'blaze, fire'
(Modern English )Always derived from ON, cp. OIcel bál ‘fire, funeral pyre, blaze’ < PGmc *ƀēlan (cp. OE bǣl ‘fire, flame’; ult. related to a PIE adj. *bhel ‘white’).
PGmc Ancestor
Proposed ON Etymon (OIcel representative)
bál ‘fire, funeral pyre, blaze’
(ONP bál (sb.))
Other Scandinavian Reflexes
Far bál, Icel bál, Norw bål, Dan bål, Sw bål
OE Cognate
bǣl ‘fire, flame’
Phonological and morphological markers
ON /ɑ:/ < PGmc */e:/ (1)
Summary category
A primarily N word in ME and MnE dial (MED, OED, EDD, Bj.), first cited by MED from a1325(c1300) Songs Langtoft (Cmb Gg.1.1).
Occurrences in the Gersum Corpus
WA 562, 2231, 2658
For a possible further instance, see bale (2)(n.).