim be-fore a fote-thike yse.
2884 Þat is þe streme of Strama with many steds clepid,
2885 And ȝit þe pure propure name in percynne tonge.
2886 Þan Alexander belyue his wedes he changis,
2887 Þis renke with his Ronsees he ridis ouire & leuys.
2888 'A! lat me lend with ȝow, lord' þe lede him besekis,
2889 'For drede þat angire or a-ventour or any slike fall.'
2890 Nay, houe þou here,' quod þe kyng 'vn-to my hame-come.
2891 He þat I saw in my slepe sall be my sekire helpe.'
2892 With þat he braides on þe blonke & broches him in þe syd,
2893 Bowis him to-ward þe burȝe as briȝt as ane aungell.
2894 Þis reuere at I first rede be rewle of his kynde,
2895 As wele in seson of Somere as in þe sad wintre,
2896 And þat is neuir bot on niȝtis so naytely it fresys,
2897 Till any powere to pas or preke on with stedis.
2898 ȝit has þe floum, as I fynd a forelange obrede,
2899 And euire-ilke mornynge it meltis for miȝt of þe son;
2900 With slike a reryd þan it rynnes þe romance it witnes,
2901 Þat qua so tuke it in þat tyme tint ware for euire.
2902 Be þis enproched him oure prince vn-to þe proude cite,
2903 Band his blonke at a barrere with-out þe burȝe ȝatis.
2904 Þe Persyns of his passag was passyngly wondird,
2905 And gesses him to be gode for glori of his wedis.
2906 'Quat dones man ert þou?' quod Dary & drafe him agayne.
2907 'Sire Alexander,' quod þis athill 'has all þus me sent,
2908 Bedis buske þe to batell; quat bade makis þou here?
2909 Outhire ȝare þe ȝapely þar-to or till his ȝokke bowe.'
2910 'Qweþire þu be he?' quod þe hathill 'so hately þou spekis,
2911 Þou melis noȝt as a ministir a messangere bowis;
2912 Þou carpis euyn as a kyng þat closid ware in pride.
2913 Bot I am dred neuire a dele of all þi bald saȝes.
2914 Bot for þi souerayne sake þat sent þe þus hedire,
2915 ȝit sall þou sit with my-selfe & soupe or þou wynde.'
2916 He raȝt him þan be þe arme & reuerence him makis,
2917 And to his palais a-pert with princes him ledis,
2918 Þare aires him in ser Alexander & all þus he thinkis,
2919 'Þis ilke bar-bryn berne grete beute me schewys,
2920 Þat here þus hyndly be þe hand ledis to his Innes;
2921 Þis hame with help of my god I haue sall he[r]-eftir.'
2922 So silis he furth with þe sire in-to a somere hall,
2923 Þare sesonde was a soper þe sotelest vndire heuen.
2924 Sire Darius drawis to þe dese & oþir dere princes,
2925 Settis þis sire with him-selfe lete serue þaim to-gedire.
2926 Þat bild was all of brynt gold as þe buke tellis,
2927 With þe bath, þe bordis & þe benkes beten of þat ilke.
2928 Þe wessell to vyse on was verraly þe same,
2929 And all þe sale of a sute set full of stanes.
2930 Þe popill of Persy opon þis prince waitis,
2931 Þe litillaike of his like lathely þat þai spyse;
2932 Bot þe wisedome & þe worthenes & of þe wale thewis
2933 Þat in þat cors was enclosed kend þai full litill.
2934 Butlers full besyly broȝt vp þe wyne,
2935 In grete gobletis of gold graythid full of ȝymmes;
2936 And Alexander belyue as he had ay dronken,
2937 With þat he clekis vp þe coupe & putis in his bosom.
2938 Anoþire boll was him broȝt & bathe he deuoydid,
2939 And ȝit he threw to þe thrid & thrast in þare-eftir.
2940 Sone as þe clientis þat knew at of þe coupe serued,
2941 Þai knele doun before þe kyng & him þe cas tald.
2942 Þan has ser Dary dedeyne & derfely he lokes,
2943 Rysys him vp renysch & reȝt in his sete,
2944 'Quat faris þou with,' quod he, 'frynde? a fon þe besemes;
2945 Quy voydis þou my vessell? it is a vile schame.'
2946 'Sire, it is þe custum,' quod þe kniȝt 'in oure kyngis fest,
2947 Þat, be it ane, be it oþire þat þai of drinke,
2948 Þe gestis sall haue þe goblettis & þaim gud þinke,
2949 To wild & wende with a-way & wirke quat þaim likes;
2950 Bot sen þis vse is here vn-honourable here I þam leue;'
2951 Braidis þaim furth withouten bade þe butlers þaim yeldis.
2952 'Now sothely,' quod þan ilk a segge softly to-gedire,
2953 'Þis maner at he melis of is menskefull & noble.'
2954 Þan was þare ane proude pere a prince at þe table,
2955 Anepo, þat on Alexander all-way be-haldis,
2956 Þan mynes him anes in Messedone he had þe man sene,
2957 Quen he was sent to his syre to feche þaire trouage.
2958 His vertuse & his vysage his voise he remenbris,
2959 His fourme & his fetoure his fygoure a-vysis,
2960 He studis & he stuynes he stemes with-in,
2961 'Is þis noȝt Philip son þe firs þe fedare of grece?'
