adv. (infin. marker)
‘to’ (+ infin.) (Modern English at)
PGmc Ancestor
Proposed ON Etymon (OIcel representative)
at ‘to, (in order) to’
(ONP at (5) (nota infinitivi))
Other Scandinavian Reflexes
Icel að, Dan at, Sw åt
OE Cognate
æt 'at, near, by, in (etc.)'
Phonological and morphological markers
Summary category
Mainly N and NM in ME, and N in MnE dialect usage.
Occurrences in the Gersum Corpus
WA 636, 872, 1103
The A MS of WA has another apparent instance at 2178, but this is altered to to (on the basis of a scribal insertion) by TPD in their emendation of this line (their 2305).
MED at (adv. with infinitive), OED at (prep.) (sense VI (39)), Bj. 201, de Vries at (2), Mag. að (3), Orel *at, Kroonen *at, AEW æt (1), DOE æt (prep. and adv.)