WA angrely, angrily
'angrily' (Modern English angrily)
PGmc Ancestor
Proposed ON Etymon (OIcel representative)
angr (n.) ‘sorrow, resentment, distress; repentance; tribulation, injury’; cp. angrligr (adj.). 'anxious, concerned; sorrowful, unpleasant'
(ONP angr (1) (sb.))
Other Scandinavian Reflexes
Far angur, Icel angur, Norw anger, Dan anger, Sw ånger
OE Cognate
cp. ange 'anxious, painful, distressing', enge 'narrow, anguished, oppressive'
Phonological and morphological markers
Summary category
Widespread from the late fourteenth century.
Occurrences in the Gersum Corpus
WA 733, 832*, 2185
MED angrīlī (adv.), OED angrily (adv.); see further anger.