2962 With þat he sleȝly vp soȝt & his sete leuys,
2963 Droȝe him euyn to ser Dary þare he on dese bydis,
2964 Said, 'Surely, ser, þis sandisman þat sittis ȝow be-forne
2965 Is Alexander him awen self or all myn ame faillis.'
2966 Sone þis gouernour of grece is of þis gaude ware,
2967 He torkans with & vndire-tuke he touched of him-selfe,
2968 Herd a nyngkiling of his name & naytis him to ryse,
2969 Buskis him vp at a braide & fra þe burde rysys.
2970 He tas a torche fra a tulke þat by þe table standis,
2971 Felly fangis it in his fist & to his fole wyndis,
2972 Fyndis him faire him before þare he him feste hade,
2973 Raȝt him radly þe reyne & on his rige worthis.
2974 With þat he brochis his blonke þat þe blode fames,
2975 Sparis out spacly as sparke out of gledes.
2976 Be þe liȝt at he led laches he þe way,
2977 And fandis fast to þe fliȝt with a fers will.
2978 Þe pepill of þe palais quen þai his passe saȝe,
2979 Rusches vp in a res rynnes in-to chambres,
2980 Sum araies þaim in ringis & sum in row brenys,
2980* Some in stalwart stuffe & some in stele plates
2981 With hard hattis on þaire hedis hied to þaire horsis,
2982 Prekis eftir þe prince prestly enarmed.
2983 Bot now was niȝt on þam neȝed þat noyd þaim sare.
2984 Sone ware þai willid fra þe way þe wod was so thike,
2985 Sum on buȝes & on brerys blemysched þe face,
2986 Sum ware dreuyn doun in dikis sum in depe myrys;
2987 Bot Alexander at myn ame þaire aȝe is a-schapid,
2988 Ay trottis him to þe trod-gate as him þe torche wyssis.
2989 Sire Dary as a drery man duellis at hame,
2990 With princes in his palais all pense he sittis,
2991 Þe baldnes of þis baratour he besyly remembris,
2992 Þat skapid so sone skatheles fra all his schathill dukis.
2993 Þan was an ymage within as I am enfourmede,
2994 Of Sexeres þat sum-quyle þat cite had to welde,
2995 Forgid all of fyne gold & fettild his seete
2996 Vndire þe souerayne sege þare sett ere þe lawis.
2997 And sodanly þat semylacre as tellis þe textis,
2998 It all to-paschis in-to peces & to poudire dryuys.
2999 Þan was þe wale kyng waa & wepand he said:
3000 'Þis be-takens trombling of my tild & tene of my regne.'
3001 And Alexander all þat quile asperly rydis
3002 To þe grete flode of Granton & it on a glace fyndis.
3003 Or he was soȝt to þe side ȝit sondird þe qweryns,
3004 His hors it hunyschist for euire & he with hard schapid.
3005 Þan aires he with Emynelows euen to his princes,
3006 And derfly on þe toþir day a douth he assembles,
3007 Twa hundreth thousand on a throm all of threuen kniȝtis,
3008 Cairis him vp to a cliffe & comfurthis his hostis;
3009 'Sall neuir þe Persyns pake be pere to þe grekis,
3010 And if þai ma ware be many mayes noȝt ȝour hertis;
3011 Full many flees may fell bot a fewe waspis.'
3012 And all þe company clene comendid his wittis.
3013 Be þis ser Dary was diȝt whit his dere erles,
3014 Heuyd vp a huge ost & hast him to ryde,
3015 His ginge & all his garysons in glyssynand wedis,
3016 Gaes him on to granton & graithes þare his tentis.
3017 His stoure was so stalworthe & store & strange to a-byde,
3018 He had of men out of mynde many mayn hundreth,
3019 Þat sike a siȝt & a sowme of seggis enarmed
3020 Was neuir sene, I suppose sen þe sege of troy.
3021 Þe chiftayne had chariotis chosen for þe nanes,
3022 Ten thousand be tale tried for þe were.
3023 And þai ware sett aþire side full of sythe-bladis,
3024 Kene keruand as knyfes & cursers þam drowe.
3025 Þe next day be þe none new note ryses,
3026 Aithire freke with his folke in þe fild metis,
3027 And bald bernes on bent banars vnfaldis,
3028 Put pennons on pollis payntid of siluir.
3029 Alexander as belyue is armed vp clene,
3030 Bounes him to his blonke þe best vndire heuen,
3031 Þat was þe blonk Bucifal as þe buke tellis,
3032 A foole worth fyfty of þe firste þat in þe flode drouned.
3033 He spynnes him out a grete space fra he[s] peris all,
3034 Couers him full clenly & closed in his gere.
3035 Þe powere out of Persy quen þay þe prince saȝe,
3036 Frayed was of his fourme so ferdfull him semed.
3037 Now ere þe batails boune with braggins in trumpis,
3038 Þe breme bemen blaste beres to þe welken.
3039 Alexander allþire first on þaim all he settis,
3040 And aithire ward at a wapp wiȝtly inIoynes.
3041 Archars & all men asperly fiȝtis,
3042 Þare was Iusting o Ioy Iopons a-tamed;
3043 Siles doun on aithire side selcuth kniȝtis,
3044 Sum darid, sum dede sum depe wondid.
3045 So fell fliȝt was of flanys as I fynd wreten,
3046 Of arrows & of all quat þat all þe aire blindid;
3047 Hogere on to be-hald þan of haile-stanes,
3048 And all þe fild full of folke fyue mile large.
3049 Als sone as þe son vp soȝt þe slaȝtere begynnes,
3050 And so to þe son-sett slakid þai neuire.
3051 Be þat þe barbryne blode be-gan to discende,
3052 Þe proudest of þe Persyns past out of lyue.
3053 Sone as ser Dary it deuysid & seȝis his foke faile,
3054 With þat he bedis þam þe bake & bidis na langir;
3055 Þen quen þai fange to þe fliȝt was furth in with euyn,
3056 And mirke out of mesure na man þaim a-pered.
3057 For-þi þe chariotis in þe chace choppid þaim to deth,
3058 Þe cartis þat I carpid of with þe kene sythis,
3059 Þare fell as fele þam before of fotemen & othire,
3060 As risonis in a ranke fild quen riders it spillen.
3061 Sire Dary dryue in þe derke & his douth folows,
3062 Gaes him on to grantun vn-to þe grete burne,
3063 Fand it frosen him before as fell for þe time,
3064 Past him on with his pers a pake out of nombre.
3065 His folke fellis all þe flode a forelange o brede,
3066 Þe streme fra þe a strande streȝt to þat othire.
