WA balgh
‘swelling with round, smooth surface; rounded’ (Modern English balgh)
PGmc Ancestor
(1) *balg-; (2) *bal-
Proposed ON Etymon (OIcel representative)
bali 'a soft grassy bank, especially sloping down to the shore’
(ONP bali (sb.))
Other Scandinavian Reflexes
Icel bali, Norw bal
OE Cognate
(1) cp. belgan (v.) ‘to swell with anger, become angry’ and belg (Angl.) (n.) (bælg, bylg etc.) ‘bag, pouch, sack; (pair of) bellows’; (2) cp. bealluc 'testicle'
Phonological and morphological markers
Summary category
MED has a handful of occurrences in (N/EM) alliterative verse, plus the form balhew in the EAngl. (1440) PParv.(Hrl 221).
Occurrences in the Gersum Corpus
Gaw 967, 2032, 2172; WA 4923
TGD, followed by Barron, AW, PS and McGillivray, emend Gaw MS 967 bay to *balʒ (see TGDn, and also PS 966–7n); for defences of the MS reading, see Brett (1913: 162–3) and the notes in GDS and Vant.
MED balgh (adj. ), OED balgh (adj.) , HTOED , Dance balʒ; (1) Seebold belg-a-, Orel *ƀelʒanan; ƀalʒiz, Kroonen *belgan-; *balgi-, AEW belgan; bielġ, DOE belgan; gebelgan; belg, bylg, EPNE *balg, VEPN *balg; (2) de Vries bali, Mag. bali (1), Torp NnEO bale, Orel *ƀalluz, Kroonen *ballan-