3067 Sone fra him-self was at þe side it sonders behind,
3068 And all at lent ware on loft loste þar þe swete.
3069 Þus many deed þat day as þe buke tellis,
3070 Of pollis out of Persye withouten þe grekis,
3071 Thre hundreth Mille thra men þat tharned þaire lyues,
3072 With þe fooles & þe folke þat þe flode drouned.
3073 Þis senioure out of Susys to his cite wendis,
3074 Fallis doun on his face flat in þe sale.
3075 'Wa is me,' quod he, 'wriche, wa is me vnhappy!'
3076 Siȝis selcuthely sare & sadly he wepys,
3077 'I þat was straȝt to þe sternes am streken now to grond,
3078 Now craton, now caitefe now am I kast vndire,
3079 Þat had of þe Orient all ouire homage vmqwile.
3080 Wist any we quat him suld worth þis werd wald he leue,
3081 Full sympill in a seteqwile seke to þe cloudes,
3082 And þai at mast ere of miȝt smyten all to poudire.'
3083 With þat reufully he rase & renkis out he sendis,
3084 To Alexander belyue & all slike a pistill.
3085 'I drery kynge on my dese Darius of Persy,
3086 To Alexander þat Aire þat all has to wild,
3087 Þe lege lord of my lyfe to lose or to saue,
3088 Þus send I to my souerayne salutis & ioy.
3089 So wyde is þe wisdom þat wonne[s] in ȝour saule,
3090 Þat wele ȝe wate, of all men at I worthid here before,
3091 Of all be notis þat ere now & quat on next sewes.
3092 For-þi ȝour werke ay be witt ȝe wirke vnreproued.
3093 Sire, I knawlage me a creatour & come of a woman,
3094 Heues noȝt ȝour hert vp to hiȝe take hede to ȝour end;
3095 It limps noȝt all-way þe last to licken with þe first,
3096 Quat suld a kniȝt mare to kepe bot conquire his enmy?
3097 Was noȝt Sexes him-selfe þe soueraynest in erth,
3098 And cheued him of cheualry chekis out of nombre?
3099 ȝit for his will out of worde was won in-to pride,
3100 In þe lede here of Elanda lithirly he feyned.
3101 Þinke þat allanely of god þis ouirlaike þou haues,
3102 For-þi haue mercy on þi men þi methe we beseke,
3103 Als of ȝoure grete gudnes to grant vs oure modire,
3104 Oure bride, oure barnes out of bande for besandis enoȝe,
3105 For all þe feete at oure fadirs in þe fold hade,
3106 In Battri & in þis bild þe burȝe of Elanda,
3107 Þe maistri & þe maieste of Mede & of Persy,
3108 With all þe Iolyte & Ioy þat Iubiter vs lenes.'
3109 Þe seggis at fra Susses was sent with þe pistill
3110 Aires to ser Alexander onone it him reches;
3111 And he dos on before his ost openly to rede,
3112 And all his kniȝtis for þe carpe ware kenely reioysed.
3113 Þen was ane Permeon, a pere a prince of his oste,
3114 Enclynes him doun to þe kyng said: 'kid emperoure,
3115 Resayue þis risches, I rede þat ȝow þis renke bedis,
3116 And lyuers him his ladis & all his lele childire.'
3117 Þan Alexander belyue þa hathels he callis,
3118 Þe berne at broȝt him þe brefe said, 'bowis to ȝour lord,
3119 And say, me wondirs, I-wisse if he it wete wald,
3120 For any mede a-pon mold his meneyhe to lyuire?
3121 If he be fallen vndire fote & his folke streyned,
3122 And vencust of oure violence quat vailis him his hestis?
3123 His person & his prouynce he put it in my will,
3124 And ȝeld him vndire my ȝoke þan ȝerne I na mare.
3125 And if [he] grant him noȝt de-grayd bot for þe gre threpis,
3126 Bid buske him eft to þe bent vs bataill to ȝeld.'
3127 Þus monest he þe messangers þaire maistir to say,
3128 Geuys þam giftis full gude & lete þam ga swyth.
3129 And þan comands he his kniȝtis þe corses vp to gedire,
3130 Of all þe douth at was dede & diȝt þam in graues.
3131 And at wondid was, I-wis as þe writt tellis,
3132 To serche þaire saluys & þar saris with surgens noble.
3133 At þe grete flode of Granton now graythis he his tentis,
3134 Honoured þare his ald gods & offirs þam nouches;
3135 Þare fand he palais vp piȝt & many proud hames,
3136 Sum-quile of Sexes ware sett þe sire of þo landis.
3137 Þa bildis he bedis þam to brin sone of his bone rewis,
3138 And bad na beren be sa bald a brand for to kyndill.
3139 Þare was a brade bent fild was beried full of kniȝtis,
3140 Of ald peres out of Persy prince & dukes.
3141 Þe Messedones in þe mold mynes to be graues,
3142 Fand coupis all of clene gold & costious stanes,
3143 Þe sepulture of a sire þat of Surre was kyng.
3144 Him was þe name Ninus was in a noke fonden,
3145 Was of ane athill amatist & all within grauen,
3146 Plantid full of palmetres & many proud fowles,
3147 And slike a clerete it kest þu[r]ȝe kynd of it-selfe,
3148 Þai miȝt haue kend without þe kist þe corps all-to-gedire.
3149 Þare was a tenefull toure & tulkis in-closid;
3150 Sum ware þe handis of hewen & sum wondid hoȝes,
3151 Sum þe eȝen, sum þe eres & egirly cries
3152 On Alexander eftir help & he þam all liuers.
3153 He wepis on þam for wa said, 'wa is me, my childire!'
3154 And ilkane of his talentis he takis ten thousand.
3155 Þus ware þai diȝt of ser Dary for he dedeyne hade,
3156 Þat þai ware comen doun of kyngis & be no cause ellis.
3157 Be now þe douth of ser Daris þe derfe messangere
3158 Fra Alexander agayn his answare him broȝt;
3159 And he þan girdis out to grete eft graythis him to fyȝt,
3160 To þe honoryd here out of ynde þus ordans a pistill.
3161 'Þat þe sceptoure & þe soile sesid am of Persy,
3162 To Porrus vndire my present plesance & ioy.
3163 First wrate I to ȝour worthines ȝit write I þe same,
3164 To help vs at þire hathill men þat haue wald my regne,
3165 And, be ȝe sure, þe same way is to ȝour-self ettild.
3166 For he þat werrais vs with þe wildare of grece,
3167 Is wrawid & wrathful of will & wode as a lyon,
3167* As wawes of þe wild see when wynd þaim distrobles;
3168 And if I sande men & sammen seggis out of nombre,
3169 And cokke with þe conquirour till I be cald drepid,
3170 ȝit me is bettir on þe bent in bataile be slayne,
3171 Þan se þe lose of my ledis & ay leue in sorowe.
3172 For-þi ȝoure lordschip as legeman I lawly be-seke,
3173 As I þat am in angwisch myne askyng to fill;
3174 Ten schilling of my trew gold a man þat is armed,
3175 And fyue to a fote-man faithely I hete.
3176 ȝit sall I ordane to ȝour ane quare-euire oure ost liggis,
3177 A ix score of new geere of nurtrid maydens.
3178 Bucifalon þe bald stede sall bathe be oure awen,
3179 And þe armes of Alexander & all þe pilage.'
3180 Now flees þar fra þe fell kynge a fone of his kniȝtes,
3181 To Alexander beliue & all þus him tald,
3182 How þat ser Dary with his dukis eft drissis him to fiȝt,
3183 Had prayd eftir powere to Porrus of ynde.
3184 Þan ordans him þis honorable with his ost flitis,
3185 Agayn þe Persyns king him ordans to ride,
3186 For þe name of an Emperoure ne wald he neuire fange,
3187 Or þen þat souerayne ware slayne or ȝild him his regne.
3188 Sone as þe kyng of þat kith of his come herys,
3189 Þan was he ferly a-friȝt & his folke bathe.
3190 Than kest þam twa of his kniȝtis him causeles to spill,
3191 Þai trowid þan of Alexander to adill þaim a mede;
3192 Þire traitours on þis trechoure trowthis has strakid,
3193 Lendis þaim on-loft to þe lorde laȝt out swerdis.
3194 'Quat sall I dreȝe,' quod ser Dary 'my derew-orth childire?
3195 First cald I ȝow my clyentis þat now I call lordis,
3196 Semes ȝow noȝt it suffice my sorowe with-out,
3197 Þat as a bitand brand me brettens with-in,
3198 And slaa ȝe me þus sudanly? þe se[n]ioure of grece,
3199 He will me wreke on ȝoure werke wers þan of thefes!'
3200 Þar meuyd þaim na mercy bot maynly him woundid,
3201 Þat doun he hildis all to-hewyn þaire handis be-twene.
3202 Þan dryfes furthe þa dones men & halfe dede him leuys,
3203 Famand out of fresch blod & here a fitt end.
3204 Quen Alexander of þis athill þis auntir hadd herd,
3205 How he was diȝt of his douth & to þe dede woundid,
3206 He streȝt him to struma & ouire þe streme ridis,
3207 Soȝt him in Sussys him-selfe with his ost.
3208 Þe pepill out of Persy quen þai oure prince see,
3209 Þan ȝode þai furthe & vn-ȝarkid þe ȝatis of þe cite,
3210 Resayues him full rially with reuerence & ioy,
3211 Said: 'welcum be þou, werraiour þat all þe erd loutis!'
3212 Sone as þir weried wiȝtis was ware of hes come,
3213 Þat sloȝe so þaire souerayne þat neuire sake hadd,
3214 Þai heȝe þaim to holes & hyrnes & hydis þaim belyue,
3215 Þoȝt, or þai wist of his will þai wald noȝt apere.
3216 Þan gase he vp be degrece þe grecen maistir,
3217 Passis in-to þe palais a paradyce semed,
3218 Was on þe make of þat mote noȝt mervalled a litill,
3219 Þat compast was of Cusys þat kynge was of Persy.
3220 Þe flore vndire þe fote fynely was paued,
3221 Couerd all of cristall & oþire clere stanes.
3222 ȝit ware þe wawes of þe wanes wroȝt, as I rede,
3223 Polischid all of pure gold & of plate werkis.
3224 And þat was streken full of sternys & of sere gemmys,
3225 With briȝt blasynand bees as bemes of þe son.
3226 Þe hathill hedis vp-on heȝe & hogely he wondirs,
3227 Þat euire suld emperoure in erth slike ane herde wild.
3228 Quen he had ferlyd his fill apon þat faire hame,
3229 Þurȝe-out þe sale þan he soȝt in-to þe selfe chambre,
3230 Þare quare þe lord in lay with laythely woundis,
3231 Girdid out as gutars in grete gill-stremes,
3232 ȝit was þare lyfe in his like litill if it semed,
3233 At ilk blast of his breth þe blode fra him glidis,
3234 Sire Alexander him avysis & authly him thinke;
3235 Þe pure pete of his payn persid his hert.
3236 Þan nymes he fra his awyn neke an emperoures mantill,
3237 And þat he couirs ouire þe kyng & clappis him in armes,
3238 With grym gretyng & gro & grysely terys;
3239 Bad: 'comfurth þe, ser conquirour & of þi care ryse,
3240 Don aȝayne þe dignite þe diademe of Pers,
3241 And all þe riȝtis of þi rewme resayue as before.
3242 My pure powarfull gods I prestly pauoure,
3243 Þine empire & þine erytage enterely þe to ȝeld;
3244 Suld neuir na gome be to glade þofe he grete ware,
3245 Of his neȝbour noy enentes him-selfe,
3246 Quen fortune foundis him fra & him þe fete schewis,
3247 And all þe welth him at-wendis & þe werd changis.
3248 Brynge furth þi banes, & with my brand I sall þi dede venge.'
3249 Þis saȝe sobband he said & þe segge wakyns,
3250 Hyndely hildis him vp & his hand kyssis,
3251 Þe brest & þe bare necke & breues þire wordis:
3252 'A! Alexander, athill son' & augrily granys,
3253 'Þe depe distruccion of ȝour dome has many day bene knawyn,
3254 Þat all þe welth of þe werld worthis at þe last
3255 To cayrayne & corupcion clene all-to-gedire.
3256 Þe warnes of þi wale gode þat wist all before,
3257 And fully feld all þe fare þat fall suld on erthe;
3258 On þis maner made he man þurȝe his miȝt first,
3259 Suld noȝt be foun in him fast ne ferme ne stable,
3260 Bot houande here a hand-qwile & hingand in payse,
3261 Now in leuell, now on-loft now on lawe vndire.
3262 All werdly þing, I-wis þurȝe will of oure lord,
3263 In-to þe contrare clene is at a clamp turned.
3264 For had he worȝt ay to wees welth & na nothire,
3265 So grete had bene vayn glorie glotony & pride,
3266 Suld nane haue gessid þat grace come of god, bot of þaim-selfe;
3267 So fra þe makare o mold suld many man haue erryd.
3267* And had he shapyn Ay to shalkez shendship & illys,
3268 So feyle had bene þe frelettis foloȝand oure kynd,
3269 We had bene drawen all bedene in-to disspaire clene,
3270 And of þe godnes of god noȝt a grew traisted.
3271 For-þi he wald of his will his werkis to be changand,
3272 Þat quen a hathill ware ouire hiȝe in happ & in welthe,
3273 Þat he knew noȝt his creatour bi-cause of his pride,
3274 In-to þe dike of debonerte droune bud him nede.
3275 Þis was his will at it worthid wene þou na nothire,
3276 Þe gome his god at for-gatt for any grace here,
3277 His welth to wite all a-way & wickidnes apere,
3278 To ken þe caytefe to knaw qua caused him on first.
3279 Þe same ensampill of my-selfe now is betid, þu sees;
3280 So grete I grew of my gods & gold in my cofirs,
3281 Þat kindly gods creatoure I kend noȝt my-selfe,
3282 Bot for his feloȝe & his fere faithly me leued,
3283 Þus prosperite & pride so purely me blyndid,
3284 I couthe noȝt se fra my sege to þe soile vndire,
3285 Þat at me failed þan to fynd fast at myn eȝen.
3286 Be þe myrrour now of meknes I may a myle knawe,
3287 If any hathill be so hard with vnhapp woundid,
3288 So at he hopis him no helpe of þe heȝe fadire,
3289 Þan liftis oure lord him on-loft his langour he breggis,
3290 In-hanses him in hand-quile & heues him to welthis
3291 So heȝe, þat he for vn-hele seȝes noȝt his driȝten.
3292 Lat þan him knaw his creatour in kindling of ioy,
3293 Þat he þat lawene has a lede may lyft, if him thinke,
3294 And he þat bringis him on-loft breten all to poudire.
3295 Þi saule, son, in-to surquitery lat seke neuire þe hiȝhare,
3296 For gre þe graunt ere of god & noȝt of þi grete strenthis.
3297 If all þe limp as þe list loke to þine ende,
3298 For die þe bose, quen all is done & ay þi day scortis.
3299 Me þink my lyfe as to þe lenȝth is like to þis werke,
3300 Þat þis coppis opon kell-wyse knytt in þe woȝes,
3301 With þe lest winde of þe werd þat þe werd touches,
3302 Þe note anentes ilk ane & all to noȝt worthis.
3303 Lo! so þe quele of qwistsunnes my qualite has changid!
3304 I, þat was ȝustirday so ȝape & ȝemed all þe werld,
3305 To day am dreuyn all to dust to dolour & paynes,
3306 Has noȝt o maistri so meche as miȝt of my-selfe.
3307 My dere son,' quod Daryus, 'it drawes nere þe tyme;
3308 My banes, on my benyson bery with þi hand,
3309 With þe proued princes out of Pers & with þe proude grekis,
3310 And þe maistirlings of Messedoyne ȝe me to mold bring.
3311 Lat þan oure kyng-domes a-corde & cock we na langir,
3312 Bot ay perpetuall pes oure partys betwene.
3313 Vn-to ȝoure mekill maieste my modire I comande,
3314 Rodogarus þe riall & rewis on my bride;
3315 My doȝtir Rosan þe riche resayues to ȝour spouse,
3316 It comys wele of hiȝe kyn kyngis to descend.
3317 Tak tent to þat at I tell be tendire of my kniȝtis.'
3318 And with þis speke at he spake þe sprete he ȝeldis.
3319 Þan was his body enbawmed &, as he bede, grauen.
3320 Þis bald baratoure him bare & as a barne gretis,
3321 So did þe pepill out of Persy bot for his pite mare
3322 Þan for þe dethe of Dary be dowble of þe twa.
3323 And Alexander belyue as he was enterid,
3324 He meues agayn to þe mote & on þe morne eftir,
3325 Vp to þe souerayne sege with Septour he wyndis,
3326 Þat Cusus þe conquirour of clere gold maked.
3327 Þe mody men of Messedone þe maistirs of Persy
3328 Þan put þam in-to presen, as þe prose tellis;
3329 Sire Darius awen dyademe þai did on his hede,
3330 A coron, ane þe costious þat euire kyng weryd,
3331 On þe propurest of proiecte þat euire prince bere.
3332 Þe massy werke was þe menest made of þe noble,
3333 Þe pride þar-of for to proue it pyned any cristen;
3334 It gaue so glorius a gleme of gold & of stanes,
3335 Þat as þe loge for þe liȝt lemed as of heuen.
3336 Þe sete þare him-selfe satte in soyte with þe croune,
3337 Þat was lift a-pon loft on oþire litill segis,
3338 Seuyn cubet of clere gold was countid þe hiȝt.
3339 And vij degrece was þar grayd for gate vp of kingis,
3340 And þai ware Ientilly Ioyned in a Ioyly wyse.
3341 Þe first an athil Amatast as I am infourmed,
3342 And of a Smeth [s]maragadane Smyten was þe toþir;
3343 Þe thrid of a Topas a-tyred & trelest & grauen;
3344 Þe ferd degre a Granate a gracious gemme;
3345 Þe fyfte was of ane Adomant all-to-gedire makid;
3346 Þe sext of gletirand gold gayle was forgid;
3347 Þe ouirmast, all of þe erth with-out oþire werkis,
3348 Apon þis wyse ware þai grayd & for grete cause.
3349 Þe first was of an Amatist þat all chaye demes
3350 Riche, said þe romance & ronkenes of wynes,
3351 Lattis na dronkynnes þam dere þat douth at it beris.
3352 Þe same wyse mon a wee waite to him-selfe,
3353 A kniȝt at couettis to clym to kyngs astate,
3354 Him bus haue warnes him with of wit & of mynde,
3355 Þat he wirke noȝt on þe wethire halfe for wathe apon erth.
3356 Þe s[e]cunde was of Smaragdone þat ay þe siȝt kepis;
3357 Quat berne as beris it him on it briȝtens his eȝen.
3358 So bus a kyng to consaile haue a clere hert,
3359 To se at syttis him to se & sagely to wirke.
3360 Þe thrid was a Topas, I trow at to þe trone lengis;
3361 Þat is so clere of his kind þe clause me recordis,
3362 Þat qua-sum-euire in þat ilk his ymage behaldis,
3363 Þe face is to þe fold-ward þe fete to þe firment.
3364 So comes it wele for a kyng to knaw till his end,
3365 How ay þe top to þe taa is turned at þe last.
3366 Quen fortune festis him he fendis beliue,
3367 And all his dignite bedene driues in-to poudire.
3368 Þe ferd was a granate, I gesse goules althire fynest;
3369 Is nane so redy, as I rede of all þe riche stanes;
3370 Slike color aȝe a kyng wele in conyschance to bere,
3371 Þat he schape to na schauadry þat schend suld his fame.
3372 Þe fift was all of adomant as þe buke tellis;
3373 Þat is he þat is so hard þat hurt may nane tole;
3374 Is nothire stele ne na stane so stife it may perce,
3375 And growis out of þe grete see in graynes & in cragis.
3376 If any Naue to it neȝe þat naylid is with iryn,
3377 Þen cleuys it ay to þe clife carryg & othyre;
3378 Bot blode of body, sais þe buke bees it neuire percid,
3379 Or þe natour of anothire thing þat nedis noȝt to reken.
3380 Þat same kynd suld a kyng of his craft vse,
3381 So stable & so stedfast to stand in his werkes,
3382 Þat for na prayere ne pres ne plesaunce on erthe,
3383 Out of þe rake of riȝtwysnes ren suld he neuire.
3384 Þe Sext was of gold graciously hewen,
3385 Of all metals o mold þe maistir & þe syre;
3386 Þe same cure is a kyng be kind of his leggis,
3387 To gy & gouerne his gomes þe grettest he is makid.
3388 Þe seuynt vp to þe sege was of þe selfe erth,
3389 Þat is na mare for to mene as me my mynd tellis,
3390 Bot ilka kyng suld him knaw cried of þe soile,
3391 And to þe same sustenance sodanly to worthe.
3392 Þus sett oure syre in his sete with septoure in hand,
3393 In pelour & in pall & proud men him by.
3394 Þan lete he lettres belyue with ledis out to send,
3395 Þurȝe all þe prouynce of pers promicid þis werkis.
3396 'Þe kyng with-outen compere of kyngis all othire,
3397 Of all þe lordis now þe lord þat lefis apon erth,
3398 Sire Alexander, athill son of Amon his driȝten,
3399 And als of Olimpades anyly consayued,
3400 To þe souerayns & þe Senescalls þe sires & þe maistris,
3401 And all þe pers out of persy princes & dukis,
3402 Þe Iustis & þe gentils & Iugemen of lawe,
3403 Bathe citiȝens & seriant salutis of grace.
3404 Syn it lokid has þe largenes of þe lord of heuen,
3405 Þat me þis diademe of Dary demed is & graunted,
3406 And to be here þus enhansid in his hiȝe trone,
3407 ȝe sall be glad of my degre & gretly reioyd,
3408 And ordans aiquare ouire all honourable princes,
3409 Gouernours & gardens of all þe grete burȝes,
3410 As was in Darius days to deme men þe riȝt,
3411 And clene all þe clientis to kepe þaire demayndes.
3412 Ilk a pepill his possession in pes moȝt he broweke,
3413 Armoure & actons y latt all þat be kepid,
3414 Caires þam to castells & in kinge houses,
3415 And none so bald, ere I bide to bere þam na mare.
3416 And fra þis marche to Messedone quils I am maistir here,
3417 Þe passage in aithire part sall playn be & open,
3418 Þe comers out of aithire coste to caire vndistrobbed,
3419 With message & marchandise & al manire nedis.'
3420 Now is his pistils all past & pese he comandis;
3421 'Quilke of my fryndis ere þe folke þat my faa sloȝe,
3422 Þat was þe drepars of Dary now doo þam a-pere,
3423 Þat þai may weld for þis werke wirschip to mede.
3424 My mekill miȝtfull gods I maynly ȝow swere,
3425 And on þe lay at I leue & be my lufed modire,
3426 Þe worthe wage þaim wayne þat þai haue wele serued.'
3427 Þan all þe pepill out of Persy pouret out to wepe;
3428 Bathe Besan & Anabras as þe buke tellis,
3429 Þat ware þe banes of his body baldly þam shawis;
3430 Said: 'we to-hewid him [with] oure handis hiȝe emperoure.'
3431 Þai wend wele þaim to wyn a waryson for euire.
3432 Þan bad he bernes þaim to bynd & bringe þaim be-lyue
3433 Vn-to þe gudmans graue & hewe of þaire hedis.
3434 'Allas, my lord,' quod þa ledis '& ȝe so late swore,
3435 To ȝour worthi gods, ȝour wale dame we suld no waa suffire!'
3436 'Siris, as ȝe worthi ware, I-wisse I wate wele I hiȝt,
3437 And bot ȝour harmes were vnhid I held noȝt myne athis.
3438 For sen I wan in-to þe werld my witt has bene aye,
3439 Quen treid was a trechory þe tulkis to be hedid.'
3440 Þan he did þaim to deth as driȝten him praysed,
3441 Þe prouynce piȝt is in pes & princes ere maked,
3442 An ald derling of Darius was duke made of pers,
3443 Request of þe rials ane of his riche vncles.
3444 Oure emperoure, quen þis was endid erly on þe morne,
3445 With all þa alyens him by & ancient lordis,
3446 He gase a-gayne to de-grece vp to þe gilt trone,
3447 Dobbed in his diademe & diȝt as be-fore;
3448 As Dary demed, or he deid his doȝtir he comandes,
3449 Mad Rosan þe riche radly to apere,
3450 Hire hede vn-helid was on hiȝe & hild all in trissis,
3451 Vm-by-clappid with a coronacle of costious stanes;
3452 As þe manere of þat marche was he wedd hire to wyfe,
3453 And in þe sege with him-selfe to sitt he hir makis,
3454 Comands hire as a conquyres of knyȝtis to be louted,
3455 And all þe pepill out of Persy was passandly ioyed.
3456 Þai gone agraythen vp þaire gods on gilten segis,
3457 Sayed: 'þou ert duke of ilk dome & driȝtin þi-selfe!'
3458 Þan was he fraid in his flesche bad, 'feyne of ȝoure wordis!
3459 I am a coruptible kyng & of clay fourmed!'
3460 Þan out onone to Aristotil & to his awen modire
3461 Of all his weris & his welth he wrate alto-gedire;
3462 And aȝt daies all bedene he dites in his pistill,
3463 For reuerence of Rosan to revell & halowe.
3464 Al be þe metire bot mene þus mekill haue I ioyned;
3465 Forthi, lordis, be ȝour leue list ȝow to suffire.
3466 Now will I tary for a time & tempire my wittis;
3467 And he þat stiȝe to þe sternes stiȝtill vs in heuen!
3468 Lordis, will ȝe me lithe & lestin a stonde,
3469 Now sall I kithe vs a carpe of a kyng riche,
3470 Of þe auntours of ser Alexander þat aire was of grece,
3471 How all þe werd at his will he wan or he deid.
3472 Þe lattir ende of his lyfe me list ȝow to tell.
3473 For all þe first is in fittis & folowand þe lettir,
3474 And he þat made ȝow þis mirth oft mynes his saule,
3475 Þat driȝtin deyne him to dele a dele of his blis.
3476 Sone as ser Dary was deid & done out of lyue,
3477 And Alexander as aire had all for to wild,
3478 Resayued to his riche quene Rosan his doȝtir,
3479 And was þe croune be-kend of clene all þus ends,
3480 He gedird him a grete ost & graythid him to ride,
3481 A powere of þe Persens & of þe prowde grekis,
3482 Þe Messedones & all men he [maynly] comandis
3483 On kyng Porrus to preke & prese him with armes.
3484 Now gase he furthe with his ging þe gaynest in-to ynde.
3485 Þare many daies be dissert he dryfes with his ost,
3486 Be hiȝe hillis & howis & be holuȝe dounes,
3487 Be wast & be wildirnes & watirles bournes.
3488 Sone was he wery of þe way so was his wale kniȝtis;
3489 Menyd þaim þe Messedones emang þaim-selfe,
3490 Þai said, it miȝt be sufficient þe sesyng of Persy,
3491 And him þat trouage on tyme has tane of oure eldirs.
3492 'Quat suld we fonde any ferre? Now faylis oure strent[h]is;
3493 Þis erd of ynde is ilk dele enhabet with bestis,
3494 And he bet willis all þe werd be weris him to loute,
3495 His flesche is fostard & fedd be fiȝt & by sternes.
3496 And were his person in pes bot for a pure tyme,
3497 Þan suld he faile as a freke at þe fode wantis.
3498 Bot lat vs leue him at longe & lende to oure hames,
3499 And pas quedire as him plese with þe proud barbres.'
3500 Sone as oure kyng of his kniȝtis þis carpe vndire-stondis,
3501 He mas to stand all þe stoure & standis vp in þe myddis,
3502 'Bald baratours on bent blythly me heris,
3503 All þe pepill out of Persy ere put in my will;
3504 All ware rebell in arest now is þe rewme ȝold,
3505 And I your kyng as ȝe knaw with croune & with septour.
3506 And now ȝe leue me þus liȝtly bot for a litill pyne,
3507 To caire a-gayne to ȝour kithid I can noȝt þare-on.
3508 Knaw ȝe noȝt how in ȝour care I cu[m]furth ȝow anys,
3509 Quene ȝe dout so þe dites of Darus in his pistill?
3510 Eft quen we ferd in-to fild & with oure faes mett,
3511 I was þe first ȝow before þat þe fild entrid,
3512 Soȝt in-to Sussys my-selfe for ȝoure hele,
3513 In þe habet of Amon oure allirs driȝten,
3514 Put my person in plegg & perils a hundreth,
3515 And in-to tourment on-tald me tuke for ȝour sake.
3516 'Bot wetis it wele with-out wene I wene in my saule,
3517 As I ȝit haue hediretoward heried all my faes,
3518 So sall I gete hus ay þe gree with my gud helpe,
3519 And for na tene at may betide turne sall I neuire,
3520 If ȝe will lend in-to ȝour landis loke at ȝour hertis!
3521 Bot me to do slike a dede driȝtin it schilde!
3522 I sall neuire graithe me to grece, gase quen ȝow likis,
3523 Or mare wirschip I haue won for wathe vndire heuen.'
3524 Quen he þis reson had redd þan rewid his princes,
3525 And of forge[f]nes of þaire gilt his grace þai be-seke.
3526 Kniȝtis callis him on kneys, said: 'kid emperoure,
3527 All oure life & oure lose is lent in ȝour handis,
3528 Oure-selfe & oure seruage is surely ȝoure awen,
3529 Ai at ȝoure beding to be oure bodi & oure gudis,
3530 Quare-euer ȝe wend in all þe werd in water or in erthe,
3531 Ay mekely at ȝour mandment ȝour maieste to folowe.
3532 If we suld die all-bedene at an day tyme,
3533 We sall neuir spise ȝow ne sporne in speche ne in dede,
3534 Ne neuire ȝour rialte renay bot rede to sewe,
3535 Quils any blast of oure breth in oure brest lengis.'
3536 Þan ȝede he furth in-to ynde & in þase Iles weres;
3537 Quen all þe iolite of giugne & Iulus was endid,
3538 And messangers a-pon þe marche him metis belyue,
3539 Fra kyng Porrus þe proude þis pistill him broȝt.
3540 'I, Porrus, þat as principall possessid am in ynde,
3541 To þis michare out of Messedone þis mandment I write.
3542 Þou, Alexander, þou Ape þou Amlaȝe out of grece,
3543 Þou litill thefe, þou losangere þou lurkare in cites,
3544 Sen þou ert destayned to die & dedely þi-selfe,
3545 Þat agayn driȝtin of vnde[d]lynes quat may þi dede vaile?
3546 Madding marrid has þi mode & þi mynd changid.
3547 Sen god has sent þe with to see & ȝit þi witt failes,
3548 I hope þou wenes at we be like to þire lethire Persyns,
3549 Þat þou þi lordschip to loute has now on late strayned,
3550 And for þou fellid has in fiȝt a fiȝt at was sympull,
3551 Now muses þou to þi miserie my maieste to bowe.
3552 If gomes be gouerners of gods þan mai þi gesse worth;
3553 And if þe land here on lawe be lickned to þe heuen,
3554 Þe ministracion of men to me were to febill.
3555 All driȝtens & dewessis ere dute of my name;
3556 Ane ser Denys, a duke gane many wintire,
3557 He bed vs bataill on bent & þe back turned.
3558 And or þat Sexes him-selfe sesid was in Persy,
3559 At þe marche of Messedone made vs trouage.
3560 Bot for þe partise ere vn-prophetable vs plese þaim na langir,
3561 Ai wald þe wise haue wale soile mare þan a wast lee.
3562 Caire agayn to þi kith caiteffe, I bidd,
3563 Here na lordschip þe limpis quat list þe disyre.'
3564 Sone as þis clause to oure kyng [was] comyn & deliuere,
3565 Be-fore his bachelers on brade he bedis it to rede.
3566 His tulkis of þis titill quen þai þe tenour herd,
3567 Þan ware þai sory of þa sawes & selly frayed.
3568 'Quat now, my worthe werrayouris?' þe wale kyng sayd,
3569 'For Porrus pistill, I pray ne for his proud wordis,
3570 No for na manas he mas mayes noȝt ȝoure hertis.
3571 Did noȝt ser Dary to vs write his pistill with pride,
3572 And all þe berbrens bernes in bestis þam affyed,
3573 As lebards, lesards, & lenxis lions & tigris?'
3574 With comfurth of his contenance his knyȝtis he gladis,
3575 And þan to Porrus apart þis pistill he writis.
3576 'I, þat þe kyng am of kyng[s] & crouned of lordis,
3577 Þe eldist child of Amon þat all has to wild,
3578 And honourd Olimpades with him ane geten,
3579 To þe oddest aire out of ynde þis answare I make.
3580 I-wis, oure wittis with þi wordis þou has wele scharpid,
3581 And made vs bald with þi bost þe bataill to ȝeld.
3582 Oure boundis ere barrayne & bare & þine full of welth;
3583 Þe kenir is oure corage ȝoure kyng-dome to wyn,
3584 To put away oure pouerte & pas to ȝoure hiȝtes.
3585 And ga noȝt, as ȝe gude ware agayn ȝow to fiȝt,
3586 Bot a berne full of bost a barbrene prince,
3587 Wenand me & all þe werd to waike to ȝow-selfe.'
3588 Quen Porrus with his preue men þis pistill had redd,
3589 Þan was he wondirly wrathe & wiȝtly asembles
3590 Þe kniȝtis & þe captayns of all þe coste by,
3591 His champions, his chiftans his cheualry to-gedire.
3592 He feris him a faire flote was fed for þe nanes,
3593 Of vnicornes, of olyfauntis & wondirfulle bestis,
3594 As ilkane vsyd with in ynde vmquile with to fiȝte,
3595 And aires agayne Alexander with armes him to mete.
3596 Þe powere of sir Porrus was passandly many;
3597 A stour stiffe vndire stele þe strangest of þe werde
3598 Of sithid chariotis him sued a selcuth nombre,
3599 At þe fewist, as I find a fouretene thousand;
3600 With-outen bachelers on blonkis & bowmen on fote,
3601 Foure hundreth Olyfants in-fere folowid him enarmi[d],
3602 With ilkane bunden on his bake a borden castell,
3603 And thretty tulkis in ilk toure tired in platis.
3604 Oure mey-he out of Messedone quen þai so many saȝe,
3605 Þan ware þai storbet of þat stoure so was þe stythe Persyns.
3606 All þe athils of sir Alexander was arȝed in þaire hertis
3607 To mache with sike a multitude of men & of bestis.
3608 Þan was þir chiftans chosen cheualous kniȝtis
3609 Þat buskid ware on bathe halfe þe bataill to rewle.
3610 With þat þai tuke vp þe trumpis be thretty at anes,
3611 A-grydis grymly to-gedir þe grekes & barbres.
3612 Sire Alexander was armed & askis his stede
3613 Þat was þe bald bocifalon & on his bake worthes;
3614 Mare þan a stanecast at a count be-fore his kniȝtis all
3615 He standis vp in his stereps in starand maylis.
3616 Þe men out of Medy he mas, & of Pers,
3617 To enverom alle þe vaward of all þe vile yndes,